Who's Better, Herman Li or Alexi?

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FearTheReaper said:
who cares how fast you solo as long as you make great songs!

Word! Besides, Dragonforce is a studio band. They (as in everyone in the band except for Herman Li) are not capable of reproducing their music very well live [see my post above]. A metal band is only as good as their live act, and that's why Bodom rocks harder.
MasqueReaper said:
Word! Besides, Dragonforce is a studio band. They (as in everyone in the band except for Herman Li) are not capable of reproducing their music very well live [see my post above]. A metal band is only as good as their live act, and that's why Bodom rocks harder.

That's so wrong.

Dave Mackintosh and ZP Theart are amazing live.

Herman and Sam fucking blow. They're styupid enough to get hammered before they play, maybe because they think it'll up their cool or something, but it sure as hell makes them sloppy.
<-Warheart-> said:
So was Jason Becker.
fixed. But FUCK YEAH! Even though Becker can't play anymore, his composing skills surpasses Laiho's by miles.
I mean you can't listen to Altitudes and say that anyone is better than Becker.
Yeah, he's an amazing composer. I've grown a bit tired of the solo guitar stuff as a whole but I still love his work.
Lady_Laiho said:
He's better than Steve Vai and i have listened to his playing.
check your private messages

hard choose... vai, malmsteen, petrucci, COOLEY FTW!! :)
Alexi does not only play fast. He has the best solos ever.

Dragonforce suck that much? Good thing i didn't go to see them at Ozzfest. It would have been a disappointment.
no. he almost just plays fast. and cooley has even better harmonics
daniel arsiuta said:
Yo, sup alexi if your reading this im sry but i think Herman Li from Dragon Force is better

First of all, Alexi can't read. And second of all, Herman Li can't write his way out of a paper bag. Thank God for the fast forward button, otherwise I would have never heard any Dragonforce solos. Maybe if the singer wasn't such a butt pirate...
herman li and alexi are kinda the same. Herman Li is the good guy and Alexi is the badass LOL. But also, both seem choppy when playing guitar live. I dunno... I guess Li has a lot more shred power, but I still root for Alexi.
Herman can play fast, and has good technique, but I think overall, Alexi is better. He can play fast, and his solos own. Herman's solos start to sound the same after awhile :$. My vote is for Alexi. :D
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