Why do bands even bother making videos anymore?


Feb 20, 2005
So I was just watching Scar Symmetry's new video, and I realized I just had absolutely no interest in watching these dudes just putz around riffing and making silly faces. As far as I know there are no channels left (at least in America) that play videos at any remotely reasonable hour, so...what's the point? I mean, sure, if you make an epic video that tells a story or is funny or something (neither of which necessarily require a huge budget), then right on, that's fun to watch - but just a bunch of random camera angles of the band "playing" (their unplugged instruments and deadened drums :loco: ) hardly captivates me. So what's the business reason?
I agree, but I'm also jaded to the whole idea. I suppose if I were 15 again, and really into the band I'd be all about watching a video like this.

I'm guessing any video production is meant for the web at this point.
I've noticed I FUCKING HATE how in every music video, where the drummer plays ANY kind of double bass pattern, NO matter how slow or easy to play it is in reality, they just fucking have to stick that camera where the drummers legs are, showing the beaters in a horrible cliché manner. OH MY GOD LOOK HOW FUCKING FAST HIS LEGS ARE MOVING
I'm guessing any video production is meant for the web at this point.

In this very genre, this will be the prime reason most of the times.

They're a promotional tool and may also find their way onto (magazine, bonus, live etc.) DVDs or into press kits.

And yeah, I couldn't care less about straight performance videos these days. Well, budgets are running tight and ideas apparently too. :heh:
I've noticed I FUCKING HATE how in every music video, where the drummer plays ANY kind of double bass pattern, NO matter how slow or easy to play it is in reality, they just fucking have to stick that camera where the drummers legs are, showing the beaters in a horrible cliché manner. OH MY GOD LOOK HOW FUCKING FAST HIS LEGS ARE MOVING

By that logic, the camera shots of Dimebag rippin it up on the guitar must be shite!
Yeah, I guess I was really asking two questions - first, what's the purpose of videos in general (I know promotion, but is that still relevant with the aforementioned lack of music video TV channels - judging by the responses I guess it is), and second, well, why do bands keep making such boring-as-shit videos :lol:
But it's not the same thing. Are you saying shredding is as easy to learn as playing double bass?

That's subjective and not what I suggested at all.
I simply expressed the point that if camera shots show other musician's skill, why not the drummer's too? Take a band like Fear Factory, there's not a lot happening above Raymond's waist 90% of the times and as a fan, yeah I'd wanna see the crazy pedal work!
The attention span of the music listening public is akin to that of gnats. Visual media on Youtube helps stimulate them into downloading more illegal music and hopefully going to said band's show.

The quality is probably proportional to the budgets. Not much you can do with a few grand, and a style of music that's visually very cliche-ridden.

Though it would help if they stopped growling head-on into the camera with that intent 'I'm mean!!' stare. It becomes more of a visual gag than the intended 'metuullzzz!!!' effect.
Tbh I watch about 30 seconds of any video then just alt-tab and listen to the music. I don't remember the last time I watched an entire music video the whole way through.

SERIOUSLY, I'm the same way, and that's exactly my point - does anyone actually watch these things? Seems like a waste of label money in other words.
That's why The Black Dahlia Murder has some of the best videos ever.
I like watching videos if they are worth watching. I'm sure there are tons of kids out there that love watching videos too.

Crabcore would have never been realized had they not made that video!
I never ever watch music videos really, because as you say Marcus, most of them are just shit. Too many videos seem to make it look like the bands take themselves too seriously and with metal bands it's even more cringe worthy because of all the "Look how evil and metal we are" imagery. I mean, fuck, metal constitutes more than 80 per cent of what I listen to, but sometimes this whole metal image can get pretty embarrassing.
Would be nice if there was more effort involved in just making something less serious and just more amusing. An amusing video is something I'd actually watch again and again once a we, rather than Arch Enemy's Nemesis video which I might watch once once every 6 months to remind myself just how embarrassing and cheesy (and not in a good way) metal culture can be sometimes.
Tbh I watch about 30 seconds of any video then just alt-tab and listen to the music. I don't remember the last time I watched an entire music video the whole way through.

I'm pretty similar, but it seems the way to 'deliver' singles is still tied in to making a visual component. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there (read: teens, bikies) who really get into the whole fake macho act.
That's why The Black Dahlia Murder has some of the best videos ever.
I like watching videos if they are worth watching. I'm sure there are tons of kids out there that love watching videos too.

I guess your right, I suppose I'm just pissed because as Harry rightly pointed out, so very few are worth watching...AT ALL :erk:

And Ermz, what are "bikies?" :lol: