why do people like Darkthrone?

I thought my small contribution would help settling the matter of NS-references done by Darkthrone. Like they said, they are not a political band or bla bla bla, but I believe that Varg has quite an influence on the fellas during that time and that they were at least a bit NS-influenced around -94.

Den norr*one rasen maa slakte den andre
Nar blaamenn dunker for tung pa vaar dorr!
Indeed, they did have som NS-influenced lyrics back in the day.

Den norrøne rasen må slakte den andre
Når blåmenn dunker for tungt på vår dør (what Sorath wrote above)


The Norse race must slaughter the other
When bluemen (old Norwegian word for black people) knock too heavily on our door
anonymousnick2001 said:
Actually, I made a case for Darkthone's production and why it works so well. But I somewhat prefer Emperor, and they "feel" more black metal to me. Their riffs are much colder, and the keyboard washes add to this effect. Therefore, I like Emperor's atmosphere even better.

So poo on you.

pretty much how i feel. if i want something droning and repetitive ill listen to neurosis or sunn0))) or something like that. i dont even mind strange or "bad" production if it helps things. for instance anaal nathrakh would not be anywhere near as insane sounding if the production was real slick and bass heavy like dimmu borgir. anthems to the welkin at dusk sounds extremely atmospheric to me, i still remember hearing ye entrancemperium for the first time, it was the first music to ever actually scare me. maybe darkthrone is not just my thing.
henrikmain said:
Indeed, they did have som NS-influenced lyrics back in the day.

Den norrøne rasen må slakte den andre
Når blåmenn dunker for tungt på vår dør (what Sorath wrote above)


The Norse race must slaughter the other
When bluemen (old Norwegian word for black people) knock too heavily on our door
What song is that from?
Fenriz wrote the lyrics for that song (in January 1993). However, Varg wrote the lyrics for the last four songs on Transilvanian Hunger; Graven Taakeheimens Saler, I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjød, As Flittermice As Satan Spys and En Aas I Dype Skogen.