Who's seeing Yngwie on this tour?

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I wasn't going to go, but I found out Antithesis is opening for him in Cleveland. It's a long drive, and I'm sick of going far for concerts, but for both Yngwie AND Antithesis, I'm there.

Anyone else attending? I don't have "Attack!" yet, but I've been hearing good things. If anyone could tell me what they thought of it, that'd be cool, too.
ive gone to every concert hes put on up here in mass eccept for a few early ones, so, yeah, im there...

Attack! is a OK album, its a little stale, I still like Alchemy a whole hell of a lot better...

*edit* that is, of course, if he comes to Mass i'll go..

and remember to listen to the first two seconds of In The Name Of God - that's some quality cheese-vocals.

When was Attack! released in the states and what bonus tracks did you get? That album was 2002 over here.
Attack is cool Yngwie is not doing pop metal stuff like in the oddsey anymore its more metal and has cool songs .ı love the album.ı love seeing yngwie live so ıll go ıf he comes anywhere close to me.
I'm planning to see Yngwie (with George Lynch opening) in Tucson, Arizona. I really like Attack. If I'm lucky, I'll be on the front row, right in front of Yngwie, like I was on the WTEAW tour. Maybe he'll sweat on me or something. :tickled::err::ill::eek:

There are new elements (technically, stylistically, and melodically) in each of Yngwie's releases, and Attack! is clearly the next step. (I have absolutely no idea what those people who say Yngwie does the same thing over and over again are listening to. Most likely, they aren't really listening at all. I won't even honor the ridiculous assertion that his songs and playing are emotionless with an answer.:rolleyes:)

At the same time, I think that, of recent releases, Attack! has the closest "feel" (maybe "atmosphere" would be more accurate) to Yngwie's first three releases.
Hyoukinmono said:
There are new elements (technically, stylistically, and melodically) in each of Yngwie's releases, and Attack! is clearly the next step. (I have absolutely no idea what those people who say Yngwie does the same thing over and over again are listening to. Most likely, they aren't really listening at all. I won't even honor the ridiculous assertion that his songs and playing are emotionless with an answer.:rolleyes:)

At the same time, I think that, of recent releases, Attack! has the closest "feel" (maybe "atmosphere" would be more accurate) to Yngwie's first three releases.

You're right man, people don't give Yngwie a chance. I can't BELIEVE it when people say he doesn't play with emotion. And his licks only seem cliche because everyone copied HIM. I admit he repeats a lot, but for someone who created a totally new style practically out of thin air, that's excusable.

And awesome, if it's anything like his first 3, I'm all over it. I heard "Baroque and Roll" at G3, and there's a video of it linked on his site - it's one of his best. He reminded us all who the neoclassical king is.
I'll have to check the tour schedule - I don't think he'll be coming to Albuquerque. I would be first in line for tickets if he was, especially if Lynch is opening. Is it George Lynch or Lynch Mob, opening for him? That would be a sweet show.
I was planning on see Malmsteen later this month but he cancelled his tour here. I think he cancelled all his Canadian shows. I don't know if it was poor ticket sales or if he just dislikes this country, lol.
Well, I saw Yngwie here in Tucson last night, and he was great! As always he was a great showman and very gracious to the audience. Just like last time I saw him, I was right up at the front, right in front of Yngwie's mike stand, with my two oldest sons next to me. (The older of the two caught two guitar picks, and gave one to his younger brother--who was at his first concert--and would have gotten a drumstick if somebody hadn't kicked him when he bent down to get it!)

George Lynch opened, and did some fine shredding. Kelly Keeling was great on vocals (as expected) and for the most part the band looked like they were having a good time. It was fun to see Jeff Martin (singer for Racer X) on drums and backing vocals (with some great metal screams). I was kind of hoping that they would break into a rendition of Motor Man. :) About half of their 45 minute set was Dokken stuff, with some Lynch Mob, and I think one Lynch/Pilson song, filling out the rest.

Yngwie and his band were definitely the highlight, though, in all aspects. They did a wide range of songs, though the most frequently played release was the most recent (Attack!). Some of the best work was on acoustic guitar, including some from Yngwie's concerto. Speed, technique, melody, feeling, showmanship. Yngwie's got it all.:worship:

Doogie White was great on vocals. He's basically Ronnie James Dio size, but like Dio, he has great stage presence and works the crowd well. He knows how to focus the spotlight on Yngwie, but at the same time be part of the show. At one point he said something to Yngwie that made Yngwie start laughing hysterically.

The legendary Rudy Sarzo on bass was great, but I would have liked to see him come out of the background a little more, and his sound was drowned out a bit by the bass drums. The keyboardist and drummer quietly went about their jobs in fine fashion.

Anyway, it was a great show, with a couple of great guitarists.:rock: