Guys, I should tell you that the Imperial measurments (pounds, ounces, inches, yards, etc) are now being changed to metric. All products are sold in metric weights (except fresh fruit and veg, for some weird reason.

). I've been born and raised in Scotland surrounded by Anti-English attitudes, and the only reason they have for not liking them whenever I asked them was "because they hate us", which is total bollocks.
A message to all those who generalise:
You cannont tell what someone is like just by where they are from, that is being racists. People are different, cultures are diverse. You can meet someone who is a total arsehole, is arrogant, obnoxious, simple-minded and completely against equallity, and the next person could be someone who is open-minded, kind, thoughtful and genourous.
I don't care where someone is from, I just wait 'til I meet them to form an opinion on that person.