Why do bands even bother making videos anymore?

The purpose of a music video was originally for marketing I guess, and it still is. However in this age I think videos have lost a lot of marketing power, just feels like it anyhow. Regardless, I really enjoy videos that tell a story and it's a BIG plus if there is as little footage of the band playing their damn instruments as possible. I already know they can play their instruments, obviously, why do I need to see it as if I wasn't convinced (one can argue there are bands who can't play their instruments outside the studio but that's not the point)? I'd rather see the band doing something else or even better; not seeing the band at all! I know a lot of great music videos that don't have a single footage of the band and those are the "coolest" ones in the end.

But then again, it's all about the mainstream... if all music videos would become like I like them, it would be back to square one all over again. I would then whine about NOT seeing the band and so on. Heh, I guess one needs to avoid the mainstream at all costs because even if the mainstream grants you success because "omg it's teh mainztreem", it's a very short-lived success and you will be forgotten easily among the other thousands of bands doing the same thing. Going your own way and creating something unique will probably not make you earn the $$$ right away but it has a lot more staying power in the field, that's my opinion.
I gotta say, one of my fave metal vids of all time is "Nothing Remains" by Chimaira. Looks like they're having fun, it has a semi story to it and it's original. Also probably not a huge budget.
The problem is that most of the videos are crap. I hate those poser videos, but there are many good videos that looks like movies or some others that are really funny.
I hate when a middle band try to do a superb video spending some few dollars and the result is ridiculous.
If you ain't no money, don't do it or change your mind and try another kind of video.
Oh come on, we've all been 14 ;) I remember watching tv and waiting for Linking Park's One Step Closer video. Not because of the video itself but because I wass a teen LP fanboy :lol: Kids are probably still watching videos and there's a good chance some of them are buying the CD as well, not because they haven't downloaded it already but because they like the band so much.
i remember times late 80s and through a good part of 90s, when me and my buddies were eager to see any metal video, b/c we could not get any good metal show and this was the only way to taste the atmosphere around the music. Now as I am more exposed to live shows videos do not have that magic as before, but I feel that for those back home it is still the only source of what metal was about. My guess is that those videos are made to approach/win audience outside US/Western Europe.
-awesome- videos

and i would kill to be in a video like this. take after take partying it up LOL

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The purpose of a music video was originally for marketing I guess, and it still is. However in this age I think videos have lost a lot of marketing power, just feels like it anyhow. Regardless, I really enjoy videos that tell a story and it's a BIG plus if there is as little footage of the band playing their damn instruments as possible. I already know they can play their instruments, obviously, why do I need to see it as if I wasn't convinced (one can argue there are bands who can't play their instruments outside the studio but that's not the point)? I'd rather see the band doing something else or even better; not seeing the band at all! I know a lot of great music videos that don't have a single footage of the band and those are the "coolest" ones in the end.

But then again, it's all about the mainstream... if all music videos would become like I like them, it would be back to square one all over again. I would then whine about NOT seeing the band and so on. Heh, I guess one needs to avoid the mainstream at all costs because even if the mainstream grants you success because "omg it's teh mainztreem", it's a very short-lived success and you will be forgotten easily among the other thousands of bands doing the same thing. Going your own way and creating something unique will probably not make you earn the $$$ right away but it has a lot more staying power in the field, that's my opinion.

hah I love your honesty.
But seriously I don't think it matters how original or cool a video is. The important thing is that it helps you remember the band. There are some local bands here with horrendous videos but guess what, I remember them! and their music. So ultimately it served it's purpose.
Btw jag brukade bo i Gävle (Valbo). Heja Brynäs!

And Drew_drummer: I was half kidding with that comment but don't kid yourself. You think people don't remember people walking on all fours on the Tool stage? Giant screens? or a singer behind a screen on a platform in the back of the stage? Yea... Tool and APC don't have an image :rolleyes:... I'm a huge APC/Maynard fan btw
CharlieE: I was half kidding with that comment but don't kid yourself. You think people don't remember people walking on all fours on the Tool stage? Giant screens? or a singer behind a screen on a platform in the back of the stage? Yea... Tool and APC don't have an image :rolleyes:... I'm a huge APC/Maynard fan btw

thats not image, thats called performance. thats a show. image is when each member of the band has to have the same stupid emo haircuts or choosing a bad bassist over a good one because he has full color sleeves on both arms. when finding the perfect retro tshirt or black horned rimmed glasses takes precedence over writing good lyrics or practicing.

i wish more people took the time to create "shows." the best shows i've ever seen were Tool, Mana and Janet Jackson. Beating out all the Ozzfests, Inland Invasions and other rock metal festivals. i think Great White mighta ruined it for everyone, i dunno. but i wish more people would actually put on a "show." the same complaints above about tired, cliche videos can be said for most concerts now. we have more technology than ever, but most concerts have just become more of the same thing: a big banner behind the band and if youre lucky, a video screen or two that alternates between the guitarist and the singer on stage.
I agree that most music videos are utterly worthless.
If I had a dollar for each video I've seen of a band posing epicly of an epic backdrop playing epic music, I'd be set for life.

We need more videos like these:

And we definately need more of this in metal videos:

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I was just thinking yesterday about how boring performance videos are.

I completely agree with the comments about Tool's videos. The earlier ones were pure stop motion and that would take time and effort to make - not only that but the videos have a message just as powerful as the songs' messages.

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i find 90% of music videos for metal bands ridiculously immature. the video for ov fire and the void anyone?
get some dudes in corpse paint to look evil, throw in some tits for good measure and you've got everything your average 13 year old could want, and then people wonder why metal doesn't get taken that seriously?

although cryptopsy get extra points for that video for that song off once was not. hilariously bad, so hilariously bad it must have been done ironically.
i find 90% of music videos for metal bands ridiculously immature. the video for ov fire and the void anyone?
get some dudes in corpse paint to look evil, throw in some tits for good measure and you've got everything your average 13 year old could want, and then people wonder why metal doesn't get taken that seriously?

although cryptopsy get extra points for that video for that song off once was not. hilariously bad, so hilariously bad it must have been done ironically.

Yeah, pretty much.
As I said on the first page, there are some rather embarrassing elements to metal culture.
I love metal, but I can't even wear metal band t shirts out in public anymore because I'm quite frankly too embarrassed by most of whole heavy metal aesthetic now (well, so okay, it's been embarrassing since the 80s really), because I get paranoid that people are looking at me and assume I'm someone who never grew up once I hit 14 years old and wanted to an eternal "headbanger" guy or something stupid like that.
Goddamn, it sucks to be a metalhead sometimes:erk:
Yeah, pretty much.
As I said on the first page, there are some rather embarrassing elements to metal culture.
I love metal, but I can't even wear metal band t shirts out in public anymore because I'm quite frankly too embarrassed by most of whole heavy metal aesthetic now (well, so okay, it's been embarrassing since the 80s really), because I get paranoid that people are looking at me and assume I'm someone who never grew up once I hit 14 years old and wanted to an eternal "headbanger" guy or something stupid like that.
Goddamn, it sucks to be a metalhead sometimes:erk:

I don´t agree with you on almost all that. why do you need aprovement from the people walking on the street?
That's the point of metal. We know it's silly and will readily admit it. However, if some non metalhead says it we smash their face in.