Why John hasn't made a statement

walking dead 666

Evil Walks
Mar 22, 2005
Montreal, Canada
I have a funny feeling that John Bush is still on the Anthrax payroll! I think he is being paid to stay at home and shut up! That’s why he no showed the La gig & hasn’t made a statement as of yet. He’ll be back.

What do you guys think?
Don't think so. "thrax doesn't have that kind of money to throw around. I think he just doesn't want to get caught up in all the nonsense just yet. At the least, his silence speaks volumes of the problems behind the scenes. His absense from the gig means it got ugly and he's out of 'Thrax altogether.
No disrespect WD666, but your think Charlie and the Ju are going to give up what they call their money?.... Even though John has stuck by them though the good and the bad. I feel sorry for him, but hopefully he'll back soon and with a something to prove. I can't wait.
Ya your probably right Mr.s8n. Although he really has nothing to prove. His vocal style has been revelent for over 20 years. I just hope he can ca$h in and make some real scratch. He really deserves it. If the real Anthrax is dead, bring back the Saint!
John has too much class to say anything bad about anyone, and what did your Mother teach you?? "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." He probably hasn't said shit because like the rest of us, he probably has no idea what the hell is going on!!!!! The last interview I read with him said that after his kid was born he wanted to get going on the recording of the next Anthrax album, well, it looks like Scott and Charlie fucked that one up. So I agree, Armored Saint needs to get something going, or John at least needs to do something. Either way, with Anthrax, Saint, or solo, he'll be back, and that's all that matters. I'm sure he's full on enjoying being a Daddy right now.
a little helpful hint to yall;
regardless of whether your job is mopping up piss in the mall bathroom or management in a fortune 500 company or being a vocalist for a musical group, if you get fired or laid off or whatever, NEVER bitch at the boss or air the laundry in public or anywhere it will go back to yer ex-employer.
it's called professionalism. you leave on best possible terms & it will allways work in yer favor. you hope to work for/with someone again and they are more apt to rehire you if your seperation wasnt volatile.
business connections that are familiar with your work will be more impressed hearing you handled the split well.
hearing you are threatening to sue your old boss is never a good sign to a new employer.

now wouldnt be the best time for john to say anything
it takes time to unwind
to let the dust settle
and let cooler heads prevail

only time that comes to my mind that a singer spoke about his getting replaced with true class & style, it was when iron maiden brought back bruce dickinson to get a higher $$$ offer for their bowie-bonds deal & ever maligned
blaze bayley's official statement about being fired was quoteing the lyrics to ol' blue eyes theme song.
and if ya dont know the lyrics to sinatra's my way, look um up-yer on a computer ya fucktard!
walking dead 666 said:
I have a funny feeling that John Bush is still on the Anthrax payroll! I think he is being paid to stay at home and shut up! That’s why he no showed the La gig & hasn’t made a statement as of yet. He’ll be back.

What do you guys think?

He's not getting paid to do nothing; you can be damn sure about that.
sknight said:
Don't think so. "thrax doesn't have that kind of money to throw around. I think he just doesn't want to get caught up in all the nonsense just yet. At the least, his silence speaks volumes of the problems behind the scenes. His absense from the gig means it got ugly and he's out of 'Thrax altogether.

He's at home with the Baby reading this right now laughing at dumbass's asking stupid questions like this!!!!:loco:
The funny thing is, if there wasnt an "internet" we would never get the opportunity to hear about things like why Billy Milano hates Anthrax so much, or why John Bush isnt doing Anthrax any more or how Warrel Dane was in the hospital...... Mostly rumors, but the truth will come out one day.... What someone needs to do is meet up with one of the guys in anthrax, get them loaded, and bring it up. They might even get the truth.

Oh by the way if you do, please post it here:Spin:
Hawng said:
What someone needs to do is meet up with one of the guys in anthrax, get them loaded, and bring it up. They might even get the truth.

Got this from blabbemouth.net:
I'm new to this board, so you may have seen it already....

FoundryMusic.com: I don't know if it's a touchy subject or not, but I've heard, and I don't know if it's a fact or not, that John Bush was asked to participate in the reunion but declined…

Scott Ian: "Yeah, that's not a touchy subject. The first call we made, Charlie [Benante, drums] and I, was to John, the first person we spoke to, because, look, John's the singer of ANTHRAX, and here's what we're planning on doing and our plan was to have John and Joey come out and do it and have both singers kind of split that up, and then probably do some stuff together as well at the end. So that was the initial idea. That was the plan we had in our heads. It was John who decided to step out of it and say, basically, 'You guys need to go do this. It's something that I don't want to be a part of. I wasn't there in the '80s.' And really what would be the point of him being in something he didn't feel he wanted to do? And you have to be honest about these things, that's the bottom line. If any of us didn't want to do it, this wouldn't happen. It just couldn't. Like if I felt weird about being in this reunion or anything, I wouldn't do it. Simple as that. I totally respect John for his decision, although I wish he was out there with us because I do miss the guy."

The entire article is here: