Who's your favorite pornstar?

Board said:
great picture
it occurs to me that board knows way too much about porn to not have a job in the industry.

My fave dosen't do "porn" per say, but she's in the biz.
just click guest preview and then the fakk2 link. titties and bush brotha!

I like amateur shit anyway. Real women doing completely slutty shit turns my screws....

Mr. Ron Jeremy for his wonderful work in Orgazmo.
That and I'm pretty sure I've seen a picture of him where he's wearing a Napalm Death t-shirt.
That is metal, my friends.
GregadetH said:
it occurs to me that board knows way too much about porn...QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. Me being a self-righteous (chuckle) conservative guy, I find the prospect of watching a woman be a complete whore a tasteless thing that I consciously choose not to indulge in :D. Overall, I feel that women are far too "whore-ee" to use the scientific term, and am troubled by the overabundance of cheap momentary titillation in society and the lack of conrete long lasting social bonds and respect between the sexes. Not that that keeps me from having sex.
tara said:

Mr. Ron Jeremy for his wonderful work in Orgazmo.
That and I'm pretty sure I've seen a picture of him where he's wearing a Napalm Death t-shirt.
That is metal, my friends.


Orgazmo is the funniest shit....
Wandrail said:
GregadetH said:
it occurs to me that board knows way too much about porn...QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. Me being a self-righteous (chuckle) conservative guy, I find the prospect of watching a woman be a complete whore a tasteless thing that I consciously choose not to indulge in :D. Overall, I feel that women are far too "whore-ee" to use the scientific term, and am troubled by the overabundance of cheap momentary titillation in society and the lack of conrete long lasting social bonds and respect between the sexes. Not that that keeps me from having sex.

You, my man are missing out on WAYYYYYY too much fun if you don't like to see that. :Spin: It's in our nature to desire to see that kind of shit sometimes. And it's not degrading IF the woman actually enjoys being involed in such acts. But to each their own I guess.

viva la whore-e-ness! :grin:

ron jeremy??? you people are SICK!!!:Puke:


SHADDUP!!! :tickled:
I hardly ever watch porn.
When I worked at Blockbuster, sometimes people would accidentally slip a porn into the case for another movie and if the owner of the tape never came back, one of us would get to take it home.
I had two...one was a Spanish porn, the other was called "Gay American Heroes".
I thought I would share that little bit of info with you all.
Demonic Rapture said:
I've got a few. Tawny Roberts, Tawnee Stone, Aurora Snow, Aria Giovanni, Luna Lane.

Isn't Tawnee Stone the one who looks about 11 years old but is actually 18 or something? They dress her up like she is a kid etc. If so I find that rather sick.
tara said:
SHADDUP!!! :tickled:
I hardly ever watch porn.
When I worked at Blockbuster, sometimes people would accidentally slip a porn into the case for another movie and if the owner of the tape never came back, one of us would get to take it home.
I had two...one was a Spanish porn, the other was called "Gay American Heroes".
I thought I would share that little bit of info with you all.

you had porn at blockbuster? the blockbuster here is all family crap!

gay american hero's-is that the one where all the guys are dressed as superheroes? the flash n greenlantern part was hot, but superman fucking robin i kept expecting batman to come out and say get yer dick outta my bitch!:loco: than the incredible hulk dude with the big green weiner was just way to weird for me.

ron jeremy... that picture is over 20 years old! he looks just like a pig!

tiger tyson is hot-but he only makes gay vids:loco:
if ya go here
theres a few pics of him and nothing below the waist. fair warning though, if you go any where else there youll see more than his chest.