Why is it that ppl think Metallica Sold out?


Aug 2, 2005
If Metallica sold out, then why the hell would they keep playing music everybody hated...all the metalheads thought they sold out on the black album...all the stupid preppies thought they sold out on the load--and i think they were just playing from the heart--

What do you guys think?

If you feel strongly about them selling out and that im an idiot...please do not annihilate me.:Spin:
I disagree that they "sold out" because at that point in their career they could've made just as much money still churning out thrash, they had such a huge legion of fans.

I think they just had a change of heart about what they wanted to play. It's no secret that James loves southern rock, Kirk has lots of varied classic rock & hard rock influences, etc and they wanted to explore that rather than churn out another 8-9 track album of thrash metal riffs.

Personally I don't like Load or Reload because they aren't my thing (then again I don't listen to much Metallica at all and I think the Black album is their best in terms of songwriting), but they weren't so much a "sell out" as they were an artistic shift I reckon.
Ok Metallica change of musical direction was not as pronounced as say Pantera, however, to some degree they have "sold out". The problem comes when defining "sold out". To each person it means different things. Personally I suspect that with the success of TBA, they got a real good taste of the good life and wanted to maintain their new lifestyle and there would be no way that thrash could have done that.

Their change of hearts on issues such as video's and file sharing (tape sharing) certainly smacks of hypocrisy.
They just got called sellouts because they had the balls to experiment and not play just metal all the time. Load and Reload are good albums. The 80's stuff is the best though.
Trixxi Trash said:
I disagree that they "sold out" because at that point in their career they could've made just as much money still churning out thrash, they had such a huge legion of fans.

I disagree...
Their old thrash style wouldn't draw as much fans as much more accessible stripped down songwriting on Black. Especially ballad like Nothing Else Matters :)yuk: ) drew in hordes of girls, who always have a soft spot for ballads.
I remember, I was in 8th grade when it was released and until then only a handful of people were listening to Metallica or metal in general, but after heavy MTV rotation and Nothing Else Matters all the girls in school embraced them, along with Skid Row and GNR.
Hawk, can we get a ban on Metallica threads for at least two months?:loco:

I don't mind talking about Metallica at all, I love their older material, but the thing that gets me is the people these threads draw. I have no problem with anybody, until they give me a reason to. Please do not come to UMOS, boasting a prestige of courtesy and civility, and flame people like this is General Discussion.
Dodens Grav said:
There should be a UMOS rule that no thread should be ever made about Metallica and selling out.

Agree we (and I mean we cause I'm one of the fiercest bashers) have flogged the dead horse so much there's no even bones left in the carcass (unrelated with the grind/death band).

Let's move on, so much music out there and so little time to enjoy :headbang:
Wyvern said:
Agree we (and I mean we cause I'm one of the fiercest bashers) have flogged the dead horse so much there's no even bones left in the carcass (unrelated with the grind/death band).

Let's move on, so much music out there and so little time to enjoy :headbang:

Wyvern said:
Agree we (and I mean we cause I'm one of the fiercest bashers) have flogged the dead horse so much there's no even bones left in the carcass (unrelated with the grind/death band).

Let's move on, so much music out there and so little time to enjoy :headbang:

I agree, so many other bands out there to bash.:D
I don't think you're an idiot...And your opinion is yours...

But listen to Kill 'Em All and then listen to St. Anger. My opinion is if that's what's in their hearts now maybe it's time to quit!! And if I really want to get sick to my stomach I'll rent the Anger DVD.

HateCrew666 said:
If Metallica sold out, then why the hell would they keep playing music everybody hated...all the metalheads thought they sold out on the black album...all the stupid preppies thought they sold out on the load--and i think they were just playing from the heart--

What do you guys think?

If you feel strongly about them selling out and that im an idiot...please do not annihilate me.:Spin: