Why is Iconclast getting slagged so badly on the SX forum?

As an old time SX fan, the few times I spent on there as a lurker (posted only a few times) I got the impression that most of those dudes are pretentious guitar dorks that think music starts and ends with long neo classical solos and overly fruity melodies. They pretend to think they are "progressive" but probably hate on Frank Zappa and King Crimson, and hate on all metal that doesn't revolve around pointless musical circle jerking. Yawn.

This is one of my earlier points. The term "progressive" means to move ahead and evolve and yet there is still a longing for the past. Isn't that contradictory to the meaning of "progressive"?

Well, in theory, sure, but it's entirely possible and happens all the time that bands change their sound -- or evolve -- into something that is total crap. It's more like a devolution, really, which is an evolution, but it's a devolution, but they're evolving....I grew up playing Pokemon, so it's pretty easy for me to keep track of this kind of stuff.

I do like the new-ish era of Symphony X the most, but I can't get into Iconoclast. Just a very boring record IMO.
In short, people just need to stop hating on things so much...

Couldn't have put it better myself. I've always just not listened to things I don't like and called it a day. Even still, it's one thing to shit talk a band with a friend who likes them or something, but to go on the bands forum and trash their new album? What a dick move.
I love Iconoclast. I've listened to SX for a long time and I've loved it all, but Iconoclast might be my favorite. I love "aggro Russ" as someone here referred to him. His aggressive vocals are, imo, even more awesome than his clean stuff.

As far as the dudes on the SX forums. Well, some people can't abide change. I'm sure a lot of them will never get over the fact that every album after V is not another V.
I just don't get it. It is an amazing album! Anthemic choruses and tons of melody. I can't stop listening to it, yet their own fans on their own forum for the most part are hugely down on it. i'm not even a progressive music fan and I LOVE Iconoclast! Progressive means to evolve. Doesn't it? If SX stayed the same course, there would be bitching. Now, they are evolving and there's bitching. I just can't comprehend this. Is this what is called being a "progsnob"?

I don't feel like it was that big of a stylistic departure from Paradise Lost at all. I love the entire album, and that says a lot, because I can get pretty impatient with albums that are over 50 minutes unless the material is strong enough to keep me interested.
I just don't get it. It is an amazing album! Anthemic choruses and tons of melody. I can't stop listening to it, yet their own fans on their own forum for the most part are hugely down on it. i'm not even a progressive music fan and I LOVE Iconoclast! Progressive means to evolve. Doesn't it? If SX stayed the same course, there would be bitching. Now, they are evolving and there's bitching. I just can't comprehend this. Is this what is called being a "progsnob"?
I liken Symphony X's transition to Queensryche's on Empire or Metallica's on The Black Album. Both Empire and The Black Album are great discs, but not what I wanted from those artists, at that time. And when an artist delivers something you're not looking for, it's hard not to be disappointed.

The New Mythology Suite is my favorite SX disc. This more straight forward, more aggressive approach, just seems like less than what they are capable of. Which isn't to say I don't like Iconoclast, I do. It's just not what I want most from SX.
I look at it a different way. The more progressive side of Symphony X is very complex, intricate and extensive and they have obviously made it to the live show and tours more than ever. There was a time were they were not even touring the US and think about playing that style of music night in and night out? I kind of think think that the live show may have something to do with the way they are writing these days. That being said I love Iconoclast it is one of my favorite Symphony X albums

I love Iconoclast, I believe, for the simple fact that it's not all over the place stylistically. They are a metal band first and foremost. Is that a correct assumption?

I believe that's a quote from MJR himself. As for the forum, it's been like that since I can remember. If you think the ProgPower fans here can be a finnicky bunch, check out the forum. :heh: I'm happy to see some of the long timers post there, but a lot of the old regs are just lurking or have gone. Things are a lot different now with the band, and information released. It's a lot more complicated than just channeling info through one person.

That all being said, I'm still just as huge of a fanboi as I was when I first heard Damnation Game. I like the "old" & the "new" Symphony X, and hugely look forward to their set this coming September.... :headbang:
I dont' think there's really a right or wrong, just musical taste on what attracted you to Symphony X in the first place. Like someone else said earlier, the "Symphony" aspect of Symphony X isn't there as much as it use to be... to ME, Symphony X developed a signature sound in "Divine Wings of Tragedy". When I think of what attracted me to Symphony X, I think of "Divine Wings of Tragedy" and "The Damanation Game". Two absolutely georgous slabs of prog metal with awesome symphonic elements combined with the smoothness and clean vocals of Russell Allen.... I haven't cared much for them since then. Although I do love V....

