have we had metallicunts yet,or is that just too offensive?one the guys used after st anger,understandably.
sixxswine said:The List so far....
1.) Metallica$h(SWINE)
2.) Alternica(Metal Maiden)
3.) Shitallica(Metal Maiden)
4.) Selloutica(Metal Maiden)
5.) Meclitaca(Jonny D)
6.) Hasbeenica(SWINE)
7.) Crapallica(WYVERN)
8.) Mierdallica (makes sense in Spanish, WYVERN) *note:Mierda=Shit(SWINE)
9.) Barfallica (I just made it, WYVERN)
10) Popallica(WYVERN)
12.)"Master of Profits"(soundmaster)
Abryl said:Metallica bashing got old, can we bash Blaze instead? :Spin:
I will refrain from that as I really dig I.E. & know little to nothing about Blaze...~metal_maiden~ said:We can make fun of Blaze and Jon Schaffeur, too.![]()
Yeah and I am a Avid Blaze fan I would get pissed .... not that it matters but I would hahahasixxswine said:I will refrain from that as I really dig I.E. & know little to nothing about Blaze...![]()
Abryl said:Go ahead, just don't say anything bad about Matt
JonnyD said:I will Say that I am not and never was a big Barlow fan prolly never will be But I will refrain from making any remarks![]()
JonnyD said:uke:
I knew I shouldnt have looked at this Bash thread
hahaha No Worries I know better than to go there I would have most of the board pissed at me for that hahahaAbryl said:Cool, you better or I'll be pissed off![]()
hahaha yes I did hahaha Stupid me .... cool Thanks Abyrl!Abryl said:But you did anyway... See what you get?Ok, I'll stop the Blaze bashing... for now.
Same here, he got the job done, but there was something missing. Oh yeah, it's called soul & passion. Listen, if you have ever heard Tim Owens tear into the classic material you know what you have been missing. Regardless of what you might think of the Glorious Burden, don't judge Owens by the songs on that record. Wait until you hear him perform the entire Gettysburg Trilogy & his renditions of the old material. Trust me, when you hear him sing "Iced Earth" you can't believe what you are hearing. You get chills. Like someone dumping a bucket, of ice down you back.JonnyD said:I will Say that I am not and never was a big Barlow fan prolly never will be But I will refrain from making any remarks![]()