CoB playing style


New Metal Member
Dec 21, 2010
Im not at their level yet, but i try making my own riffs out of the playing style CoB uses. So far I haven't got any good riffs and stuff... and my mind is constantly telling me that if i can't play the same style that CoB have (melodic death/power metal) i can't do easier things as classic metal and so on ...

Lol but yeah ... anyone have any tips for riffs ... i usually just palm mute fast, throwing in a power chord and try figuring out cool lead stuff ...
If I would give you some advice, it wouldn't be your own riff then.
Seriously, this is a stupid question. How can you ask for tips?!? A riff is good when you like it and when it sounds good. There are no tips how to make good riffs.
What I say to people who ask "how to write music": listen to a lot of music. When you get to the point where you can't get music out of your head, it's easy to come up with something interesting then you just need to give it shape and form...

Second idea: learn to appreciate and possibly play classical music, if you can do classical well you can learn to do anything. Most people here will probably disagree with me though.

And also:

If I would give you some advice, it wouldn't be your own riff then.

If you want to write music, you'll have to learn to make your own. Start with something very simple and then develop. Remember, that famous riff from Beethoven's 5th is only two notes.
The question is just wrong. It's like a striving young novelist comes to a writers forum to ask for ideas for a story. It's like Da Vinci started to think how to fly an airplane when he hadn't yet figured how to build one.
Wow you guys are assholes... it's not like he's selling his music or anything, this guy is just trying to have fun with his guitar and sound like the band he likes. There's nothing wrong with that.
Learn your scales and experiment. Then, it will depend on your natural ability to write music.

I absolutely agree. Learn a bunch of scales (Use youtube or something), and mess with the notes. Maybe break down some barriers by combining some scales possibly, and just play around with simple melodies and build off of them. Every great riff from COB (All great riffs for that matter) is simply a multitude of simple melodies combined together into one lumbering sex-riff. :D You'll get there man.
Well I'm nowhere near CoB's level yet ... i can only play rythm parts. I can play the rythm of Angels don't kill, Hate me and Sixpounder so far :p But as far as i have tried making my own riffs I end up using simple powerchords, palm muting and throw in an solo attempt that usually fail hard ^^