Why does "Omerta" end suddenly.......??


May 4, 2004
So before I bought teh CD....I d/led teh mp3..........it ended abru[ptly.........I thought it was just teh MP3........but today I went out and bouth "VIVA EMPTINESS"......and even in teh CD the song ends in teh same fashion....!!!!.///......anyone know the reason....why its liek that....coz I think its thier best song...adn a better ending is warranted....!!!!........my humble opinion......PEAC EOUT
I've deliberated with this for a long time, and I think I have an answer.

As the story in Omerta goes, a dude is getting piss drunk in a bar when he finds his brother in the same bar, his brother whom he hadn't seen since he got separated from his family [all that I had I lost in the fog].

nearing the end, the dude basically says "I gotta go on my seperate way... I can't go back to you guys [his family]. Give them my regards, tell them I love them, and I miss them."

After that, there's nothing more to say. The song ends with the guy's final decision.

The guy wanted more, but couldn't have it

we wanted more [a musical ending], but we couldn't have it [cuz there isn't one]

But that's my theory.
FEckin A...........does make sence man........such high creativeity at work here......these guys really traet their songs well .I was wornf to question it....now I knwo thanx JINN....!!!!!!!.......awesome song........been listnin tthe CD all day today...!!!!........Im lookin to convert more Katatonians here in AUstin TX.,........hahahah......PEAC EOUT

Jinn said:
I've deliberated with this for a long time, and I think I have an answer.

As the story in Omerta goes, a dude is getting piss drunk in a bar when he finds his brother in the same bar, his brother whom he hadn't seen since he got separated from his family [all that I had I lost in the fog].

nearing the end, the dude basically says "I gotta go on my seperate way... I can't go back to you guys [his family]. Give them my regards, tell them I love them, and I miss them."

After that, there's nothing more to say. The song ends with the guy's final decision.

The guy wanted more, but couldn't have it

we wanted more [a musical ending], but we couldn't have it [cuz there isn't one]

But that's my theory.
It runs from the top of my fingers
Into my hands
What is it I have been drinking
I do not understand

his drink has probably been poisoned, so I guess he's dying as the song ends. When he's dead,there's nothing more to the story, as Jonas have stated himself.

It runs from the top of my fingers
Into my hands

Can't really grasp what he means by that part tho.
Yes, obviously it is because he dies. I figure that 'It runs from the tops of my fingers...' just meant that perhaps his hands were shaking and some of his drink spilled. Right before he dies (as he realizes that he's about to) he says, 'Tell them I love them, I miss them.' Such a great song.

BTW, the line is not, 'All I had I lost in the fog,' -- it is, 'All I had I lost in the flood'.
the beauty of the whole song is actually that sudden ___ that lefts you with 'whatta ???' on your face.

mind: distrust ends like that. endtime ends like that. cannot remember dont tell a soul atm, but think thats done there as well.

just because its unconventional aint means its wrong or bad. quite oppossite id say.
I thought it was because it was the last song to be recorded, and they ran out of studio time and tape
What are you guys talking about? It doesn't end suddenly or anything! I guess your cds have a defect or something. It's really interesting though, that most people have those defected cds...
Jonas already answered to this one. Djinn's story is almost right except that the music ends suddenly cause the man who spoke through the song suddenly dies.
This is a great ending according to me.
dead inside said:
same to me, it dosn't stop suddenly

WOW........are u kiddin....coz I d/led teh MP3.adn then on teh CD too its ending abruptly.thogh knowin them explanations really amkes sense now....I guess it does need a abrupt/sudden edn...though stil ID be interested to hear ure NOrmal VERSION.....anwayyz.......u cna rip it and host it...also whats the song length...!!!.......PEAC EOUT
Jinn is the name given to the race of beings made out of a smokeless flame in Islam. They live on earth, but do not associate themselves with humans.

They're also called Djinns by some people, but that's because those people think that Jinns are modified versions of the pagan Arab's Djinns, or spiritual genies.

My Avatar is an artistic representation of a Jinn, and well, I think it looks pretty badass.

Jinn said:
Jinn is the name given to the race of beings made out of a smokeless flame in Islam. They live on earth, but do not associate themselves with humans.

They're also called Djinns by some people, but that's because those people think that Jinns are modified versions of the pagan Arab's Djinns, or spiritual genies.

My Avatar is an artistic representation of a Jinn, and well, I think it looks pretty badass.


I thought it was the guy out of the wishmaster film. hes supoosed to be a jinn. kinda looks like him