Satanism in Metal

Take for example Bathory. The early years featured lyrics about Satanism etc which Quorthon later admitted was nothing more than a reaction to Christianity. Some bands probably use them seriously whereas some probably use them for an image or whatever. It's hard to tell I guess.
Dodens Grav said:
How about CRUSHING Christendom. Great fucking album. \m/


Actually I was referring to an Incantation album.
Satanic ideals in lyrics are very cliche, I agree, but then, as a musician, I've always held the music over the lyrics, so I've never cared all that much.

When it comes to lyrics though, I much rather prefer thought prevoking lyrics.
I don't think you can find it anywhere but

Actually, the band's newest CD comes with that entire CD as bonus tracks, so pick that up. It's called Infernal Lord. Don't expect to find it in any stores though.
ResistExistence said:
Satanic ideals in lyrics are very cliche, I agree, but then, as a musician, I've always held the music over the lyrics, so I've never cared all that much.

When it comes to lyrics though, I much rather prefer thought prevoking lyrics.

If it sounds good (to me), I'll listen to it. If I like the lyrics and it doesn't sound to bad, I'll listen to it. If it sounds good, and I like the lyrics, then that is even better.

Sometimes I put things I don't mind on my playlist just for... contrast? That's why I've got some of my father's Eric Clapton (sounds okay, softer than most of the rest of what I usually listen to).
Out of curiosity of all the bands with satanic lyrics how many are actually practising satanism as a religion. The only ones I can think of are dissection,watain,enthroned cant think of too many others that actually treat it a serious religion as opposed to a publicity stunt
I can say one is def. and that is Acheron. Vincent Crowley used to
be a reverend in The Church Of Satan and he personally knew the late
Anton Levay along with the singer of The Electric Hellfire Club. ( I know
they are a non-metal band)
el barto said:
I had a feeling you would know, any well known examples?
King Diamond is a Satanist

LaVeyan Satanism is not the same as Christian Satanism. I consider myself a LaVeyan Satanist, I believe that's what King Diamond practices too

Oh, and I know Garm from Ulver thinks highly of Satanism. He probably is one, but I'm not 100% sure