

Never ever judge me....
Aug 15, 2001
west midlands
:( why is it no matter what band u like they always go comercial. im getting sick and tired of people dissin me for liking bands who have gone comercial when i enjoyed there music beforehand its not right you should be able to enjoy any music u like and not have people always putting them down..:mad: help :p
Hey John!

If the editor agrees to my idea about having a monthly editorial section where each of the writers gets to gob off about something metal-related once a month, you can bet this kind of thing will be the first subject I moan about. I'm not really much of a nu-metaller any more, but just because I'm moving away from it doesn't mean I'm particularly derisive of people who do like it. I remember a discussion on these very forums about nu-metal which basically startec going along the lines of 'Nu-metal isn't really metal, and it's fans aren't true metal fans. Only people who listen to the same bands we do are really metal fans.'

That kind of elitism shouldn't exist in a genre such as this - after all, we all receive enough bother from mainstream pop fans and the like as it is, without creating tension within the group by segregating into nu-metallers/death metallers/prog metallers/etc.
As far as I'm concerned, you could listen to Cannibal Corpse, Mr. Bungle, Dream Theater or Korn. It doesn't really bother me if people say I'm not a true metal fan because I occasionally listen to Green Day, Blink 182 and Less Than Jake - 'cause I can near enough guarantee that the people saying this would almost certainly not be able to stomach my Napalm Death, Nasum, Luddite Clone and Cryptopsy records.

Metal and rock in general is a musical style far too varied and diverse to narrow your tastes down into one small area. Everyone can find a way into different styles of metal through a single band - Morbid Angel got me into death metal, Nasum got me into Grindcore, Cradle Of Filth and Dimmu Borgir got me into black metal, etc. Snubbing people who listen to 'commercial' metal will only put them off the music, and prevent them from expanding their tastes into other, less commercial areas. In a way, metal elitism is hindering the growth of metal's popularity - who's gonna stick around and seriously get into metal when corpse-paint wearing, metal spiked snobs are mocking them for listening to 'popular' bands?

Sorry about the length of the message - must have used this as an oppurtunity to practice the first draft of my first editorial... hehehe...
Thats one thing that annoys me about many metal fans, the elitism. I find that a higher proportion of metal fans than any other genre look down on people who don't listen to metal, or to commercial metal. I know several people who were raving about Limp Bizkit, telling everyone how much they loved them, then as soon as they wen't commercial they started a hate campaign. Stoopid
I'm a true metal fan, but I never considered myself an elitist. Actually, it seems my musical tastes are ridiculed by everyone around me. But, I could care less.

I agree - music is an individually acquired taste. I too am tired of people bashing others for what they like. It's kind of a problem with the world in general - everyone thinks they are right, and the rest of us are wrong.

Oh well, when I hear crap like this going on, it flows in one ear and out the other. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. So go on enjoying your music, and let the others rant. It shouldn't change what you do.
over 70 views im impresed at least this forum hase a lot of trafic there are some that i have posted on that takes weeks for just 1 view thanks guyslink :grin: