Satanism and Metal

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
I don't knwo about other people, but I really hate the way that Satanism is associated with heavy metal as a whole. This may be accurate for various black/death metal bands trying to spread that sort of 'evil' image, but I really hate it how it has become associated with the music style.

I saw a book about the history of heavy metal music, and it was called 'Running with the Devil' - what the hell? That really annoyed me.

I'm not saying this to have a go at those bands who seem to constantly promote satanism (although I could), I just hate it how this stupid stereotype has spread into metal as a whole, when all I personally care about is whether the music is good, not how many pentagrams and inverted crosses a band can incorporate into their logos and shit.

Why can't it be about the music, not religion and 'how evil can we be'!
Yeah it sucks, but that's the way the world view heavy-metal. Sure, there's several cases where that is an accurate statement, but it's a stereotype nontheless.
Ive always thought it was nothing more than a joke- and I view satanism as nothing more than a return to nature. So, i ve always never minded it, at least it connotes some sort of rebellion with common society. Yes, it is pretty idiotic, but what are you going to do?

When I was a kid, like 15- or 16 I would derive great great pleasure tormenting the religious kids that had a vacation bible school next to my friends house. Ah, it was so fun to crank up slayer, or morbid angel- I think they were afraid of me- and I was doing it just to have fun.
I think Satanism is bad.

It also has little to do with metal. It's just a stereotype given by fearful Catholic school teachers and soccer moms to keep the children away.
I would guess "Running With The Devil" is from the Van Halen song - it's an eye catching title.
Satanism in metal doesn't bother me - the fact that metal fans are willing to think for themselves and not just be blind Catholic sheep is something to be encouraged I think.
If we could kill organised religion the world would be a less violent and stupid place.
It symbollizes 'rebellion' in a way. Most old conservative people see the image of satanism, and they run screaming.

Back in the 80's, bands like KISS and Motley Crue were accused of being satanists. I mean, what a joke. And so, just to further piss off these old complaining grandmothers, other bands started playing into the image of satanism a little more obviously: upside down crosses, animal sacrifices etc.

At the end of the day, it's a gimmick that turned into a stereotype.
'shout at the devil' a motley crue song, but they're not evil...

satanism is only assosiated with metal because of such songs as Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast... (that was the early references) now its more nowerdays because bands like slipknot brandish pentagrams etc...

but black metal bands are getting more pro-satan, and anti-christian,

but i think it sucks that all metal is badmouthed because of this, even though i do actually like black metal :)
But many metal bands do have a satanic or at least evil image.

Tongue in cheek maybe but to anyone looking in its easy to see why though anyone who takes it seriously needs their head examined
I have no problem with such lyrics. It's entertainment, and it's the same reason I prefer horror and slasher movies to most others. It's just more interesting to me. I would rather hear a band sing about satan, demons, dragons, vikings, valhalla, gore, whatever, moreso than 'deep' (said tongue in cheek) or political lyrics. Why? Because it is about the music, and I don't give a fuck what a band thinks. Satanic lyrics and such just blend in with the music and just seem to fit.
Satanism is just as blind as Christianity, same with every other "follow the leader" religion out there. Anton Lavey(not sure if that's spelled right) had an idea, and turned it into a belief-structure, big mistake for a respectable individual, and it's a living testament to how stupid people can be. If you belong to a religious group, I would gladly respect your ideals, but the fact remains that YOU ARE A FOLLOWER! Satanism isn't rebellion, in fact, it's the very thing that constitutes the opposite. Like every other organized religion, it has flaws, and anyone who actually believes EVERY WORD of it is too dumb, ignorant, or lazy to come up with their own ideals and morals. I've come up with my own religion, it's called individuality(or as I like to call it, Manny-ism). I would encourage everyone else to do the same.

