Why do CoB get referred to as melodic death?

Those who consider them to be Melodic Death refer to the vocals and those who consider them to be Power Metal refer to the guitars...
My association with "Power Metal" is Hammerfall and Manowar and stuff, and IMHO CoB is TOTALLY different from their sound. The guitarstyle may be similar, yet more heavy, I dunno and I don't really give a shit.
They are just CoB...
But if you asked, I'd say they are Melodic Death :D
They dont sound ONE FUCKING THING like powermetal (blind guardian, manowar, ETC) their vocals are black metal not death metal so id call them something like classical death. they take tons of shit from mozart so maybe even mozart death lol
They sound a LOT like power metal...I'm talking European power metal here...you know, Rhapsody, Stratovarius...VERY similar.

Who classifies music based on vocals anyway? They are irrelevant...it's about the music here. In Flames are a heavy metal band these days, they do use raspy vocals, but that doesn't make them death metal at all.

Yes, CoB's tone is slightly heavier, and yes they do have black metallish vocals, hence, and I think you are all missing the first term here, "blackened" power metal.
So where is the connection between In Flames and Death Metal? It's just the vocals. And Soilwork have nothing to do with In Flames. In Flames are in this way Very Melodic Metal and Soilwork Thrash/Death Metal. None of Soilworks "melodies" is as brilliant as the worst one from In Flames. COB play in this way a rough and faster version of Sonata Arctica and Stratovarius. Maybe Melodic Metal=)
They are metal

Anyone who gives a fuck about anything else ( or what anyone else thinks and the genre they use ) has some serious issues to me, its metal and going into tiresome descriptions its completly pointless because its a completly subjective matter, i doubt alexi makes music thinking " o this sounds power lets put it in" and " o this doesnt sounds like CoB lets leave this riff out", i bet that he like all the great musicians out there, just does what he enjoys: Music, and leaves labels for others.

Like a friend said

"I hate genres, i love music"
I can see the influences from many styles...

Labelling doesn't help any, but you get funny names in bands like CoB...
SW: neo-classical melodic black death power metal:lol:
HB: neo-classical black death power metal
FtR: black death power metal

CoB are becoming more straight-forward, yet more skilled. I just wonder what the next album will be like...