why i went from Pro Tools 8 back to 7.4


No Care Ever
I'm not sure if anyone else has gotten this problem, but Tab to transient doesn't work well for me in PT8.
I was really liking PT8 alot until i came across this problem. It's a shame something so simple has to be a deal breaker for me. With this problem it would probably take me an extra hour or two per song just waiting for the damn thing to load while drum editing(i make all my cuts with tab to transient instead of beat detective..especially when quantizing guitar)

I was searching around online for a fix to the problem, and i found a post about it on Digi's forums, along with a reply from digidesign tech support

When tabbing through transients on grouped drum tracks PT takes ages to catch up. Let's say I am hitting the tab key four times.
First, nothing happens. Then, after a moment the cursor steps through the transients. It sometimes takes about 5-6 seconds for PT to go through 4 tabs.

Also, it seems that for some reason the cursor steps through each tab belonging to the same transient
(let's say direct mic, Overhead, Room, etc) which it shouldn't (manual p.485).

When I ungroup the tracks everything works like it did in PT7 - lightning fast and very precise.

digi tech reply
This is in the queue for a fix, though I cannot predict when the fix may be made available.


also, the slow side scrolling thing can be a pain. Even with the Skunk Worx fix, it will still randomly switch between slow scolling and fast scrolling while i move around cossfades

maybe they will fix these problems soon, but i'm not getting my hopes up. I'm just glad it was a free upgrade, and that i didnt actually have to purchase it
Strange. I think I experienced this problem to a much smaller degree... definitely manageable. The Shan scrolling fix also works fine. The only time the scrolling slows down again is when another window, like Quantize or BD are in the foreground. I'm sure Digi will eventually get off their asses and fix it. Since I'm on W7 reverting back to 7.4 isn't an option.