Anyway, yes, the incorporation of satanism into metal is a tired stereotype. But nonetheless, it's a stereotype we must accept. I think most intelligent metal musicians either do it for the fun of it and don't take themselves too seriously, or aren't involved with it in the first place. Besides, It's the music that counts.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Satanism is just as blind as Christianity, same with every other "follow the leader" religion out there. Anton Lavey(not sure if that's spelled right) had an idea, and turned it into a belief-structure, big mistake for a respectable individual, and it's a living testament to how stupid people can be. If you belong to a religious group, I would gladly respect your ideals, but the fact remains that YOU ARE A FOLLOWER! Satanism isn't rebellion, in fact, it's the very thing that constitutes the opposite. Like every other organized religion, it has flaws, and anyone who actually believes EVERY WORD of it is too dumb, ignorant, or lazy to come up with their own ideals and morals. I've come up with my own religion, it's called individuality(or as I like to call it, Manny-ism). I would encourage everyone else to do the same.

Anyway, yes, the incorporation of satanism into metal is a tired stereotype. But nonetheless, it's a stereotype we must accept. I think most intelligent metal musicians either do it for the fun of it and don't take themselves too seriously, or aren't involved with it in the first place. Besides, It's the music that counts.

Ha ha, I came up with Aaronism when I was sixteen, my classmates all laughed about it, but then I realized they weren't taught to think for themselves, just what others want them to think.

I do not liste to overtly Satanic or Christian(or an other religion) bands, it distracts from the music IMO, I will take political commentary orpersonal philosphy any day over these idiotic topics, at least they are saying something, even if I do not agree with the message, at least it is a message and not the same old satanic drivel.
High On Maiden said:
I'm not saying this to have a go at those bands who seem to constantly promote satanism (although I could), I just hate it how this stupid stereotype has spread into metal as a whole, when all I personally care about is whether the music is good, not how many pentagrams and inverted crosses a band can incorporate into their logos and shit.

Why can't it be about the music, not religion and 'how evil can we be'!
Yeah I agree with you, I hate this stereotype as well but from my observations I've noticed that many metal fans actually seem to revel in it. I don't listen to music that's overtly satanic but you can't deny that there are some fans that really dig the 'evil' image, and in extreme cases, actually practice satanism. As long as they continue to be like that, then this stereotype will never go away.

I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of people who have committed occult crimes or church burnings listen to black metal. That is not to say that all fans of this music will do those things, as I will also be guilty of stereotyping if I said that. But it goes to show that some metal fans do actually live and breathe the ideologies they are exposed to in the music they listen to.

Some fans always complain about certain music not being evil and necro enough. In other words they enjoy the satanic association with it, they would hate it if metal was associated with more positive things anyway. This is one of the things I hate about metal. I personally think it should be more about the music as well and I wish there are more metal fans out there that share this mentality.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Satanism is just as blind as Christianity, same with every other "follow the leader" religion out there. Anton Lavey(not sure if that's spelled right) had an idea, and turned it into a belief-structure, big mistake for a respectable individual, and it's a living testament to how stupid people can be. If you belong to a religious group, I would gladly respect your ideals, but the fact remains that YOU ARE A FOLLOWER! Satanism isn't rebellion, in fact, it's the very thing that constitutes the opposite. Like every other organized religion, it has flaws, and anyone who actually believes EVERY WORD of it is too dumb, ignorant, or lazy to come up with their own ideals and morals. I've come up with my own religion, it's called individuality(or as I like to call it, Manny-ism). I would encourage everyone else to do the same.

Anyway, yes, the incorporation of satanism into metal is a tired stereotype. But nonetheless, it's a stereotype we must accept. I think most intelligent metal musicians either do it for the fun of it and don't take themselves too seriously, or aren't involved with it in the first place. Besides, It's the music that counts.
fuck u dude. Blind? haha I think not. and also to that guy up there that said Catholics are all blind sheep --- FUCK YOU WIT A RUBBER SPORK AND GOUGE OUT YOUR EYES AND SHIT IN THEM!!!!

you say you don't like stereotypes, yet you use them yourself. I am a devout Christian/Catholic person. I go to church every Sunday and I go to a Catholic high school. I actually THINK FOR MYSELF. I question quite a bit of my religion, but the facts are fuckin undeniable. they FOUND the tomb of Jesus over in the middle east, they found the head of Peter the apostle over there, they found the exact place where Jesus was crucified, they found the exact temple he taught in. dude if you actually READ up on some shit about us, you'd see we're not all following blindly. I question everything before it settles in and some stuff still hasn't settled, but I firmly believe in God. see, there are some of us who are smart enough to find things out on our own and not mindlessly follow God blindly.