With Damnation Game, Divine Wings, and V, they hit the nail on the head with exactly what I was looking for in my metal, but when they moved into a more aggressive direction, it just didn't resonate well with me anymore.

I do think it's classless to slam the band on their own forums. If you don't like the new stuff, just don't buy it. That's the way I deal with it...No need to bitch at the band about it. I'm sure they are happy making the music they are making...
I believe that's a quote from MJR himself. As for the forum, it's been like that since I can remember. If you think the ProgPower fans here can be a finnicky bunch, check out the forum. :heh: I'm happy to see some of the long timers post there, but a lot of the old regs are just lurking or have gone. Things are a lot different now with the band, and information released. It's a lot more complicated than just channeling info through one person.

That all being said, I'm still just as huge of a fanboi as I was when I first heard Damnation Game. I like the "old" & the "new" Symphony X, and hugely look forward to their set this coming September.... :headbang:
Wow! I quoted MJR and didn't even know it. Compared to the SX forum, there is no comparison. I've never seen a more depressing board in my life since I went on that forum. They bitch about EVERYTHING. I believe I'm pretty much done there and I've only posted on there starting this past week.
it's a bunch of dudes from New Jersey who listened to King Diamond and write lyrics about dungeons and dragons. Shit, the only time they tried to approach high art (writing an album around John Milton's poetry, aka Paradise Lost) they basically turned an Renaissance narrative-poem into some nerdy Star Wars tribute.

This made me laugh and started my work week off with a smile - thanks.

Now I want to listen to a song about dragons riding motorcycles.
I dont' think there's really a right or wrong, just musical taste on what attracted you to Symphony X in the first place. ...

This nails it on the head for most 'taste' issues. I started listening to Symphony X with Odyssey -which is one of my top 10 albums of all time- as I usually prefer the more aggressive side of metal. For me, Symphony X's early catalog is not as enjoyable "to me" with the exception of Divine Wings.

That said, I am thoroughly enjoying Iconoclast - in particular the second CD as the songs are more aggressive :)

So, for me if Symphony X's next CD was a 'return to form' (as it is sometimes called) and sounded a lot like V 2, I would probably be disappointed - but a lot of you would be ecstatic. As Dusty said, buy the ones you like, skip the ones you don't.
I love Iconoclast. I've listened to SX for a long time and I've loved it all, but Iconoclast might be my favorite. I love "aggro Russ" as someone here referred to him. His aggressive vocals are, imo, even more awesome than his clean stuff.

While I like Aggro Russ, I do miss the variety, and on an album with as much music as Iconoclast, that can get old after a while. Variety is good.

That being said, I think Iconoclast is a much better album overall than Paradise Lost.
I liken Symphony X's transition to Queensryche's on Empire or Metallica's on The Black Album. Both Empire and The Black Album are great discs, but not what I wanted from those artists, at that time.

Excellent job of dancing around the topic without explicitly stating the obvious. :D

The simple answer to the original question: Symphony X sold out.

As a fairly detached observer (I haven't even heard a Symphony X album since 'V', except for 'Iconoclast' which I'm checking out on Spotify right now), that seems to be the obvious explanation.

The people on their forum are likely the crochety old-timers, who came to love the band because of 'Rage for Order'/'Ride the Lightning'/'V' (and don't remember that those albums still exist and they can listen to them whenever they want to), while those in this thread who don't understand the slagging are the newbs, who heard 'Silent Lucidity'/'Enter Sandman'/some br00tal SX hit-single on the radio (ha!), liked what they heard, and have no interest in that pretentious symphonic wuss-rock the band apparently used to play.

Numerically, the newbs win (as they did with Queensryche and Metallica). Both 'Paradise Lost' and 'Iconoclast' get listened to more than twice as much as 'V', according to last.fm data. So the old folks can cry for 'V II' all they want, but Symphony X probably doesn't give a hoot.

I've heard that sold out term thrown around a bit .. I don't really buy it. Musically I don't think they've simplified or softened their sound in an effort to appeal to the masses and sell mass amounts of records. I do think they probably heavied things up a bit because of the better response and turnout they started getting when they'd play the heavier tunes in the live setting. If that consistutes a sell out then they are probably guilty, but it's definately not a sellout in the classic sense.

I do think they probably heavied things up a bit because of the better response and turnout they started getting when they'd play the heavier tunes in the live setting.

Agreed wholeheartedly. Symphony X's heavier songs simply work better in a live environment. Much more energetic songs = much more energetic crowds = much more fun live experience.

I'd take the "sellout" Symphony X kicking everyone's ass with a high-energy METAL set than a bunch of nerds standing up and not moving while counting how many times the band messes up. (For god's sake, even some Opeth and Dream Theater shows aren't like that anymore....)