Why The Fuck Is Satanism Related To Metal?!!

Gee, maybe because early metal bands sang about Satan? Venom did plenty, Maiden did a little, same with Sabbath, Mercyful Fate is supported by the Church of Satan, hell even the Rolling Stones and AC/DC support the Prince of Darkness (to some extent anyway). In case your definition of Satanism is what it tells you in the christian bible, take a peek at www.churchofsatan.com and see what it really is. You may also want to read an essay I wrote on the subject, found here
Well its correct as Brainkisser says here...
Alot of bands sing about satan, and during the early 90's (when Black Metal was really big here), several churches was burned down...and the fact that most Black Metal bands hailed Satan didnt really help on people's views on Metal and the Metal community...

Alot of people (at least here) has kept that view and they still see all Metalheads as Satanists and think that we sacrifice chickens in the name of Satan while we drink eachother's blood...
If people want to think that, then they are welcome to do so...but what I hate is being mistaken for a nazi just because I listen to Metal...
Being mistaken for a Satanist is ok, it doesnt bother me, seeing that quite alot of bands have songs concerning Satan...but a nazi...hell no!!!
Yeah, wasn't that from a trend in Black metal where NS philosophoes were included? With Varg, Bard Faust and those boys I seem to remember.

NP: Gorguts-Testomonial Ruins
You should check out the book Lords of Chaos for a history of the black metal scene. That will give you the whole story on the church burnings, murders, etc. Basically though, the idea at the time was to be as pure evil and as possible, and to bring that evil, pain, suffering, and missery to the rest of the world. Of course, as Ihsan commented, it wasn't much fun walking around trying to be ultra-grim all the time. I don't think politics as such got into things till a bit later on. I know Varg tried to write his own Mien Kamf (sp?) in jail, but it didn't exactly make him a new Hitler. (Damn good thing.)
He did write a book called Vargsmål...I don't think it's 100% race ideology but there's undertones all the way through it.
Geez, are you so dumb that you cant figure out why?

I think you once where home, listening to some metal, thinking of satan. And then one of youre friends came and said that all metalsongs arent about satan. So now you play smart, and pretends you cant figure out why... Pathetic ..
I wouldn't necessarily say that it is promoting satanism, but more so, promoting anti-christianity, which I am all for. The "christian" perspective of what satan is and looks like is often what is portrayed, when it is quite evident that they do not believe in Christianity, and therefore cannot believe in "satan" because satan is a christian entity. Granted, some bands do believe in Satanic practices and rituals, but it is more in the sense of true satanism (self worship), and not the biblical portrayal thereof. The usage of "satanic" imagery is a outlash against the christian moral majority... That's my 2 Cents at least. -n8
and about Lords of Chaos.... damn fine book... read it several times over during the boring holiday season at work.
I think a lot of it has to do with indulgence and "havin' a good time", Christianity stood as a pillar against this and placed metal in a Satanic status just to take a stand within its religion. A lot of bands saw this and ran with it and it developed to what it is today.
spaffe said:
where there blood in abundant quantities oozing out of them Patric? if so: hail satan.

Heheeh of course man, there was little kiddy fingers in them so obviously they did. Hail Satan and rubber nipple clappers..
I think some of it is put on. I really do. And I've done my different studies of many religious beliefs. And the fact I keep coming back to is religion and metal don't mix. Satanic thoughts, imagery, are the only time any religious beliefs have ever been acceptable. Partly because it teaches the "think for yourself", "question everything" thought process. Which is what metal is really about....definite exploration of things that other forms of music don't embrace.

The point of that is some of the satanic type lyric content, and actions are acts, meant to make one more "metal" or more "true" (gag). And some of it is real....there are people that live those beliefs. And its a form of hedonism, action without consequence, thus free reign of ones world. Others are satanic but still are funny and totally enjoy themselves while being respectful. It's all in who you are dealing with.

Either way, I don't tolerate excessive religion of any form in my music. A touch of the "think for yourself" and a little making fun of organized religion is fine...I like it. But when it's full blown, no matter what religion (and satanism is a religion, whether it's organized or disorganized) I don't like it at all! I do like the christians being exposed for the warmongering shits they are though. I really like that. :)

Just my .02 cents.
I agree with a lot that has been said so far, but there's one thing I want to add: The main reson that metal got in bed with satan is that it was something people reacted to. Who would have given Black Sabbath a second glance if they were called White Mass and sang about going to church and worshipping christ. People have had that beaten into their heads for 2000 years now, time for something new. A lot of the modern day black metal bands are driven to further extremes just because that's the way to get attention. From Black Sabbath to Venom to Mayhem... and so on. The thing during the 90's was to make people believe that you really were evil and really belived in satan. Attention granted, the whole thing just snowballed. And so it should be, exploring the extremes of music, philosophy and way of life has always been what rock 'n' roll / metal / death metal / black metal etc. are all about. However, saying that we metalheads are all 100% free thinking individuals is a lie, I mean we almost have a uniform: long hair, black leather. One should be wise anough to acknowledge that we do want to belong, and we do want to be seen. But we are not interested in the mainstream, we want to be out there, exploring the boundries of what is possible. Living in the middle of the road is just not living to us.
1.Becase God is Shit!!

2.All joking aside, I realise that Satan is a Christian belief, and so I believe if you are going to worship Satan why not worship God? It's just the other side of a really shitty coin (Christianity).

3.Christianity pretty much tried to destroy any religion worth paying attention to, so it's easy to associate with the Devil.

4.It also makes for good songs.

5. It does get attention, bands who sing about Jesus never usually get very far, anybody remember Stryper? Christian Metal :lol:

NP - Hell-Born - The Call Of Meggido :headbang:
And let's not forget that there's a huge difference between being anti religious and being Satanic. A band like Immolation, for example, can't be called Satanic.