Who's got the greatest vocal range in metal?

Yngvai X said:
Theres a clip you can download from their website of this song called Highlander where he hits a high Bb :zombie:
Okay, I downloaded the song, and I think I can safely say that Midnight goes higher. That "Na na na" thing was nothing special, IMO. Aren't there any songs where he goes higher?
I can't believe that nobody has mentioned Russell in this thread yet! He may not have the widest overall range, but he's got to be close. His lowest would be probably be the second verse in "The Turning" and I would say his highest would probably be the last line of the up-pitched verse in "Through the Looking Glass" (you know, the part where he screams right before the pre-chorus).

I like Midnight's voice, but his is not nearly as diverse and strong as Russells', so I can't give him the nod. King Diamond's voive is unique but all of his high pitch stuff is falsetto, so I don't really consider that to be an extension of his range. I'm not entirely familiar with some of these other guys, but the guy from Lost Horizon loses to Russell simply because of the cheese factor. My apologies to any Lost Horizon fans.

Anyway, maybe I'm off the topic, but I think Russell has an amazing range. Maybe not the widest in music, but close enough to where the strength and versatility of his voice win out over all the others listed. Of course, this is all my opinion. :)
scanner313 said:
Anyway, maybe I'm off the topic, but I think Russell has an amazing range. Maybe not the widest in music, but close enough to where the strength and versatility of his voice win out over all the others listed. Of course, this is all my opinion. :)
I agree, beautiful voice, but his range lies more in the lower territory. He's got one of the most versatile voices in metal, but his range ain't the greatest, so I'm gonna stick with Midnight. Still love his voice more than anything, though. :)
Yngtchie Blacksteen said:
Okay, I downloaded the song, and I think I can safely say that Midnight goes higher. That "Na na na" thing was nothing special, IMO. Aren't there any songs where he goes higher?

Dude, is there any recording I can hear of this Midnight guy going higher than the Lost Horizon guy? Cause a Bb is really fucking insane, most metal singers Ive heard peak out at an A, even guys like Andre Matos, who is up in the dog whistle range a lot.
Yngvai X said:
Dude, is there any recording I can hear of this Midnight guy going higher than the Lost Horizon guy? Cause a Bb is really fucking insane, most metal singers Ive heard peak out at an A, even guys like Andre Matos, who is up in the dog whistle range a lot.
Did you mean the whole song or just the clip? There was only a clip at their website.