METALLICA - TRUE old school debate

Fangface said:
Same here, and honestly I couldn't even listen to the whole album, after 3 or 4 songs I was done :ill:

Same here! I was in shock!

I guess they hadn't played so messy and sung so off key 'til their first rehearsal ever... but maybe the rest of the album is a masterpiece :p

The drums is what I hated so much :( Oh well I guess we'll never know if the rest of the album was a masterpiece or not :) Somehow I doubt it!
tedvanfrehley said:
Just many of you think Metallica is still kicking ass and going strong? My personal opinion is that they keep getting BETTER and I love ST ANGER just as much as the Cliff albums...I really do. .
A fine example of how the oldschool forum handles different opinions. If you were to post this at the general music discussion someone would say "you suck" because you like the newer Metallica. :Smug:


btw Ted...... you suck !! :loco:
metlica has been annoying me for some time now, I mean, it is hard not to get them shoved in your face for years if you are a metal fan. There is so much better stuff than any metallica record.

Anyway, the news for you is that Pyrus on the TestAmenT forum loves street anger.
so theres another one for your list.
Well again let me say ( and I mean this in the nicest possible way...) Kiss my fat white ass! hahaha

Seriously, though, I take no offense to anyone hating metallica and especially St. Anger. BUT I honestly do enjoy the album. I like the "shitty" sound...I guess to me it reminds me of just being in a garage band and thrashing around with your buddies. I haven't played with other musicians since high school/college but to me that was kind of the idea with St. Anger...just strip it down and beat the shit outta those ESP guitars...I guess with Metallica though the standards were set on the first 3 albums and they never lived up to those again....BUT I still say they make great albums...but then again, I do like TOTO!

Hold the Line,
sorry ted,but i'm with the majority on st anger.i really didnt like it very much.
i have been a metallica fan since 86 when they brought out master of puppets.that was the first real metal album i brought.and it ruled,above all,for years.i loved justice just as much,and the first two.
when the black album came out,it just wasnt the same.i just didnt like it very be honest,i prefer load and reload to the black album.i think some of the songs on those two albums are great.the outlaw torn for me is still one of thier best songs.

but importantly,they are not the same band that wrote and justice for all.everything changed with the black album for me.i brought st anger,and i dare say i'll buy thier next one.hell,i've brought everything else they've ever done so why not,but to be honest that last album just didnt do anything for me at wasnt just the production either,allthough it was terrible-half the reason i didnt like the black album was that it was too well produced!
no,the songs on st anger,imo,just arnt as good as the stuff they did before.

take a look at their live set these days.i saw them at christmas in london.out of a 2 1/2 hour set,5 songs were post ajfa.normally when a band has a new album out,they play lots of that and some old be honest,i think even they know that what they are doing now is poo compared to what they have produced in the past,but they've got millionaire lifestyles and habits to pay for!lets face it,hetfield could fart in a can,record it and sell 2mil copies these days.why give a fuck if its any good anymore.
The production didn't bother me that much, the main reason I didn't like it was the song writing. The songs just kinda loop over and over going nowhere. The other reason was the fact that there are no guitar solos, what was the purpose of that?!! Other than to sound modern and fit in I don't understand what they were thinking!
Metallica, Metallica? Oh yes the band that made their last album after the demise of their first bass player the average "And Justice for All...". Never heard again of them, what hapened, did they disbanded?
Wyvern said:
Metallica, Metallica? Oh yes the band that made their last album after the demise of their first bass player the average "And Justice for All...". Never heard again of them, what hapened, did they disbanded?

I thought Justice was great (their last great one though.) Metallica took some people to heavier stuff like Slayer, which it did for me as well, but many of those thrash bands either lacked any resemblence of melody or died out with many other metal bands in the early 90's, and I didn't stay in that genre too long. Metallica's complicated music and time changes etc. actually directed me towards Fates Warning and Dream Theater and other progressive bands as well and played a major role (along with Queensryche) in the music I listen to today though I wouldn't give you a wooden nickel for either band's releases in the last ten years, there was one time they played a major role in my musical life.

Bryant said:
there was one time they played a major role in my musical life.

That's the best way to describe Metallica now, and I bet almost everyone on this board would say the same thing. That one sentence says it all.
Greeno said:
That's the best way to describe Metallica now, and I bet almost everyone on this board would say the same thing. That one sentence says it all.

I seriously doubt you would find many people that would argue against them being the "kings" of underground metal. Talk about a cult following.....

I mentioned Queensryche in the post as well. They were about the same way. While they didn't succeed via quite the underground fashion as Metallica did as they had about 300 videos released from "Operation:Mindcrime" but they ended up slapping the faces of their fanbase by simplifying their approach to their craft and putting out albums of less musical integrity like "Empire." It made them famous in the short term, but also made them little more than a passing fad of fickle bandwagoners that accept what MTV and the record companies throw at them and move on t the next one.

Members of both of those bands have to sleep at night just like the rest of us and I wouldn't trade places with any of them.

Here's my take:

I've been a Metallica fan since like 1983...I was into Maiden and all that stuff, and I went to hang out with my cousin in Jersey - hadn't seen him in a few years, and he had one of those mirrors you can win at fairs and stuff, with band logos printed on them. It was a "Metal up your Ass" mirror, and I was like "What the fuck is that all about", and he popped in a tape of Kill 'em All, and said "These guys are going to set the music world on fire". I was blown away and became a Metallica fan in a big way.
I have ALWAYS given Metallica the benefit of the doubt, especially when Load and Reload came out...some good songs, a different sound and all that, but being a musician, I understand how you don't want to do the same shit over and over.
One other thing I would like to point out is that Cliff Burton played a HUGE role in Metallica as far as music goes. He was the only one in that band with a very strong understanding of theory and arrangement etc. If you listen to And Justice for All, the entire album has a particular feel as far as the song writing goes. But when you get to "To Live is to Die", which was a bunch of pieces writyten by Cliff, it has a completely different style to it. My point was, had Cliff Burton lived and remained in Metallica, they would probably be a much different band today, musically speaking. Lars Ulrich has even said himself, that if Cliff were still alive, Load and Reload never would have happened...something I agree with for the most part.
I don't like the sound on St. Anger - there are some great riffs and melodies in there, but the way it was engineered and produced just doesn't do it for me. But one thing I can say, is that Metallica is still one of the best live benads out there - they bust their ass on tour, and the songs on St. Anger sound so much better live than on the album.
Metallica is an important band, and they are responsible in a large part for changing the direction of Metal in the 80's and into the 90's. Bands evolve and people change - it's inevitable...and when you get that big, you are always going to have critics, there's no way around it.

My 2 cents...
Greeno said:
That's the best way to describe Metallica now, and I bet almost everyone on this board would say the same thing. That one sentence says it all.
Almost, right :D
As strange as it seems, I discovered Metallica after Maiden, Priest, Helloween, Overkill, etc.
I knew the name of course, but I didn't really listen to them in the early days of my musical life. Maybe that's why I've never been such a fan...
Yeah, I bet all those metallica fans just say they like it because it was the first thing they heard, but if you think about it, they were really no match for testament, exodus, laaz rockit...etc.