who's bitch am I?

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
When introducing one friend(we'll call her C-)to another friend of mine(we'll call him N-),N-claimed that I was his bitch...that was a long time ago,believe me.But C-claimed that I was her bitch(just an example of her sick sense of humour)...but that confused me as to who's bitch I really am.So if anyone here would like to claim me as their bitch,feel free to do so...I think Famous Amos claimed me as her bitch as well...I'm just not sure about these things anymore...heheheheheheh
I dunno,I just felt like posting shit...plus I told Amos that I'd post this..and,you know,I hate to disappoint...
By the way Darkspot, I will have my letter in the mail tomorrow as well as the copies of the Pantera and Peter Steele portraits, and if you dig Kittie, or even if you don't, I'm sending a couple of real life pics of Morgan and Talena signing autographs at Ozzfest 2000. A friend stole them from someone who stole them then gave them to me and I forgot I had them.