Why People Like Metal


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2011
Okay, recently, i have been wondering why exactly people like metal. And before anyone accuses me of being otherwise, i will say that i am a die hard metal fan. I am just not exactly sure why people (including myself) got into metal in the first place. What was it about the genre that was so attractive? Most people are immediately repelled by the mention of the genre, so its curious to me what exactly makes people intrigued by it.

I am looking for intelligent answers. Not ones like "its br00tlz" or "cause its awesome". Yeah. We all know its awesome. I am also not looking for stuff that we all already know. Like "cause everyone has different tastes". Im more interested in the psychology behind it i guess. Im not even sure if anyone here will have any answers for me, but its just something i am very curious about, so i thought id try.

Any intelligent answers are appreciated!
But anyways, I listen to metal for many reasons. I have always enjoyed classical for its non-repetitive compositions and the changes of intensity. The metal I listen to gives me this. I have never cared for lyrics at all, and enjoy instrumentals more than clear vocals. Guttural vocals blend in with the music to where I don't understand the lyrics, which makes me happy. I want the music to tell a story, not the lyrics. I also listen to different music to compliment my mood, and metal has it all: depressive, aggressive, melodic, etc. I am a lover of fantasy, and metal (especially black metal) can take me to far away places. I can get absorbed in the music. There are many other reasons for me, but that's about it for the important ones.
I like metal because it's Br00tlz and awesome, but everyone has different tastes.
I grew up on metal so it just became the type of music I gravitated to. I appreciate black, death, heavy/power, thrash, and doom metal in different ways, so I get most of my variety from the subgenres of metal. I do enjoy music from other genres, but I guess I just enjoy the metal approach best; Deliberately aggressive rhythms, heavily distorted guitars, and aggressivly barbaric vocals. Metal has its own aesthetic, its really hard to describe.
I got into black metal because I hate modern mainstream society and what it stands for. That was the only music I could find where people cared about the old, Pagan traditions of our lands.