Why is everybody here post whores?!

I'm not a post whore. I'm a whore.. :grin: Nah, not really. Well, many people use the name bitch when talking of me, though. But that doesn't count. :rolleyes: And I usually don't have anything to say to those silly threads. So I'm silent. Usually.
Theres a shit load of helpful people here though. They know everything and it makes me become a bigger fan. Like NeedledWarheart (Scotland!), and BodomiC all them, they know it all.
One last careless said:
havn't you got ANTYTHING interesting to diskuss?!??! :Spam:

and btw is sucks that there is no Official COB forum.. :waah:

but bodomite you're amazinG!!!!! +9500 posts :OMG:

what a post whore...well :flame: drink beer and ton't give a flying fuck!!! :Smokedev:
you to learn grammer and spall1ng have...
and btw "profanity" has 33000+ posts.. and LOL to that bump