

Down For Life
Mar 23, 2002
Prince George, BC
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Why do people hate Metallica because they would rather people pay money to hear their albums which they took the time to create, so people should make the sacrifice to pay to hear their time and dedication! :mad: Metallica made alot of good tunes and when they DID what ALOT of other bands were thinking, people threw them in the trash, sold their Met. collections and so on. Well I just say to all you people who hate Metallica for what they did, FUCK YOU! Yes I was pretty angry with Metallica for all the hassle they created, but then I looked at it from their perspective. Would you want to work all day, all week and NOT get a paycheck?! Think about that, and bow down for James, Kirk, Lars, Jason, Cliff, and even Dave. for all the music they've given you!

I named past members of Metallica also, they desrve credit for all that Metallica's become too.

So grow up and don't condemn the boys for wanting their paycheck. If they get millions of dollars for it, don't be jealous and accept it, because they're here to stay!


- Allan

You want to see more of my opinion on Metallica, then go to 'General Music Discussion' and look for the thread, "thoughts about metallica."
Originally posted by DayOfDarknessWithin
Why do people hate Metallica because they would rather people pay money to hear their albums which they took the time to create, so people should make the sacrifice to pay to hear their time and dedication! :mad: Metallica made alot of good tunes and when they DID what ALOT of other bands were thinking, people threw them in the trash, sold their Met. collections and so on. Well I just say to all you people who hate Metallica for what they did, FUCK YOU! Yes I was pretty angry with Metallica for all the hassle they created, but then I looked at it from their perspective. Would you want to work all day, all week and NOT get a paycheck?! Think about that, and bow down for James, Kirk, Lars, Jason, Cliff, and even Dave. for all the music they've given you!

I named past members of Metallica also, they desrve credit for all that Metallica's become too.

So grow up and don't condemn the boys for wanting their paycheck. If they get millions of dollars for it, don't be jealous and accept it, because they're here to stay!


- Allan

You want to see more of my opinion on Metallica, then go to 'General Music Discussion' and look for the thread, "thoughts about metallica."

Thay Soldout , Thay Said Thay Wouldn't And Thay Did,
Still Love The Old Stuff , Just Not Big On The New Stuff.
I don't hate them for the Napster thing.

I hate them for suddenly going form being a great thrash metal band to suddenly looking and sounding like a boring late '90s alternative rock band. Load and Reload suck ballsack cheese, Garage Inc. sucks because the covers on Disc 1 are crap and the stuff on Disc 2 should have only been on their original releases... and S&M they decided it wasn't enough to write crap new songs but they had to go and torture their old songs too.

The first 5 albums rock though. Especially Ride The Lightning :headbang:

Give me Megadeth anyday though! Best thrash band ever? I think so... :D
Metallica SUCKS. Deal with it.

Sure Ride and Master were good albums, but their incessant whining and bitching about Napster was the final fly on the turd.

So, go shave your hair, have gay sex and pretend to be a rockstar... then you'll be just like Metallicrap.
You see, THAT'S the kind of reasons for disliking them I don't mind, (edguy & trooper), because you see so many people say "I hate metallica...they're greedy....etc." And they say (just because of the napster thing etc.. ) that everything that Metallica put out sucks, those are the people I was aiming my post to. The people with no minds of their own. They don't have a real reason for not liking them, they just use excuses they see other people use. I don't like most of their new stuff either (some of it's good) but I do respect them and will never TRULY hate them for what they did. It's sad but true...Metallica sold-out. :cry:

As for xenophobe, grow up or go back to watching your mtv and listening to the radio while kissing your linkin park posters. :loco:
Stop the bitterness.

Metallica rocks. :headbang:

- Allan
Linwhatever park and mtv? How do you spell that? Wait, aren't Linkun Part and Metallicrap the same band? :lol:



Go spank your monkey whilst listening to your favorite Mettaliposer album and shoot yourself in the head.

Metallica is GAY. Poser.


