Why Men are Dumb


Mar 2, 2007
I want to talk about the dumb things men do, like assert themselves in pointless ways just to have presence.

I was at work and talking about the difference between the reproductive strategies of primates and other animals with a couple people, one of which was a 17-year-old boy.

I said, "primates go for quality. They'll have fewer babies but do more to make them survive, rather than try to have as many as possible-"

He cut me off with, "but that's any animal."

I then told him about the difference between nine months of pregnancy and years of care for a human versus frogs which lay thousands of eggs all at once, a lot of which get eaten before they hatch, and with most of the tadpoles getting eaten after.

He then repeated his point, so I let him have it.

Grinds my gears when people interfere with my monologues about animal reproduction just to have something to say.

Oh, and a great exchange I saw on Reddit:

If this is woman logic, then what is man logic?

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I don't know what your point was or the dude, but this is stupid and I guess this thread makes us understand women logic better.
He's wrong, there are r and K type reproductive strategies and some mixture inbetween.


I woudn't say he had this opinion just because he's male though. An uneducated female could have the same opinion. In my experience females are more likely to cling to wrong opinions than males (especially those treated as princesses by their parents). Or more likely to become emotional instead of accepting that they were wrong. I'm gonna chalk your scenario up to "that dude was just 17", normal teenager stubbornness and thinking they're right.
I think part of the reason men may act dumb is often tied into a need to maintain control over their lives and those around them. Larger than the similar need of women. Colleague a threat? Turn into a cocky alpha gorilla, that'll show the stupid nerd. Concerned you're unattractive? Cheat on your girlfriend. Now you have two chicks affirming your sexuality. Feeling sick? Be a way bigger fuckin drama queen than women about your wittle cold, so everyone is aware you're suffering and will treat you appropriately.

Men's general need to be overtly controlling and alpha is easily the dumbest thing about them. Everyone's going on about how to keep your bitch in place, how to make sure you're respected. I really don't understand how you can call yourself a real man and simultaneously give a shit about such pettiness. Shut the fuck up about how big your dick is and go chop some wood with it, pussy.
Feeling sick? Be a way bigger fuckin drama queen than women about your wittle cold, so everyone is aware you're suffering and will treat you appropriately.

A lot of stereotypes about dudes are spot on, but I frankly have no idea where this one comes from. Maybe it's from a time past, or I've just never been around the male demographic that is guilty of it.

Edit: And there's a significant number of women that have an intense need to control everything. Women just tend to take the passive aggressive manipulative route vs direct confrontation.
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Men don't think too much about things they're gonna do/say. I do that often too, especially when the topic's unimportant, stupid, boring, or just requires too much attention. Like your talk about primate reproduction. Srsly, who the fuck cares? I could be here thinking about how men are dumb, but I rather write this shitty post in a minute and go watch some TV. That's why men are dumb, because TV and internet.
I think part of the reason men may act dumb is often tied into a need to maintain control over their lives and those around them. Larger than the similar need of women. Colleague a threat? Turn into a cocky alpha gorilla, that'll show the stupid nerd. Concerned you're unattractive? Cheat on your girlfriend. Now you have two chicks affirming your sexuality. Feeling sick? Be a way bigger fuckin drama queen than women about your wittle cold, so everyone is aware you're suffering and will treat you appropriately.

Men's general need to be overtly controlling and alpha is easily the dumbest thing about them. Everyone's going on about how to keep your bitch in place, how to make sure you're respected. I really don't understand how you can call yourself a real man and simultaneously give a shit about such pettiness. Shut the fuck up about how big your dick is and go chop some wood with it, pussy.


Real alphas actually lead rather than acting like a gorilla. I personally stay out of the alpha/beta and general political BS altogether mostly due to a combination of overthinking things, not caring enough to get involved, and generally getting along with most everyone. Though my particular stance doesn't exactly impress the ladies either. Too little drama gets you no attention...
I actually agree with the op that he's describing a more male behavior. When you take male competitiveness and mix it with stupidity, the end result is some guy that replies "Nuh-uh, I'm right" over and over as his entire argument. See: The Butt. A woman might complain about mansplaining or gossip about him for disagreeing or call it verbal rape, but she's not going to be as combative or publicly obtuse.
I find it hilarious that you of all people are talking about stupidity in others. I actually laughed so hard I spit my pop everywhere.
All of this shit about whose the real man pisses me off. It's just balls. Retarded women like retarded men.
Men are better simply because I don't know of any women that can take down The Kurgan.

All of this shit about whose the real man pisses me off. It's just balls.

That's what "not-a-real-man" would say.

Women want security. After security they want fun. When the state provides the security, they can then just look for fun dudes for a fling, giving dudes little incentive to be "real men".