Who Would You Like to Punch in the Face

"King of Pain," by the Police
"Total Eclipse of the Heart," by Bonnie Tyler
"Hey Joe," by the Seeds.
"I Can't Drive 55," by Sammy Hagar
"(I've Got) The Power," by Snap
"Sharp Dressed Man," by ZZ Top
"Cover You in Oil," by AC/DC
"King for a Day," by Green Day
"Liar, Liar," by The Castaways
"Don't Worry About the Government," by Talking Heads.
goddamit the Who are going to tour again.

GIVE IT UP without Entwhistle (one of the most amazing bassists ever) and Moon, gah

I mean, I think Live at Leeds may be the best live album ever made, and "Who's Next" is stellar, but ugh ugh ugh so they'll go on stage with Daltrey and Townsend with his headphones cause he's deaf, and fifty extra musicians to flesh out the sound and completely tarnish the memory again and again and again of a legendary band who used to rock mightily with just three musicians and a vocalist.

I have 459 Grateful Dead live recordings.
I have 263 Widespread Panic live recordings.
I have all of 50 Cent's albums, as well as Juvenile's and the Wu-Tang Clan.
I have the entire Cure discography, as well as Immortal's. :tickled:
I have the Frank Sinatra boxed set, to go along with my Led Zeppelin boxed set, Steely Dan boxed set, Behemoth boxed set, and KISS boxed set.
I have Bad Religion's entire catalog.
I have Bob Dylan's "Desire," which sits on the shelf next to the best of Duran Duran.

Getting the picture yet? :grin:
markgugs said:
I'm probably one of the only people here with a healthy appreciation (and even love, at times) for music OUTSIDE the metal world.

Healthy appreciation is a relative term - music is all about taste. It's simple with me, if I hear it and like it, I like it - if I hear it and don't like it, I don't.

Metal has connected with me in so many more ways than any other style. That said - I dig classical, classic rock, progressive rock and even raggae to some extent. The varying genres of metal though simply appeal to me on a more sustained basis than any other style of music (and I've given many other styles of music their fair share of listens - enough to know that my seemingly "tunnel vision" of music is not unhealthy, at least from my perspective).
markgugs said:
Getting the picture yet? :grin:
oh yeah, its one of the things I appreciate about you. Dark One is right, if its good its good.

I have some Sinatra, I like the boozy rat pack sinatra stuff, where he's calling women broads and shit. the guy was a master at phrasing. It's so much fun when you're drinking yourself.

I have the Johnny Cash Love-God-Murder three CDs; tho I have to say I only listen to the Murder disc.
markgugs said:
I'm probably one of the only people here with a healthy appreciation (and even love, at times) for music OUTSIDE the metal world.
:Smug: :loco:

i want to punch my ex-girlfriend. but i never would. but still, if i could, i might!

note: the last time i punched someone in the face was my stupid bastard cousin, 22 years ago.
lizard said:
oh yeah, its one of the things I appreciate about you. Dark One is right, if its good its good.

I have some Sinatra, I like the boozy rat pack sinatra stuff, where he's calling women broads and shit. the guy was a master at phrasing. It's so much fun when you're drinking yourself.

I have the Johnny Cash Love-God-Murder three CDs; tho I have to say I only listen to the Murder disc.

That's funny you say that, I was just eyeing up a nice Johnny Cash boxed set...maybe Santa can read my mind.

Except that I think he read the Ray Charles Collection instead. Still good. :)
Plzdatemekthx said:
:Smug: :loco:

i want to punch my ex-girlfriend. but i never would. but still, if i could, i might!

note: the last time i punched someone in the face was my stupid bastard cousin, 22 years ago.

I just meant extremely varied; I know you dig certain types of rock & other-than-metal stuff (i.e. King Crimson, Primus, RHCP, Pearl Jam, etc.).
-Michael Moore

-All the liberals on street corners that think honking a horn will bring a dead soldier back to life

-Metalheads who think they are tough and evil


-Impatient Drivers who are in a hurry to go nowhere

- THe morbidly rotund

-Santa (See Above)

-The protestors who didn't wish to see Tookie Fry

-Tookie williams dead rotting corpse

-The homeless on skid row

And last but not least

-Whoever made this thread (too lazy to look)

Edit- NM lizard made it ...I <3 thee
markgugs said:
I just meant extremely varied; I know you dig certain types of rock & other-than-metal stuff (i.e. King Crimson, Primus, RHCP, Pearl Jam, etc.).
don't forget Future Sound of London, Prodigy, Beastie Boys, Joni Mitchell, Miles Davis, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, Swans, the Orb, etc.

oops i just set off the gay alarm on myself. :loco: