Why do bands even bother making videos anymore?

Oh shit, is that a slang term too? Fuck me, I've lived here too long.

Bikie: Bike rider. Commonly found in swarms, rolling down big open roads on Harleys, destroying the general peace. (see recent South Park episode!)

Ah right, should've figured - we call them "bikers" here, I guess I just didn't make the connection because "bikie" sounds too cutesy for big hairy tattooed bearded dudes (which makes the term even more appealing, come to think of it :lol: )
I think the simple is answer is - because they can.

It helps a band establish an image which sometimes rivals a band's sound or at the very least compliments it. I know I must've watched that Attack Attack video like 20 times and we all remember that band don't we? (Sorry Lasse but my point is worthwhile!)
It didn't have to be on MTV to elevate the bands popularity so clearly videos are still relevant.
For an unsigned band it also helps them elevate their status imo.
Think of local unsigned bands. Chances are you're going to take the band with the better production, slicker myspace page, and proesque video more seriously than the ones with shitty production, shitty layout, and no video or worse, some shitty live bar video with 2 people watching.
yeah, i also often feel emberrassed about those metal cliches, i can't stand all this pseodo-aggressive posing stuff
especially that whole satan stuff is driving me nuts

but tool videos are indeed cool
For some reason people want to see what the band looks like - that's why it's almost mandatory to put band pictures in promo packs and on websites. Video is just a better version of pictures. You watch only 30 seconds of the video? OK, I do too in many cases actually, but it's because these 30 seconds have enough information already. Of course in the metal world it's the music that matters in the end but for the listener image is important as well, whatever it may be. Are the musicians (too) old, (too) young, gay, sissy, tough, acting silly? People often want to identify with something and the video gives them more data on whether they should like the band or not.
I agree, but I'm also jaded to the whole idea. I suppose if I were 15 again, and really into the band I'd be all about watching a video like this.

I'm guessing any video production is meant for the web at this point.

I was 15 until a few days ago and I don't really care to be honest, especially if the video itself doesn't express any link to the message the song carries.

EDIT : I just do like Morgan says. And I also hate that metal poser cliché, [sarcasm]hence why I love Manowar[/sarcasm] (though I reckon they really got some great songs :lol:).
I was just about to post exactly what you said until I read your post!

Personally, I don't give two shits what a band look like. This is why I love Tool. Their vids, their live show etc. It's all about the music and creating a cohesive package. Music is art and Tool produce a multimedia package that makes me buy their CDs, watch their vids, see them live (three times now) and even buy Guitar Hero World Tour as they worked closely with the developers to bring their own style to a relatively new medium.
I do watch videos sometimes, and personally i don´t care for embarrasing poses and that stuff, or if the video is filmed on an abandoned building (80% of metal videos), i still watch`em, is like say, whats the point of making Cd`s with similar covers (always a face screaming into a devilish or infernal background) if you can go to their myspace and hear the same 2 or 3 songs you actually will hear, or buy it on itunes, if we don´t care about the guys and their image, why go to a concert the see them play?? or you just go to the concert and sit in the bar drinking while all the fun is happening at your back?. but i can totally understand the point of why bands keep doing budget videos if they don´t play it on tv anymore, i was asking this myself some days ago. i still want to do a video with my band haha, and will probably be a really cliched one haha.
Personally, I don't give two shits what a band look like. This is why I love Tool. Their vids, their live show etc. It's all about the music and creating a cohesive package. Music is art and Tool produce a multimedia package that makes me buy their CDs, watch their vids, see them live (three times now) and even buy Guitar Hero World Tour as they worked closely with the developers to bring their own style to a relatively new medium.

So it could be argued that they have the "image" of I don't give a fuck attitude. And that image sold you? :lol:
I agree with you Marcus, the majority of music videos are painfully boring. Although occasionally one like this just cracks me up :rock:

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on the surface, it's so that there's some extra media content to package along with albums to get people to buy your shit and get a bonus DVD rather than just downloading it

beyond that, i think videos are still helpful because of the psychological effect of it...we retain a great deal of what we see, probably more than what we hear alone...and as a result, seeing a couple spins of a band's video can burn a lasting image in one's head way more effectively than playing a song over and over can

example...i'll bet that anyone here who ever saw the video for nirvana's "heart shaped box" can see the creepy-ass set with the crosses and ravens(or crows or whatever) and all that in their head every time they hear the song

another good example would be soundgarden - "blackhole sun"...i can't hear that song without remembering all the crazy stretched out faces and shit in the video...it just creates a stronger mental/emotional bond to the music(when done properly), which in the end is going to make the fans that more vested in the artist's work

[/meaningful thought of the day]
So it could be argued that they have the "image" of I don't give a fuck attitude. And that image sold you? :lol:

How on earth does spending months to create videos, and artwork packages, and getting involved in a new medium constitute a "I don't give a fuck" attitude/image?

I really dislike it when people try this argument; why bother to boil everything down to image, why not just enjoy the art? You don't have to be cynical about everything y'know.