Why is Anathema ignored in media!


New Metal Member
Oct 18, 2001
Tampere, Finland
I don't know how is it elsewhere but here in Finland there have not been any reviews, radio plays or interviews about AFDTE in Finnish media so far.

Is Anathema out of all genres nowadays or what is this all about? A Fine Day To Exit stayed one week on Finnish Official chart at position 34, I missed that radioshow so I don't know which track was played.
I don't know how is it elsewhere but here in Finland there have not been any reviews, radio plays or interviews about AFDTE in Finnish media so far.

Not sure but my impression is that their label Music For Nations do not really put much money and effort to promote the band. They have also changed their manager lately so perhaps they are not up to date either and have lots of work to do. Anathema is also quite hard to label (and that's what people and media especially do no matter what they say).

To my delight the band has got lots of new fans (also in Finland) thanks to the last couple of albums. Their music is just quite demanding and emotional and it simply do not appeal on mass (metal) markets.

Anyway I am planning to do an interview with the band to the 1st issue (2002) of Inferno Mag but it won't be out until February so... Hopefully other music magazines in Finland (and everywhere else as well) will have more features about Anathema as well as reviews of AFDTE.
AFDTE was the rock release of the week on a UK teletext service.

The UK rock press has been suitibly impressed by the record so far. We're unlikely to get many big Anathema interviews in the UK press but every little bit helps build the reputation of the band and might draw in some more fans.
they are a British band are so living in Britain means that the media are all over them compared to elsewhere. its the same for all British bands, they are overated in many (not all) cases just because they are from Britain. i suppose they arent a media freindly band. they were featured on totalrock radio last month a lot promoting their new album with a one of concert in Fulham kings head, with tickets being given away, so did any of you win? i think it was a strictly guests gig and interview although i may be wrong.
in france, i can't say they are ignored in medias ...

everytime a CD of "atmospheric metal" (this label seems to be used only in france, i find it is the better i know for Anathema) is released, it is compared to the works of anathema (and the comparison is rarely favorable to the other band ):)
since june all metal magasines made at least one interview from them, and they had excellent reviews in all magasines (AFDTE had 5/5 on hard N heavy, who doesn't give this note more as 5-6 times in a year)
in France, Anathema is considered as the reference of the genre
Its like when you put anathema on to your "Mainstream" Freinds,
they dont really notice it,They say it's "Cool",but they forget even how to say Anathema ("Oh Yes,Anthemahi,Something Like that RIght?".
i think only people with strong desire to music,could really appreciate anathema correctly,that's what special about AFDTE,
you can hear it without focusing on it,and it gives you that nice vibe,but if you focus on it,you see that its very deep...
its like a hidden door in music,
but many people like their music simple,catchy,and Happy,
AFDTE can be like that, but its MUCH MORE!
Just my thoughts-dont kill me:cry:
Originally posted by shroud of false
i think only people with strong desire to music,could really appreciate anathema correctly,that's what special about AFDTE,
you can hear it without focusing on it,and it gives you that nice vibe,but if you focus on it,you see that its very deep...
its like a hidden door in music,
but many people like their music simple,catchy,and Happy,
AFDTE can be like that, but its MUCH MORE!
Just my thoughts-dont kill me:cry:

Yeah, the problem is then you get called an elitist :cry: But I agree, like Opeth many people just don't "get" them, about the only reason I don't want them to become majorly popular. But that said Radiohead managed to write music a bit like that and I think most people get it...
Originally posted by LoboUivante
i know why Anathema are not famous, rich or even kewl (YES)... its for the same reason Katatonia, My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost... etc aernt know too. mainstream people arenot sad, they are bright as the day light:D

I'm not sad either, I just don't understand how people can listen to all that crap in the hitlists! The guys from Anathema aren't sad bastards, they just play sad songs (and the new album isn't that sad anymore, but I don't mind, the music kicks ass)


Anathema aren't sad bastards, they just play sad songs

Yeah they surely are cheerful guys in everyday life, but most ('mainstream') people just don't want to listen to sad songs. It's a matter of mentality.
By the way, Paradise Lost can't complain about lack of popularity, they just don't get airplay.
Why most people are cheerful? You really think? I don't.

Here, in Russia, Anathema isn't ignored. As far as I remember an interview with them was posted in 'Dark City' - our greatest magazine about metal music. And periodically some information about them appears there too. So it's all right.
Here in New York an Anathema recording was harder to find than a coconut tree, but I was surprised to find this new one not only in the commercial Tower records, but stocked with a whole bunch of CDs. So I guess some kind of push is on.
The coverage in the mainstream metal mags is nill, and in the heavy ones scant. But when they are mentioned, they are mentioned as more master than musician. I guess people here do not know how to peg them.
But this was the first time i can recall walking into any record store in the biggest city in the united states and seeing a heap of anathama CD's dominating the "a" section of a store.
Originally posted by my dying groom

When did I say that?

Well, probably not that words exactly but if you say most people don't like listening sad music aren't they really cheerful? Because if the person is really cheerful he/she would never listen to Anathema. Or even if would he/she wouldn't like it at all. Tested.
to Transparent: dude! They are definitely NOT shit, at least they weren’t last time I heard them ALTHOUGH I miss the Silent Enigma times but… we got to adjust

hey guys just imagine

Anathema are actually known, they play their songs in the radio in the same amount has Pearl Jam, everybody listens to it(listens not liked it), everybody has Anathema shirts... then you'll hear things like: "ooooHhHhH KeeeWwWlLL... PiaaaNNooo!!"

Actually, you can find the CD's over here, but only here and there. And when you grab a copy of stuff like this, you are grabbing the only copy. It is like the store stocks for one. But just about anything is easy to get through mail order, but gone are the days - with my tastes - of strolling across the city street to Tower or the Wiz and picking up my music.