Why is PT considered the best for editing audio?

Ironically enough, I've only ever programmed drums with a piano roll, and I started on Cubase! I just never knew about that drum editor hootinanny, and now that I do I really have no use for it. People always say Cubase's MIDI is better than PT's; is that really the only reason?
People always say Cubase's MIDI is better than PT's; is that really the only reason?
that's OLD news anyway.. hasn't been the case for a couple years, at least, now. as i said before, PT midi stepped up to the plate with version 7 and became very highly fine tuned with 7.3..... so that old "pt midi sux" is as invalid today as "digital sounds cold"..... this is ancient dogma at this point, that is simply no longer true... it's old news, things change. and they have with PT, some time ago now.
i think that once you have got to know a program its all easy...

i use Cubase and have done for AGES!!! and using it is the easiest thing ever.. i know pretty much all the shortcuts and have made about 5-6 of my own..

on most DAW's you can do all the same stuff, you just need to know how to use it effectively.

and once you have mastered how to use it the software, you can then listen to a sound and say ''i want that to sound like this''
so you do it.. and i think its the same principle for most DAW's

i know logic but still find it really awquard to operate quickly:S
the only good thing about it is that it comes with more FX and sampled instruments. also has a built in sampler

so your kinda getting more for your money.
but you could just buy the extra stuff for Cubase and do the exact same thing!
that's OLD news anyway.. hasn't been the case for a couple years, at least, now. as i said before, PT midi stepped up to the plate with version 7 and became very highly fine tuned with 7.3..... so that old "pt midi sux" is as invalid today as "digital sounds cold"..... this is ancient dogma at this point, that is simply no longer true... it's old news, things change. and they have with PT, some time ago now.

:) Yes, Digi stepped up in version 7.3
I've been using and abusing P.T. since version 5.0 and midi was quite a joke back then. I used Reason back in the day :lol: But you're right James Digis' midi now is great. Now they need to work on their RTAS format for better performance! I still can run twice as many ((Same)) plug-ins using Logic, than P.T.L.E. although with this Mac Pro I can load up quite a few! I can still make music so I'm not bitchin' :headbang: It just seems weird how the same plug-in can perform totally different on two D.A.W.'s
personally i just think its because pro tools has the most logical layout for mixing. everything is laid out like a analogue mixer inserts up the top (where your eq's would be) auxes underneath them (where they would be on a desk) and then a pan and fader at the bottom. you can see what plug ins are on any of your tracks at a glance.
I tried using cubase before i had pro tools and it was (imo) a pain in the ass to use. I dont want to have to press the little "e" button to go to a menu to see what plug ins are on my track. I want them sitting in front of me.
I think the compatibility between the HD and LE/M-Powered versions is good too. Record in a shit hot studio running a HD rig, then burn to DVD or put it on your hard drive and mix it at home on your mbox.
only thing that really pisses me off about PT is that its only digidesign / m-audio interfaces that work with it...
I tried using cubase before i had pro tools and it was (imo) a pain in the ass to use. I dont want to have to press the little "e" button to go to a menu to see what plug ins are on my track. I want them sitting in front of me.

because it is the best. period. heh

i have been considering the switch to cubase so i can bounce at 48x. i mean seriously i feel like waste sooooooo much time bouncing in real time...

godddddddddddddd :-D
Jesus fucking christ. Everybody thinks that what they use every day is the best. So this entire discussion is obsolete before it even formed in the brain of the original poster.

I mean seriously, some schmuck starts a new "pro-tools VS BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH" topic on Gearslutz about once every hour, and the end result is always always ALWAYS THE FUCKING SAME. People that use Pro-tools love pro-tools. People that use Cubase love Cubase. AND NOBODY CARES.
and there's no way to move things around freely without switching to the piano roll.


Thats incorrect. Turn off snap and you can move notes to anywhere your heart desires free movement.

You mean turn off the grid? That can't be done your correct.

Seriously I'm not knocking PT (well that much) just saying that 95% of what can be done in pro tools can be done in cubase and just as fast if your proficient with the progam.
Jesus fucking christ. Everybody thinks that what they use every day is the best. So this entire discussion is obsolete before it even formed in the brain of the original poster.

I mean seriously, some schmuck starts a new "pro-tools VS BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH" topic on Gearslutz about once every hour, and the end result is always always ALWAYS THE FUCKING SAME. People that use Pro-tools love pro-tools. People that use Cubase love Cubase. AND NOBODY CARES.


Look at this cool guy over here.

