Whos the most famous person you've met?

Strangelight said:
Andy Gray
I've been in a film with Huggy bear out of starsky and hutch, that was cool :cool: and i had a chat to maggie thatcher and john major hahahaa and i have met alot of soap actors like max from brookie are you really jealous dunc :grin:
i love meeting people in general. tho especially ppl who have done sth with their life, things i can take an example of. doesnt matter really if the person has a name or not.
toolsofthetrade said:
i love meeting people in general. tho especially ppl who have done sth with their life, things i can take an example of. doesnt matter really if the person has a name or not.
Yep. That's why the months I spent abroad were the most exciting and intense time of my life; I met so many interesting (unfamous...) people. This experience sort of widened my horizon. I'd love to spend all my life travelling for that reason - meeting people and learning from them... :Spin:
i'd like to meet some writers. they're definitely the most interesting people to have a chat with i reckon. about all sorts of stuff.
How about writers in the pub?
sol83 said:
if i met a politician, i'd assault him/her.

I met the second most hatable politician in Denmark Søren Pindd on the street a while back, i was so thinking I wanted to let him know how much of an asshole I think he is, but then he looked so scared at me just because I eyeballed him that I started pitying him :Spin: .

I actually went to school and was mates with one of the politicians many would consider most hateable, he's a funny, nice, but crazily misguided individual named Morten Messerschmidt and he's in our infamous right winged "Danish People's party", his name and the party makes for nice hateful press you can imagine, i was out drinking with him months back, was an interesting time. But as he said, many of the girls that start out cursing at him, end up wanting to shag him, just because he's famous :erk: . He's a funny lad though, this 14 year-old or sth girl comes up and asks "Are you a racist", he just looks straight at her and says "Are you stupid?" :tickled: .

Better clarify I'm in no way sympathetic with his absurdly egoistic politics, different story that.
i once saw a film that took place in a pub. all of it. cant remember the title tho. it wasnt with famous actros or anything, more like underground stuff...
Allan said:
I met the second most hatable politician in Denmark Søren Pindd on the street a while back, i was so thinking I wanted to let him know how much of an asshole I think he is, but then he looked so scared at me just because I eyeballed him that I started pitying him :Spin: .

I actually went to school and was mates with one of the politicians many would consider most hateable, he's a funny, nice, but crazily misguided individual named Morten Messerschmidt and he's in our infamous right winged "Danish People's party", his name and the party makes for nice hateful press you can imagine, i was out drinking with him months back, was an interesting time. But as he said, many of the girls that start out cursing at him, end up wanting to shag him, just because he's famous :erk: . He's a funny lad though, this 14 year-old or sth girl comes up and asks "Are you a racist", he just looks straight at her and says "Are you stupid?" :tickled: .

Better clarify I'm in no way sympathetic with his absurdly egoistic politics, different story that.
they're evil. them and referees.
Strangelight said:
How about writers in the pub?
http://www.unhooked.com/sep/writers.htm :
"[...] Hemingway had the same capacity for alcohol that his characters did, and in The Sun Also Rises Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley drank three martinis apiece before lunch, which was accompanied by five or six bottles of red wine.
In 1939, Hemingway was ordered to cut down on his drinking. He tried to hold himself to three Scotches before dinner but he couldn't do it and, in 1940, he began breakfasting on tea and gin and swigging absinthe, whiskey, vodka and wine at various times during the day. He even let his boys drink hard liquor when one of them was only 10.
His alcoholism brought on hypertension, kidney and liver diseases, edema of the ankles, high blood urea, mild diabetes mellitus and possibly hemochromatosis, recurrent muscle cramps, chronic sleeplessness and sexual impotence. He shot himself to death at age 62."