Who's Better, Herman Li or Alexi?

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dragonforce are funny but the songwriting is totally different and better in Bodom.
I mean a guitaplayer is not ony how many notes he plays in a sec.
Alexi select every single note of his solos, Herman not
COBHC Webmaster said:
Herman's solos are fretboard wanking. Just some showing off to impress 13 year olds who just started to play guitar. Dragonforce are just posers if you watch their videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqYjqyHnVNs

You'll never see something like that in a COB video.
that would be hilarious if in their next video they close up on on alexis and jannes hands after the webmaster said that
I actually enjoy that stuff Dragonforce do in their videos more than Bodom videos. I'd rather watch someone plays fast and mess about like that than see the AYDY and Needled videos. IYF and TL&S are good though. At least it's inspiring to people.
I like dragonaforce music videos too. I love it when they show off their guitaring. Maybe dragonforce would be better live if they didn't drink.
Lady_Laiho said:
I like dragonaforce music videos too. I love it when they show off their guitaring. Maybe dragonforce would be better live if they didn't drink.

Yeah definately, or just concentrate a bit more and stop doing those guitar lifts so much.

In Your Face said:
Alexi Laiho because he is a sweed.

Herman Li is Chinese you fuck.


Alexi is Finnish, Herman was born in Hong Kong.
Alexi, in a guitarits's own opinion, is the better musician here. For starters, he writes MUCH better music (for most of the songs are written by him) and can play a diverse amount of licks, riffs, solos and some tricks. Unfortunately he is no steve vai (becuase he is god) but at least he can remain true to his songs on stage instead of screwing up all the time like herman. So all around, Alexi is truely the master guitarist here. So fucking what if herman can play at a gagillion beats a minute? That truely does NOT mean SHIT. If you sound good, no matter WHAT your speed is, then you are a truely good guitarist. Take slash from guns 'n roses or the guitarist from poison for example. Some of thier solos are slow, but they always sound good. That is the true trademark of a talented guitarist. Thank you
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