Why can't bands tab their songs?

Iron Chef Sakai

New Metal Member
Jan 23, 2007
Kitchen Stadium
Instead of us fans endlessly searching for sites that have tabs, wouldn't it just be easier & better for the fans if the famous metal bands tabbed their songs and make them available?
I can only think of Racer X who does this, I don't see others doing it. Some of my favorite bands should tab, like really.

Anybody share my sentiments?
I think some musicians don't feel like writing down every note they play, or sometimes they don't even consider what they are doing on the fretboard, especially with shredding solos and stuff
because they don't want a bunch of teenage amateurs fucking up their songs.

:lol: maybe. I have seen people who cover songs but are still not even 20%% as good as the guitarist from the band they cover and have no technique identity or feeling,etc... and are the most bland sloppy guitarists.

Writing songs is a pain in the ass alone so why would someone want to tab their own songs just so other people can cover their songs, this does not make a lot of sense to me personally. If a band has written 3,5 cds I doubt the last thing they want to do is tab songs.
Writing songs is a pain in the ass alone so why would someone want to tab their own songs just so other people can cover their songs, this does not make a lot of sense to me personally. If a band has written 3,5 cds I doubt the last thing they want to do is tab songs.

Ironically, when I write songs I use powertab to figure out how to arrange riffs and generally hammer out a cohesive structure.
Well I do know it's a lot of trouble. Usually when I find a cool riff, (I haven't actually written any songs yet... I'm a beginner still), I memorize it instantly, and can't be bothered to write it down.