Why is this Kayo Dot album gay?

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I would check that one out, but I'm still scarred from Tartar Lamb so...

...wait, now I'm reading that Coyote is heavily influenced by Faith and the Muse. Ugggggh I am such a faggoth in my graying days.

Kayo Dot, I wish I knew how to quit you.
You have no idea how many times I have listened to that album. Probably 200 spins across a 6 year period.

Well okay now you know. Srsly though, I tried, and I still fuckin' hate it. Saw them live on that tour! Still: nope.
I still own it though!

That's why I keep CDs, I figure decades later it might click. I haven't heard that one in nearly a decade at this point.

So many albums/bands have taken me 15+ years to "get" that I hesitate to ditch anything anymore.