Good thread.
Could maybe throw this in here: How do avoid basket ball ping sounds in bass drum? ¯\(
My dilemma is that, if I want good attack, I have to stick the mic inside the bass drum, close to where I hit the drum, pointing towards the center of the head etc. Sure, I get good attack but I also get horrible reflections inside the bass drum that just sounds like a basket ball bouncing. If I put the mic right at the hole in the front head, I get good amounts of bass and no basket ball ping pong sounds, but it just sounds... not cool.
And as convenient human nature is, we run when things are a pain to handle, and that is why, ladies and gentlemen, I also sample replace the fucking kick drum
Or well, most of the time I low pass the original kick drum and just keep it for the body, while the trigger takes care of the highs (but also the lows, to help tighten it up). Haha, I'm glad I'm not a professional, because I really want to learn the secrets of micing a bass drum and getting a good... final-production-usable sound out of it.
I use a fluffy pillow, not too big, at the bottom of my bass drum. I have also covered most of the wood inside the bass drum with a semi-fluffy textile that is about 1 cm thick, in hopes of sucking up some of the ping pong reflections but it's still there...