Contact the label and send yours back, they'll send you the normal version which doesn't end suddenly.EmptyInside said:How come some of them are defect and do not end suddenly?
I have mine bought, the normal record, and it ends very suddenly.
Contact the label and send yours back, they'll send you the normal version which doesn't end suddenly.EmptyInside said:How come some of them are defect and do not end suddenly?
I have mine bought, the normal record, and it ends very suddenly.
waz416 said:DUDER......!!!!!!!!!.......Im also muslim.........Im from pakistan was born adn raised in Qatar though........but currently in AUsitn TX USA........came here for skool.wnayyz....yeah that s acool na,me...Jinn are indeed of fire.....!!!..really glad to meet u.......I speak arabic too.sinc eI was in Qatar fo rliek 18 years.......hahaha.......!!!!....anwahyz....i still dont get it..some ppl here say thier CDs dont hev the abrupt Im more intrigued to dig out teh full version.....o well.......Im sure it'll be worht it....hahaha...!!!!!!!!!............PEAC EOUT
Thanks a lot Jinn,that's really cool!Jinn said:Jinn is the name given to the race of beings made out of a smokeless flame in Islam. They live on earth, but do not associate themselves with humans.
They're also called Djinns by some people, but that's because those people think that Jinns are modified versions of the pagan Arab's Djinns, or spiritual genies.
My Avatar is an artistic representation of a Jinn, and well, I think it looks pretty badass.
First, it is certain that Islam doesn't forbid music, even there are songs that are composed for the love of God and the Prophet, also there is "tasavvuf" music which emphasises the meaning of God...Jinn said:Aye, but when your religious leaders deem the music forbidden, things get a little hairy.
Actually, on that account Islam and Christianity are in no way similar. There's no priesthood in Islam and therefore no religious hierarchy. The holy Koran is the only source of religious law and since there are no commands or rules against the listening of any kind of music, you can listen to anything you want. Of course it is your choice if you'd rather take heed of the stupid and manipulative ideas of extremists...Wanderer said:Jinn did not talk about Turkey.He talked about Islam.And some muslim countries forbid pop,rock and some other music.But i can not see any difference between muslims and christians.It is very absurd to listen Metal music for both of them.
Religion orders us to smile and be happy cause these actions can make others happy too.
By listening "Katatonia" you torture yourself, you remember your old mistakes and this music makes you depressive and people around you wont be happy either.
If you listen Judgement(from Anathema),you can understand what i say
waz416 said:FEckin A...........does make sence man........such high creativeity at work here......these guys really traet their songs well .I was wornf to question I knwo thanx JINN....!!!!!!!.......awesome song........been listnin tthe CD all day today...!!!!........Im lookin to convert more Katatonians here in AUstin TX.,........hahahah......PEAC EOUT