Who Would You Like to Punch in the Face

It's that festive time of year where fear and loathing stalk across the land, amidst football games and family get-to-gethers. But even amongst the glee and merriment, there are always some who deserve a punch right in the puss.

Name the people you'd like me to punch for you. or who you'd like to go all Steven-Seagal on.

here's mine:

Anybody and everybody in the Bush administration. The fact that this President hasn't been impeached, tried as a war criminal, or both is mind-boggling. Though, I must give them their credit, I didn't think I'd ever be embarrassed to say I'm an American. Thanks W.

General Zod said:
Anybody and everybody in the Bush administration. The fact that this President hasn't been impeached, tried as a war criminal, or both is mind-boggling. Though, I must give them their credit, I didn't think I'd ever be embarrassed to say I'm an American. Thanks W.

usually the President gives us four hours off today, the last workday before Christmas...its a tradition. no word yet though. I've never seen federal employees show such overwhelming disapproval of a president.
What's on Dick Cheney's iPod


Here's a real news item from Dick Cheney's recent trip abroad:

“Working passengers began lining up their laptops to share the power from a couple of working outlets – particularly the reporters who urgently needed to prepare their articles to transmit during a quick refueling stop in England.

“But when Cheney said his iPod needed to be recharged, it took precedence above all else and dominated one precious outlet for several hours. The vice president’s press staff intervened so a reporter could use the outlet for 15 minutes to charge a dead laptop, but then the digital music device was plugged back in.”