yea, i get hella funny looks from pplz when they see me going to a catholic school, dressing normal, acting normal, but listening to black metal and melodic death metal. They're too dumb to throw out the stereotypes.
NocturnalSun said:
fuck u dude. Blind? haha I think not. and also to that guy up there that said Catholics are all blind sheep --- FUCK YOU WIT A RUBBER SPORK AND GOUGE OUT YOUR EYES AND SHIT IN THEM!!!!

you say you don't like stereotypes, yet you use them yourself. I am a devout Christian/Catholic person. I go to church every Sunday and I go to a Catholic high school. I actually THINK FOR MYSELF. I question quite a bit of my religion, but the facts are fuckin undeniable. they FOUND the tomb of Jesus over in the middle east, they found the head of Peter the apostle over there, they found the exact place where Jesus was crucified, they found the exact temple he taught in. dude if you actually READ up on some shit about us, you'd see we're not all following blindly. I question everything before it settles in and some stuff still hasn't settled, but I firmly believe in God. see, there are some of us who are smart enough to find things out on our own and not mindlessly follow God blindly.

yea, i get hella funny looks from pplz when they see me going to a catholic school, dressing normal, acting normal, but listening to black metal and melodic death metal. They're too dumb to throw out the stereotypes.

Mithras (pre dating Jesus by hundreds of years) was born on 25th December, many godmen had so called "virgin births", Dionysus turned water into wine at his wedding, Osiris-Dionysus had 12 apostles - the Christians wanted to create a Jewish version of the ancient pagan godmen so came up with Jesus. I suggest you read a bit deeper into your fantasy religion. Try "The Jesus Mysteries" or "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception", I'm sure they'll open your eyes.
Your comment about them finding Jesus tomb and Peter's head makes me think either A) You're having a laugh here, or B) You are as thick as fuck.
Try "Bloodline of the Holy Grail" too.

BTW What do you make of the gospel that says Jesus killed one of his boyhood friends in an act of anger?
I don't approve of this Christians vs. Satanists thing.

I am neither, yet I think for myself. I'm not a FOLLOWER. I am a person, and I like religion. I like the structure. I like the unity. I like the brotherhood and sisterhood it brings. I am not afraid to question my religion, but I do depend on faith to explain a lot of things.

However, tis being said, I admit I'm not neutral, because I think Satanism was created solely to rebel against Christianity and organized religion. Christianity wasn't created per se, it was actually predesigned by God and sent to the people.

BTW, Fuck the Devil.
anonymousnick2001 said:
I am neither, yet I think for myself. I'm not a FOLLOWER. I am a person, and I like religion. I like the structure. I like the unity. I like the brotherhood and sisterhood it brings. I am not afraid to question my religion, but I do depend on faith to explain a lot of things.
Well, if Satanism is also considered to be a religion of sorts, then the same attributes should apply to Satanists. They just worship a different ideology.

Christianity wasn't created per se, it was actually predesigned by God and sent to the people.
Only if you assume that God exists. I'm sure aetheists or darwinists would disagree wholeheartedly. You see, the problem with most Judeo-Christian followers is that they just assume that everyone believes in a "God".

BTW, Fuck the Devil.
Perhaps I'm playing devil's advocate?
Exactly. I think the vast majority of 'satanist' metal bands do the whole thing as a display of rebellion against the church, not for any personal issues of faith. If this is the case, it's a pathetic gimick, and is no better than Slipknot wearing masks and Korn advertising sports brands!

It's just to attract attention from rebellious young people!
anonymousnick2001 said:
I Christianity wasn't created per se, it was actually predesigned by God and sent to the people.


:lol: Wasn't created???!! Really, check out "The Jesus Mysteries" by Peter Freke and Timothy Gandy.
Christianity was created and manipulated ruthlessly by the Vatican to control the population - it's common knowledge.
"Saint" Paul has a lot to answer for - he turned a totally Jewish Messiah figure into something the real, historical, JEWISH Jesus would have hated, and CREATED the Christian religion in the process.
Christians amaze me with their ignorance about their own religion.