Why do bands even bother making videos anymore?

I don´t agree with you on almost all that. why do you need aprovement from the people walking on the street?

I don't need approval from people on the street, that's the thing. The reason why I dress the way I do now is to look as "normal" as possible in public.
When I stopped wearing my band t shirts in the street, I stopped getting harassed by idiots verbally abusing me for what I was wearing.
Some of my mates have been bashed simply for what they wear (they are indeed, metalheads too), so if you lived where I live it generally isn't worth it trying to look metal, so I just make it in my best interests to just blend in with the general population.

I'm also a hyper paranoid person who constantly worries about what others think, so if I were to wear a metal band t shirt, I'd be thinking in my head "oh that guy looking at me probably thinks I'm a satanist" or something like that, because we know that metal culture does bring with it negative connotations.
I know it's not totally rational to think everyone is looking at me and judging me and in fact 90 per cent of people are just going about their own business and don't have time to worry about the lone metalhead in the street, but it's just the way I am.
Sure, If I were in a metal band playing gigs, I'd dress the part (obligatory black shirt, black jeans), because it's business after all and people are expecting you to look a certain way if they are to take you seriously, but that would be the only exception to my own personal rule.
I totally understand you, i barely dress Metal T-shirts, but i do sometimes and is great, i don´t find it immature, is the same as a 40 year old dude wearing his favorite Sport Team shirt, i mean, why he is using a football jersey if he don´t play in a pro team, and his last name isn´t Favre, is probably as you say 90% of the people won`t even notice that you have Metal Band t-shirt. Metal Image is bad because jerks, and there are a lot of them, but cause of those jerks will not stop myself of wearing metal bands if i like.
I agree that "band playing in front of vaguely metal background" videos can get really boring. On the other hand, you can still do something really entertaining on a non-existant budget and a camcorder. Proof:

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Meh, I like vids for songs. Especially when they are tasteful and have something to do with the meaning of the song. But either way I just enjoy watching them, and most bands look they just enjoy playing and making them etc, so I have no qualms with them, cliche or not.

And, yeah metal is visually cliche, but so what, to each their own, and if the peoples enjoy the macho man ism then so be it!

People enjoy crab core remember ;)

Chris out
the worst videos have to be where the band takes their friends and dresses them up in dumb costumes to parade around some stupid set like a bunch of faeries. If I want to see a real musical, I'll go watch Wicked again in NYC. Otherwise, give me something like wasted years. The band, fans, and eddie.