why do people like Darkthrone?

MightyDrynwhyl said:
i love darkthrone, and anybody claiming their production to be bad is a retard. compare their production with that of almost any goregrind band(there are obviously exceptions, duh). darkthrone probably had the best black metal production at the time and still do.

maybe it just takes a fan of shitty production to appreciate them. i hate most black metal as it is. one of the few black metal cd's i DO like is Emperor's IX Equilibrium, simply because the production is nearly crystal clear...meaning I CAN HEAR ALL THE INSTRUMENTS.

who the fuck was talking about goregrind anyways? dont bring in other shit like that to back up your case.
I like Darkthrone because they have the ability to produce music that may, to some people at least, seem ugly/deliberately awkward, but given time and an open mind, reveals itself to be beautiful. The combination of the production, mix, and the actual music itself - the very things most people seem to criticise - is what makes the atmosphere and overall feeling of their music so appealing to myself and many others.
What's with the whole production crap. I can maybe mention about 10 Black metal bands since i don't know as much about black metal. But I've listened to a lot of Darkthrone, a lot of Emperor, two bands i've heard bashed for their production around here and i can hear everything perfectly. =/
If you can't hear all the instruments on Darkthrone albums, you've got to be pretty damn retarded.

Or severely unattentive. Seriously, I've heard FAR worse production-jobs than on Darkthrone records, and they still manage to appeal to me.
I do not like all of their CDs, but I like ABitNS, TH, Panzerfaust, and UaFM. And I like them because I like the cold, miminalistic, yet melodic nature of the music. Their frist CD is death metal, and is excellent as well.
I don't think it's useful to dissect how clear each instrument is or is not, or how good or bad the production is. The point it seems to me is that as a whole all instruments, combined with the good/bad production, (however you want to look at it) presents exactly what Darkthrone was attempting to get across. Some see it, and others don't.

"Goatlord" is my favorite Darkthrone album at the moment.
Funeral Portrait said:
maybe it just takes a fan of shitty production to appreciate them. i hate most black metal as it is. one of the few black metal cd's i DO like is Emperor's IX Equilibrium, simply because the production is nearly crystal clear...meaning I CAN HEAR ALL THE INSTRUMENTS.

who the fuck was talking about goregrind anyways? dont bring in other shit like that to back up your case.

:tickled: im a fan of shitty production eh? right...and how does this make me a fan of "shitty" production? b/c i backed up darkthrone and brought in another musical style to prove my point? how can one bitch about black metal production and not think of other metal genres? goregrind has some of the absolute worst production ive ever heard. you know, just b/c black metal bands dont have crystal clear Opeth production doesnt make the music bad.

and btw, the production on IX Equilibrium fucking SUCKS compared to most Darkthrone albums. at least the guitars on Darkthrone albums dont have scooped mids like fucking hell.
Darkthrone's production is not shitty. It perfectly suits their music. Hate Them had cleaner production, and the simplistic minimalist sound was way too in-your-face. TH and ABITNS have much better production. Soulside Journey is awesome old-school death.

And Panzerfaust is one of the coolest album names EVAR.
i tend to say Darkthrone sucks a lot, but to be honest, they really don't suck, its just that i'm hardly ever in the mood for them. i haven't heard all their albums, but the ones I have I've quite enjoyed when i was in the mood. Soulside Journey is still my favorite, I like that album a lot, its a really good blackened-DM album. TH is pretty good as well, songs like "Transylvanian Hunger" and "En As I Dype Skogen" in paticular make the album worthwhile. ABITNS and UAFM are good as well, with "Paragon Belial" being my favorite from the bunch. Those are the most noteworthy DT albums, and a lot of the time when i'm not in the mood they have bored me to tears. But other times ive enjoyed them quite a bit, so I'll fix my opinion a bit... Darkthrone don't suck, in fact they are a good band, you just have to be in the mood.
I got "A Blaze In The Northern Sky" a few days ago. It's pretty good. Even though it may be "minimalistic", when I first listened to it, it seemed somewhat overwhelming because of all the stuff that was going on. It took me about 10 listens to learn to appreciate this work of art.