I was simply asking why everyone raves about the PT editing, not PT vs DAW X. If enough logical answers or opinions came in, I'd pick up a copy of M-powered and see if I can get into it or stick with Cubase.

You need to :Smokin: more.
It's a program worth looking at for sure IMO.

Didn't you make the switch from Cubase to PT?

I just realized to check out the demo of PT m-powered first. I checked the digidesign website and redirected me to the m-audio website for a demo download but I can't find any information or download links for the software.

yeah, you're right Phil... we weren't actually discussing valid points or comparing any features... we were all just ranting in blind loyalty to the DAW's we each happen to use.... like a few posts ago when i typed, "I R LUVZ PRO TOOLZ!!!! Q-BASS SUX!!!", and Axeman posted, "CUEBASE IS FOR LOOOSERZ!! PRO TOOLZ CUREZ CANCER!!!", and JBroll piped in with, "PRO TOOLZ AND QUEBASE BOTH SUCK!!! I MIX WITH PHYSICS!!!!".

you called it dude.

god forbid anyone should actually have a discussion on a discussion forum.

now before you decide to hate and trash me to all your mates.... i think you are a very handsome man, with incredible drinking/performing/recording/pulling skills.... and you're a very snazzy dresser, in a totally non-gay way.

cheers, :kickass:
yeah, you're right Phil... we weren't actually discussing valid points or comparing any features... we were all just ranting in blind loyalty to the DAW's we each happen to use.... like a few posts ago when i typed, "I R LUVZ PRO TOOLZ!!!! Q-BASS SUX!!!", and Axeman posted, "CUEBASE IS FOR LOOOSERZ!! PRO TOOLZ CUREZ CANCER!!!", and JBroll piped in with, "PRO TOOLZ AND QUEBASE BOTH SUCK!!! I MIX WITH PHYSICS!!!!".

you called it dude.

god forbid anyone should actually have a discussion on a discussion forum.

now before you decide to hate and trash me to all your mates.... i think you are a very handsome man, with incredible drinking/performing/recording/pulling skills.... and you're a very snazzy dresser, in a totally non-gay way.

cheers, :kickass:

hahahahha thanks james you made me spit beer out my nose.:headbang:
yeah, you're right Phil... we weren't actually discussing valid points or comparing any features... we were all just ranting in blind loyalty to the DAW's we each happen to use.... like a few posts ago when i typed, "I R LUVZ PRO TOOLZ!!!! Q-BASS SUX!!!", and Axeman posted, "CUEBASE IS FOR LOOOSERZ!! PRO TOOLZ CUREZ CANCER!!!", and JBroll piped in with, "PRO TOOLZ AND QUEBASE BOTH SUCK!!! I MIX WITH PHYSICS!!!!".

you called it dude.

god forbid anyone should actually have a discussion on a discussion forum.

now before you decide to hate and trash me to all your mates.... i think you are a very handsome man, with incredible drinking/performing/recording/pulling skills.... and you're a very snazzy dresser, in a totally non-gay way.

cheers, :kickass:

Give it time James, these conversations are predictable as the sunrise. The best you can hope for is they become well and truly derailed before the fanboys start crawling from the woodwork.

Nice oblique technique on calling me gay incidentally, you really got me me all flustered there.:erk:
Nice oblique technique on calling me gay incidentally, you really got me me all flustered there.:erk:
lol.. nah man, c'mon... i wasn't calling you gay..... i'm quite capable of oblique insinuation, trust me.. but this wasn't a case of that at all... actually i just wanted to make sure no one thought i was gay given how complimentary of your "man skills" i was.

oh u gotsta luv them internetz.....
Okay, I'll admit it, mine was an asshole post. I post asshole remarks when I'm drunk. It happens. I apologise.

But really, how many people on this forum can really consider themselves a "power user" of any DAW? I've been using Cubase for years and I still find features that make me regret all the time and effort I've been wasting. But then I've always been more interested in getting the mix finished rather than exploring the software. I've never used Pro-tools simply because I don't really see the point. Every piece of software has some killer feature that fans consider to be better than the competition but it's rarely as great as the proponents think in my opinion. And how many people are really proficient enough to tell? Thats why I consider these forum topics pointless. Because 9 times out of ten people will opt for raving over <FEATURE X> rather than sharing any TRULY useful information. Maybe some of you really have explored the options in that much depth, but damn I wouldn't want to spend the time doing that myself.

Best course of action is to pick one DAW and stick with it I think. It doesn't matter which one. Pro-tools is the audio IBM. Nobody will ever lose a job for being too good with Pro-tools. But is a Pro-tools wizard any better at his job than a Cubase wizard? I don't think so.