And I bet you play a LTD too... BWWAAAHAHAHAH!!!!
Bands say they have to become better when they change their style,but Metallica really seems to change because of money - the Scorpions still sound like themselves (even though they had very different songs from those they play today) but Metallica sounds like all the other bands,being built to make music because of money and not of the music itself.I'm glad to have a radiostation in my area playing the old songs ;)
It's not so much the Napster issue that bugged me, it was the radical and uncalled for change of sound and style that got to me. It was as though they decided, "We've made our money, fuck the fans who got us here in the first place" and went and did this.

To the fans who supported them in 1985, like myself, when nobody in the mainstream they now so eagerly covet as their own knew or CARED who they were and slagged them off as noise, this is no less than betrayal, pure and simple. They left us hanging when they switched gears and went mainstream and corporate, and we hate them for it. They disregard us now, and thus in return we disregard them as anything valid and resembling real metal. That's what it is to me. And also too, I think Cliff may have left after "And Justice For All...", as the direction they were going in may have been far too mainstream for his taste. Just my 0.02 on a heartfelt subject to me...
Ok I don't care what anyone says METALLICA IS THE BEST METAL BAND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those who hate them for Napster, go record an album and see if it doesn't end up the internet before the release date. And for those who hate them for changing their sound FUCK YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!! Ok I'll admit, that I don't like a lot of the Load and Reload songs, but they have the right to do what they please with their music. They didn't use anyone for anything. They do what they wanna do. Look at Ozzy Osbourne, he was in Black Sabbath, the very FIRST metal band. Listen to his albums and tell me how come he doesn't have the same sound he did in the 70s. He worked with Dave Grohl on his Down to Earth album. Don't get me wrong, I praise Ozzy for the music that he gave us. And if you think about it the other bands that started with Metallica aren' t the same either. Megadeth, another band that I love, their sound totally changed from the 80s after Countdown to Extinction. What about Slayer? Here's a band that everyone still praises, and they sound nothing like they did in the 80s either. Now they kind of picked up the sound of Machinehead and Panterrible. So all you Metallica haters, go suck a cows utters, because if you hate Metallica, than you're not a TRUE metalhead!!!!!!!!
Metalraven, take a look at pics of the band you worship... :lol:


Bet you like that shit, eh?

Originally posted by metalraven
Megadeth, another band that I love, their sound totally changed from the 80s after Countdown to Extinction. What about Slayer?

Megadeth may have changed their style, but they didn't suck when doing it. Only Risk was pretty bad album. Same goes for Slayer.

I started listening metal in '92 or so and the first album I got was Master of Puppets. The next four years I was HUGE metallica fan, just waiting for a new album, then they come up with Load. Imagine the disappointment. I still bought Reload and Garage Inc. and I give them an occasional spin. I loved the idea of S&M, but when I heard it, it was utter crap. And yes I think the napster lawsuit thing sucks. I know it's wrong to steal peoples work, and if it would've been anybody except a band/performer who already has made millions of dollars, I would've supported the lawsuit, not napster. I just see it as insanely greedy. IMO the best solution would've been limiting the quality of the songs to 96 kbps, then napster would have been just an advanced way to trade tapes. To conclude: I don't hate metallica, I love their earlier work (the first four) but I despise their greediness and that they don't stand up to what they said before (we won't sell out, we will never make a soundtrack song, etc.). I don't really have any hope left for them or the next album.
Hey xenophony, why do you have those pictures of Metallica?

They may be my favourite band, but I don't need to see that.
I like them for the MUSIC, that's what matters, not what they look like naked. I guess you like it since you have links to those pictures.
And for the Voice of God, I'm not saying Megadeth's or Slayer's new style sucked, I'm just saying that why are people putting down Metallica for changing their sound when those two bands also did. I like alot of Megadeth's post-Countdown to Extinction stuff. I also like Slayer's music. I'm not a die hard Slayer fan, but I like them.
Metallica is no longer Metallica..and never will be Metallica again. Face it, they cant get their shit together and when they do they just make albums that suck more and more. Black was the last album they put out that was any good. It wasnt one of their best but it had some killer songs on it. They are more for the money than they are for the fans. Just something people will have to realize now!!!
Just for the record, that bald headed pic of kirk looked doctored...but the rest were real....ugh.

