Who will be buying the special edition Ghost Reveries? (*5.1 digital sound)

x_OPETH_x said:
5.1 doesn't just ADD speakers, man.... it ENVELOPS you in sound...rhythym guitar coming from one speaker, behind you... the lead being played in the center channel, right in front and above you... something different in every speaker, and sometimes they do these cool little reverb effects that make those tiny speakers seem to fill the room.... you literally feel like you're there...

everyone needs to do themselves a favor and invest in a good DVD player and 5.1 setup (at bare minimum...you can go with a 6.1 or 7.1, if you're wanting to go all out).....i can't go back to listening to CDs in regular stereo...it sounds so stale..and cmon, it's the 2000s!!

Dude, you rock! I couldn't have said it any better. THIS man speaks the truth, listen VERY carefully.

I mean, sure cd is digital but this is 5.1 surround sound (dolby digital or DTS, whatever they choose I guess - maybe both, but I personally find DTS to be a little crisper in quality....) Anyone who thinks it is just adding extra speakers needs to be a little more educated on the BEAUTY of REAL digital surround sound.

Anyway, Porcupine Tree did it for both In Absentia AND Deadwing which are apparently amazing mixes. I never did check them out though.

Don't waste your money. The music vid and documentary will be on youtube.com free of charge within seconds of the album's release.

Yes, perhaps, but in total SHIT quality. Why not just watch it nicely on your dvd player with the surround system....oh well, I guess you have two types. Ones that want the finer things in life and others that will settle for "basics" so long as they take part of it one way or the other. Nothing wrong with being either.
Alcapoth said:
Yes, perhaps, but in total SHIT quality. Why not just watch it nicely on your dvd player with the surround system....oh well, I guess you have two types. Ones that want the finer things in life and others that will settle for "basics" so long as they take part of it one way or the other. Nothing wrong with being either.

More like ones that pay for things and ones that get them for free. I'll be buying the new version, however, because I want the doc in good quality and I want the ability to hear it 5.1 if the day ever comes where i have such a set up.
hibernal_dream said:
Umm... why not just wear headphones? There's your surround sound right there.

Oh geez, sure headphones are nice, but trust me, they're nowhere near the level of quality you get from 5.1. But hey, unless the headphones support digital, which I highly doubt that'd be possible....hmm, I wonder.

It's kinda like this. Ever watch a movie in the theatre with Dolby 5.1 or DTS? And then go back to a movie with regular surround sound? For me, it's to the point that I'll no longer enjoy a movie the same way if it DOES NOT feature full-on 5.1 surround. Like the poster earlier said, you are wrapped around the sound. It's like you are THERE.

The same can be done with music, if not even better, hehe.

BurningSky: Hey dude, you know, you can actually get a pretty good 5.1 set-up for a damn good deal now. Just go to Future Shop or something and look around. I myself just checked out a FS flyer and they have a 850 Watt total Panasonic stereo system for like $349 (CAN) which would be evn less in US dollars, hehe. Seriously man, it's time you get one. Everyone should have one by now - you'll see how worth it it will be in the end.
Alcapoth said:
It's kinda like this. Ever watch a movie in the theatre with Dolby 5.1 or DTS? And then go back to a movie with regular surround sound? For me, it's to the point that I'll no longer enjoy a movie the same way if it DOES NOT feature full-on 5.1 surround. Like the poster earlier said, you are wrapped around the sound. It's like you are THERE.
Seriously, movies without that true 5.1 surround sound are totally missing something now. Every theatre shuld invest in good, quality sound systems.

I might buy the GR SE. Depends on the cost, I guess.
alright, most of what's been said is true, but you're forgetting another key factor - not only is a 5.1 mix more immersive, but it separates every instrument into a separate channel....(typically though, vocals and atmospheric elements like keys and SFX will dominate the front and center channels). this makes every individual aspect of the music EXTREMELY clear sounding, and very easy to differentiate from the other stuff that's going on.
basically, in a well-engineered 5.1 mix, all the subtle nuances of every instrument are brought right up front, and in your face....

the thing is, CD is such a stale, obsolete, and extremely limited format...
a typical CD-DA contains 16-bit, 41000 hz PCM stereo sound... good, if you're in 1990...

a DVD-A, in comparision, has a sampling rate of 192 khz, at 24 bits (in multi channel)

in laymans terms, this means that a CD is cutting off alot of those natural acoustics and intonations that instruments and the human voice produce in real life...... High-resolution audio captures all those sounds (even though they might not be technically "audible", since the human ear is only sensitive up to 20 khz, they still produce slight phase distortions and subtle nuances...)

it's really hard to convincingly describe...you've gotta hear it for yourself... a good start would be either Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, and the aforementioned DTS/DVD-A mixes of PT's In Absentia and Deadwing (both those albums have won awards for their surround-sound mixes, and trust me...they are BREATHTAKING...the way the album was originally meant to be heard)
Are we forgettin the studio cover version of Soldier of Fortune?
look i wanna get the special edition so what i do is i either
1.give it to someone as a b'day present
2.sell it on ebay for 20 bucks
done and done
I didn't buy GR when it first came out simply because i knew the expanded ed would come out later. Ive simply bided my time and listened to my downloaded copy.

RR are sooooo predictable.
I have a feeling it's going to be a 5.1 mix but not really high res, like a 48kHz mix or something since it's just a bonus they're tossing on... if it was a high res version like a 24bit-96 or 192, they'd probably sell it seperate...
I'm getting it for the documentary and Soldier of Fortune. Don't care about the rest, but when I ever get a good sound system it'll be nice to have it in 5.1, I guess.
I will definitely buy this Re-Issue of Ghost Reveries. It doesn't matter that I own "it" already. DVD thing of recording process really interests me. Before that one I add Lamentations to my collection. Great stuff both!