Who's the fastest metal band??

Well, its just a fun factor. I think it makes certain things enjoyable. For example, "Evolution: The Grand Design" kicks so much ass, and its even cooler because its speedy. I will admit, some speedy shit sucks, but any style of music has goods and bads. So, we are here discussing speed metal that has quality.
I'd also like to add all the brutal death/gore/whatever you wanna call them bands.

Severed Savior
Dying Fetus
Spawn of Possession
Cryptopsy (I hate their old singer though, everyone seems way too into him. I like the guy on Whisper Supremecy.. Mike DeSomething.)
Malevolent Creation (The Will to Kill \m/)
I know they arent the fastest, but Children of Bodom have done some pretty speedy stuff, same with Blind Guardian. I don't really think of blastbeats when I think of fast metal tho, since blastbeats fail to generate a real fast flow of tempo to me, it just kinda sounds like the CD is skipping (not saying that it can't be used effectively...I think it generates a good chaotic atmosphere). When I think of really fast stuff Im thinking of the usual metal doubletime doublebass rhythm (aka dugaDAgadugaDAga) played at tempos between 170 and 200.
Julz said:
Is it on a single drum head though?

It was BOTH hands. Just a regular two-hand roll. Since it was recorded independently from the WFD (world's fastest drummer) competitions, it's unofficial, but it's very close to the official records, give or take a few beats. His record was the fastest for a while, but it's been broken a few times now (Afanador, Verdi, Mangini...).

As for other "unofficial" drum speed records, I'm pretty sure Morbid Angel's Pete Sandoval plays the fastest double bass single strokes ever recorded on "Opening of the Gates". About 18/19 notes per second, more or less constantly throughout the entire chorus. That's about the same as the Berzerker, but with the feet.
Alexander TG said:
Despite the crap lyrics and totally OTT guitar solos I got a real fix from a band called Dragonforce who claim to be the fastest melodic metal band, anybody care to dispute this??

You've gotta take your hats off to these guys, the musicianship is phenomenal at such speeds, so the big question is who's the fastest?
Dragonforce is a perfect example of that speed is nothing without control. Anybody who has seen dragonforce live knows that they are all over the place. When I saw them on Sweden rock festival this summer they couldnt play together at all. They didnt seem to be playing the same songs. The drummer seemed just to play some random stuff on his double bass and it was way out of time. And the guitarplayer and the keyboardplayer have one or two things to learn about writing solos, they just want to be fast so they put in as many notes as possible without any thought or melody behind it.

I mean "Valley of the damned" is a pretty cool song on the album but the monotous solo just fucks it up. They nead to relearn the basics and then speed it up.
where is all the vital remains?? they kick the ass out of most death metal bands on "Dechristianize".

also, cryptopsy's drummer, Flo, is pretty freiking fast, ever hear his solo?