Recommended French bands (for any agent who might read the board............. /\0ô/\) :
S.U.P :
I'm kinda preaching for my own people here. Been around since 1990 and have a dedicated following. Their music is qualified as "cold-metal" by their label... When you hear them for the first time, you either listen to the album three times before going "fuck, this is really great" or "fuck, I'm bored to death". "Underground" band and proud of it. And really nice people, too. Tell them Umbrifer sent you

Can be qualified as "Math metal". They are *really* powerful live, and are beginning to be distributed in the US. Really good, thinking band, with a good following.
Brutal death metal. Recently blew everyone away at the VSFestival in Paris two days ago, yours truly included.
Pitbulls in the nursery
Technical, heavy, horribly efficiencient live. You just figure it out. Getting quite a good following.
Carnival in coal
Whatever-you-throw-in-the-mix metal. Can play disco a minute then switch to brutal death. Completely bonkers, and proud of it.
Not really well known yet, but making their way... Check the video of "The daily round" on their site, you'll understand what I mean. (Fuck, they were awesome live /\O0\m/)