Who's Better Than Michael Romeo???

Luis said:
Due to the big deal about this Fareri guy, i decided to visit his web-site and before listening to his stuff, i saw his biography and it says he began to play inmediately on a electric guitar :erk:.....so whatever he does im not interested.

A guitar player who begins to play on a electic without taking into account the ACOUSTIC must go to HELL ¡¡¡ :devil:

Heh you should at least listened to the mp3's, it would have been a good laugh :lol:
revenge drama said:
Bashing Fareri, huh?

None of you assclowns realize how music should be listened. Well, that is quite obvious. You post on a Symphony X message board.

I am here to educate you.

You shouldn't hate me because I know A LOT more about music and life in general. I know it could intimidate some of you, but as I said: Please don't hate me because of it.
He's probably Fareri in disguise :err:
I was about to say that because that responce was sure "firey" and hot tempered. And what are italians? yes, thats right - firey and hot tempered.

But i srongly doubt it.
shredmaster said:
I totally agree with you about George Bellas,he is very gifted both technically and melodically after what i`ve heard of Ring of Fire.
Another fellow you guys should check out is Jarle Olsen, he`s awesome! He definitely got it also melodically. There`s a link to him at Symphony X`s homepage, download the song Osiris(yes, it`s a song! :) ). Also wath a video with him playing some Romeo licks from the LOTEOF cd.
Trust me, he`s great and a cool guy, i got one hour lesson from him so i would know!

Cool! I know Jarle very well, we`ve been friends for the past two years or so. I went down to Bergen to play with him when I was 16 or so... Fun jam-sessions, watched a lot of videos. After that we`ve kept in touch. Very gifted guy technically, and an excellent transcriber as well.
Luis said:
A guitar player who begins to play on a electric without taking into account the ACOUSTIC must go to HELL ¡¡¡ :devil:

:bah: May I ask you a question?

:yell: WHY THE F*** ?!?!?!?!!?!?!!!?

Looking into my past I'd have pretty much the same style now if I started with an electric. In fact I prefer I had started that way. :cool:

I don't get your point.:err:
Zax666 said:
:bah: May I ask you a question?

:yell: WHY THE F*** ?!?!?!?!!?!?!!!?

Looking into my past I'd have pretty much the same style now if I started with an electric. In fact I prefer I had started that way. :cool:

I don't get your point.:err:

Yeah, I don't get that either. I think most guys started on electric. I mean, if you're interest is metal and you want to play guitar, you're not gonna start out with an acoustic :)
I started with a electric. And I now CAN play the acoustic. Its probably better that I started with an electric.
Obviously Romeo is one of the best shredders but in terms of overall play, riffs, technique, licks he is not in the elitist category.

I'm a sucker for real melodic guitar playing opposed to shredding so my favourites are guys like Adrian Smith, Alexi Lifeson and Steve Howe.

Shredding is cool but when overdone looks fucking pretentious and masturbatory so you've gotta strike a balance.
Yngvai X said:
Lets hear YOUR music hotshot, since you know so much more about it than the rest of us, you must be the next fucking Mozart.
This is just sad. You don't need to get angry. Calm down.

Next Mozart? Who knows? My style of composing isn't really "traditional". It loans influences from many obscure directions and the result is really mellifluos if you pay attention.
arglebargle said:
What a facetious reply! Seriously, if you don't have anything proper to reply with, don't do it.
ElPredicador said:
and why is that you know more of music and life?
I've schooled myself to understand music perfectly and I fathom every aspect of this world we're living in.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
just ignore him. He either has a double digit IQ or is just a troll.
Wrong two times, pissburglar.
The Yngster said:
He's probably Fareri in disguise :err:
No, I'm not Francesco Fareri.
Let me get this straight. You come here praising a guy that does nothing but play fast sweeps with no melody (which he doesn't even do that well), and your calling us the assclowns that know nothing about music? But the fact that you think you have perfected every aspect of music shows that you are too stubborn and arrogant to even bother argueing with, so I'm done with you.
Romeo gets his point across in a better way, IMO.

BTW yeah, Yngser, I agree a guitarist who can play slow but can't play fast is better than an all-out-brainless-shredhead.
The Yngster said:
the fact that you think you have perfected every aspect of music shows that you are too stubborn and arrogant to even bother argueing with

he's TOO ARROGANT, you are right, on the level of yngwie (lol) maybe he is yngwie malmsteen... :yell:
I think Petrucci is more diversified than Romeo, but as far as better...well, that's up to opinion.

I prefer Romeo. I'm not a big fan of blues, and Petrucci is. Therefore I grow tired of hearing him play after a while. I'm more into the whole neo-classical thing (Petrucci has done neo-classical, like Erotomania, but Romeo's the master as far as I'm concerned).
Zax666 said:
a guitarist who can play slow but can't play fast is better than an all-out-brainless-shredhead
totally agree!
Pink Floyd's Mother's solo is one of the best I've heard :cool:

and mr revenge drama, please take a look at my signature, and see if you get identified with it
ElPredicador said:
totally agree!
Pink Floyd's Mother's solo is one of the best I've heard :cool:

and mr revenge drama, please take a look at my signature, and see if you get identified with it

Here Here!

(or is it Hear Hear!?)


This is true though, I would rather have someone who can really express emotion through the instrument than someone who just rips through the same harmonic minor over and over again.

Michael Denner (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate) was never fast at all. And Andy LaRocque and the other guys were always doing these ripping solos and he'd be the slower one, but I tell you...the final solo on The Black Horsemen (last track on Abigail) is one of the best, most emotional solos ever. The best guitarists are the ones who have balance. And the true center of that balance is dependent on the listener.