The most famous metal person you met.

Met Mike Romeo and the rest of symx at their show. I have pics, but I probably won't upload them. Hah!
I'm pretty sure I met Jeff Hanneman while working at a best buy in fresno. I was pretty rude to him too, haha. surprised he wasn't a prick back. He was nice as could be while on his hunt for an iron maiden dvd.
Ive met Bruce Campbell and Clint Eastwood, that trumps all musicians.

Oh yeah, Ozzy and Phil from Pantera..that doesnt really count though.
Bruce Dickinson

Picture proof in my signature.
:kickass:Nice photobook you've got going there. So who do you know that gets you backstage etc.?

Ive met Wille Adler from Lamb of God. I gave him a Marlboro cigarette and in exchange he gave me a beer. Other than that I met Dokken's roadies at a strip club in Vegas lol
Dee Snider when he came into my store to look for a diamond bracelet for his wife... he didn't think anyone would recognize him... got to shook his hand... but he was spooked that he was recognized and left... was hoping he would buy the bracelet from me... could of been a good story that I got him to spend more then he wanted to...

Other then that I have met some band members at the shows before or between sets like the guys from Nuclear Assault, D.R.I. (i think.. can't remember well since i drank alot in those days lol), CandleMass (same as the DRI), Ludichrist/Scatterbrain, Gothic Slam etc. etc..