Anyway, I'm kinda on both sides of the fence. I prefer old Metallica, but I still listen to new Metallica...I just have to separate the fact that it's not the Metallica that I know, and have to listen to it in a different mindset, like an alternative type mindset. In other words, I would listen to it in the same sentence as Soundgarden or AIC. I would listen to the older stuff while listening to old Deth, Slayer, Anthrax, etc.

But you can't blame people for feeling betrayed. The new stuff grew on me, but I would take the old stuff over the new any day. Some people just aren't flexible like that, and that's fine. I felt betrayed when I heard have no idea how excited I was to get my hands on the new Metallica album, only to find out that it sounded like hard rock than heavy metal. They are in the vein of Godsmack and bands like Korn now, which is nu metal. As long as they play the old stuff at their shows, I'm happy. When they turn their backs on their roots COMPLETELY, I'm gone. I'll always be a fan, if only for the fact that they were the only band I listened to for four solid years. I literally worshipped the ground Hetfield walked on. But I can guarantee you one thing; you'll never see Hetfield sucking face with another dude, LOL!

I'm indifferent to the Napster thing...I could care less. If you are so pissed off about the fact that you can't get something for free that's illigal, then you need a wake up call. Get a fucking life. I understand where Metallica is coming from, and they have every right to feel this way. I think if Metallica had stayed heavy and done this, that no one would really have minded. I think it was the straw that broke the camel's back. First it was the new album, then it was Reload, then it was Garage Inc, then came that I Disappear garbage and S&M, etc. Now they are teaming up with that fuckin' rap dude to cut a track? What the fuck is that? If it sounds like Ice T and Slayer, then it's cool...but it won't. All this stuff happened, and then they push the lawsuit...people at this time were LOOKING for a reason NOT to like Metallica, and they found it. This was their way of washing their hands of them.

Now the new album is supposed to be in the same vein as the other stuff...dammit. Ok, you've moved on, you've explored other avenues of interest, you've experimented...get back to doing what you do best. Make a comeback and prove everyone wrong. No one wants another Load, they want another Ride or Master...HELL EVEN ANOTHER BLACK! I understand that they are going to do what they want to do, and that no one has the right to tell them what to play, but that's what side projects are for. Even the member of Cannibal Corpse have side projects that are far cries from their original music, because no matter who you are, YOU CAN'T PLAY METAL FOR 20 YEARS AND NOT WANT TO TRY SOMETHING NEW. Just do it with a new band name. Keep the same members. Keep the same instruments. Keep the same producer. But make it a departure from your other self, so you don't have to eat your words and paint yourself into a corner. Now they are going to have to try and stay true to their feelings NOW, and that means that going back on their word would mean that they would sell out....again. So, they've sold out by playing new crap, and if they went back on their oaths to stay in the direction they are in, they would sell out again, only to a different crowd. Either way, they are screwed. They'll be rich for life, they'll have everything they want, and they'll always sell out their gigs...but I don't think that they will be happy inside, and I think it's going to tear them apart. I forsee Metallica following in the footsteps of Megadeth very soon.
Megadeth tamed their sound a bit, but didn't completely change it. How can you say they did after Countdown too? Youthanasia isn't very different, only the production sounds different. They have very similar vibe and songwriting. The with Cryptic they just tamed the sound a little more, same with The World Needs A Hero, but it was still all the elements of Megadeth. Risk was the only different one.

And Slayer, they "modernized" their sound a bit but it is still Slayer really. Just a little more detuned and not so '80s. I don't like Slayer anyway though.

Metallica on the other hand completely stopped playing metal, and turned to some weird hybrid of alternative, country/blues and hard rock.
Why did I have those pics? They're not from my website but they've funny as hell.

As for megadeth, the reason their sound changed was because the creative lineup changed.

Although band's style's do change after time, some (metallica, Judas Priest (turbo)) change for money... Others change to grow. Megadeth did some of both, IMO.

Then there are other bands, like Slayer, who just changed to grow... they never tried to hit mainstream, they just did what they wanted to do all along.

And, three are other bands, like Pantera, who I'm not really a fan of, but before they were signed, they were a makeup wearing glam band, and got heavier and less commercial with each album.

So whatever.