The real question here is could there be 50?????!!!!!
8.18.04-there's 24 already...
1.) Metallica$h(SWINE)
2.) Alternica(Metal Maiden)
3.) Shitallica(Metal Maiden)
4.) Selloutica(Metal Maiden)
5.) Meclitaca(Jonny D)
6.) Hasbeenica(SWINE)
7.) Crapallica(WYVERN)
8.) Mierdallica (makes sense in Spanish, WYVERN) *note:Mierda=Shit(SWINE)
9.) Barfallica (I just made it, WYVERN)
10) Popallica(WYVERN)
12.)"Master of Profits"(soundmaster)
13.) Metallifucks(Clammy)
14.) Ca$htallica(Clammy)
15.) Lica(Clammy)
16.) Disposable Heroes(Unfaithful Metalhead)
17.) The Thing that Should Not Be(Unfaithful Metalhead)
18.) The Unfogiven(Unfaithful Metalhead)
19.) NuMetallica(Wyvern)
23.)Money Up Thei Asses(Unfaithfull Metalhead)
24.)Jump in the Money(Unfaithfull Metalhead)
8.18.04-there's 24 already...
1.) Metallica$h(SWINE)
2.) Alternica(Metal Maiden)
3.) Shitallica(Metal Maiden)
4.) Selloutica(Metal Maiden)
5.) Meclitaca(Jonny D)
6.) Hasbeenica(SWINE)
7.) Crapallica(WYVERN)
8.) Mierdallica (makes sense in Spanish, WYVERN) *note:Mierda=Shit(SWINE)
9.) Barfallica (I just made it, WYVERN)
10) Popallica(WYVERN)
12.)"Master of Profits"(soundmaster)
13.) Metallifucks(Clammy)
14.) Ca$htallica(Clammy)
15.) Lica(Clammy)
16.) Disposable Heroes(Unfaithful Metalhead)
17.) The Thing that Should Not Be(Unfaithful Metalhead)
18.) The Unfogiven(Unfaithful Metalhead)
19.) NuMetallica(Wyvern)
23.)Money Up Thei Asses(Unfaithfull Metalhead)
24.)Jump in the Money(Unfaithfull Metalhead)