Satanism in Metal

Add Saint Vitus to the list. I've never checked out Place of Skulls but if I remember correctly Wino is in the band? I'd check MA but FUCKIMDRUNKSOFUCKOFFOK. Haven't heard Pentagram because I'm gay GOODNITE
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Not doom at all I know, but aren't Iron Maiden Christians?

I think they're Christians in the sense that America is a Christian nation. One or two of them practice it actively I think.

As with Satanism in Metal, it is cliche but Death and Black Metal were sort of built upon it so it's not far-fetched to see a lot of new bands still going along the older path. I think it's all interpration and how seriously it comes across. A band like The Crown has really cliche Satanic lyrics but I think it's purposeful and it makes the music "fun". Morbid Angel used Satanic lyrics to demonstrate their anti-society and anti-religious beliefs and a band like Emperor used Satanism to tell stories, talk about nature and mythology, etc.

The Pagan stuff has become more popular now, which is probably worse then Satanism. A lot of guys that "practice" Paganism are probably just looking for acceptance in the Metal scene. I can't put the pieces together how somebody hates and destests Christianity as a fallacy and then follows all of these gods out of mythology (depending on the type of Paganism) and calls the Christians, Jews and Satanists stupid,

I myself am a spiritual Christian I guess you would say but anti-Christian lyrics don't bother me and Metal helped open my eyes a bit to the follies of religious Christianity. If the lyrics are creative, well thought and well written I'll enjoy them despite what they may be about.
Yeah .. it has it`s roots back when music was good . If it wasn`t for the f****d up black metal bands who don`t really do music, there wouldn`t be satanism in metal bands today. And i think it`s a poor message to send to all the people out there . Because i care about the sound and lyrics , and they don`t have none of them ;)
son_of_northern_darkness said:
I agree Satanism is very cliched in metal these days, I hate the whole "666 is cool" thing.. but nonetheless, some bands which do involved Satanism are my favourites. It is kinda funny though, that to the best of my knowledge, the whole Satanism in lyrics idea came from Venom, who only did it because it was more extreme than singing about love or whatever, and the Scandinavians took it seriously.

If I am wrong about this, don't have a go at me, just correct me politely because I'm not 100% sure that was the situation.

fin_katla said:
Yeah .. it has it`s roots back when music was good . If it wasn`t for the f****d up black metal bands who don`t really do music, there wouldn`t be satanism in metal bands today.

Read Lucifer Rising by Gavin Baddeley for a good history of Satanism in Metal and Rock and Roll. Venom were definitely not the first to put Satan in their lyrics. Coven beat them to the punch by about 11 years with their first album, Witchcraft Destroys Minds and Reaps Souls. Included on the second side of the album is a recreation of a Black Mass.

Frostangelstorm said:
Singing about satan usually means that you have nothing important to deliver through the lyrics.

It depends how you do it. The early Venom lyrics are a perfect example of cheesy satanic lyrics without much to say.

el barto said:
Out of curiosity of all the bands with satanic lyrics how many are actually practising satanism as a religion. The only ones I can think of are dissection,watain,enthroned cant think of too many others that actually treat it a serious religion as opposed to a publicity stunt

Add Dave Vincent from Morbid Angel to that list. King Diamond was the first one to receive a lot of the first publicity regarding Satanism.

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Not doom at all I know, but aren't Iron Maiden Christians?

Nicko McBrain is. I think there’s one other member of the band is, but I can’t remember who.
Does it really matter guys.

Lets face it... how often is metal really producing lyrics that mean something. Death (which often has meaning), war and religion are all good themes but you know... vikings, DRAGONS and other things are a bit cheesy.

But does it really matter, I really wouldn't mind if my favourite group released an entire album as a concept album about the transformers meeting he-man, so long as the music rocked
I thought king diamond was just using satanism as an image. I can't recall him using satanism outside of mercyful fate even if he might wear upside crosses,etc.. on stage.
The Greys said:
I thought king diamond was just using satanism as an image. I can't recall him using satanism outside of mercyful fate even if he might wear upside crosses,etc.. on stage.

King Diamond is still a member in good (bad?) standing with the Church of Satan.
King doesn't have to talk about his beliefs because they're pretty well documented. Also, remember that King Diamond is not the same band as MF and he wanted to take things from a different angle.
Satanism was simply a marketing ploy in the 80's and early 90's. King Diamond was one of the only "Black metal" artists to take Satan seriously.

AC/DC, KISS, Black Sabbath, and even Slayer were just using it for attention.
Theycallmebones said:
Satanism was simply a marketing ploy in the 80's and early 90's. King Diamond was one of the only "Black metal" artists to take Satan seriously.

I wouldn't go as far to say that King Diamond was the only one who took it seriously. Just off the top of my head, both Garm (Ulver) and Ihsahn (Emperor) had an intelligent take on Satanism while many like Euronomyous seemed to go with the "Devil is red and stabs people with a pitch-fork" Satanism.

Satanism caught on with Metal mostly because it does not reflect mainstream beliefs and many Metal bands were trying to be distant from typical mainstream music. While some may take it seriously, others use it metaphorically or just do it because it's "cool".
Satanism in Metal, for the most part, is used merely to advocate a stark opposition to Christianity. It is, obviously, the inversion of Christianity, as Metal is such the inversion of society at large.
Theycallmebones said:
AC/DC, KISS, Black Sabbath, and even Slayer were just using it for attention.

Kiss never used Satanism in any of their myriad gimmicks. The only people claiming Kiss were Satanic were the right-wing fundamentalist Christian preachers.