Satanism in Metal


Proceed to Ultraslamming
Feb 10, 2006
Toronto ON
Personally Satanism in metal doesn't bother me too much, because I am an atheist and don't believe in Satan. However I think it is kind of overused now. I'd rather hear about death or killing or war than Satan.

I can see that in '83 when Slayer put out Show no Mercy, it must of scared the pants off a lot of people, but if someone put out those lyrics now, everyone would laugh.

That's my take on the subject, what do you guys think?
Satanism was always kind of a goofy form of rebellion to begin with but it had its place, I feel like its pretty much played out now though. Not that Satanic lyrics would put me off a new band if the music was good.
Yeah, I agree that it has become a bit cliched, like love in pop.

A couple of other things: why do they all dress in black? I know that I dress the way I do* because it is what I feel comfortable wearing, but surely not all of them feel that way about what they wear.

I suspect it's just that they are conforming. Perhaps not to the mainstream sort of stuff, but conforming to a 'non-comformist' thingo means you are still conforming.

Please keep in mind that it is possible/easy to end up conforming to something without realising it.

While I think of it, is it just me, or is about all of the coloured clothing that is currently avaliable quite dull (rather than vibrant)?

*black hooded jumper -with hood up- + black cargo pants (that have quite a bit in their pockets at the moment) with a certian amount of looseness.

EDIT: late night (11:49) off-topic ramble! I need to get more sleep....
anonymouswierdo said:
A couple of other things: why do they all dress in black? I know that I dress the way I do* because it is what I feel comfortable wearing, but surely not all of them feel that way about what they wear.

I suspect it's just that they are conforming. Perhaps not to the mainstream sort of stuff, but conforming to a 'non-comformist' thingo means you are still conforming.

Please keep in mind that it is possible/easy to end up conforming to something without realising it.


And yeah, satanism is a bit over-done, but then again, there's very few new satanist bands that aren't considered jokes.
I agree Satanism is very cliched in metal these days, I hate the whole "666 is cool" thing.. but nonetheless, some bands which do involved Satanism are my favourites. It is kinda funny though, that to the best of my knowledge, the whole Satanism in lyrics idea came from Venom, who only did it because it was more extreme than singing about love or whatever, and the Scandinavians took it seriously.

If I am wrong about this, don't have a go at me, just correct me politely because I'm not 100% sure that was the situation.
Actually, in a recent interview, Cronos still sounded pretty serious about Satanism as a lifestyle. Not the whole hoofed demon satan, but the lifestyle itself, of self empowerment and so on.

A distinction can be made, although lyrically most bands seem to prefer the Christian interpretation of Satan.
People often ask me how a Christian fanatic like me can stand listening to lyrics with satanic content ? In the 70-80 talking about Satanism or supporting an ideology most people fear of (without even having a clue what it is) was considered a form of revolution. This is why I support people/bands that state their personal views when knowing that most people won’t agree. Anything is better than going with the flow.
Today Satanism is not much of a revolution since more and more embrace it. Still I respect all points of view and the right one has to express them !
Satanism is overdone. Yes
Satanism has become a trend. Yes.
Wearing black is conforming as well. Yes

Haha. True on all points, but basically the whole satanism in metal can be done just as well as it can be done really badly. Take the lyrics of Deathspell Omega and their take against Christianity and on Satanism. Sure, black metal started out with rebellion and tongue-in-cheek lyrics but great bands started to evolve from these ones and decided to take it in extremity(sometimes to the point of ridicule). To me, it doesn't matter if a band sings about Satanism, Chrisitianity or what not because what matters is the final product, as in great music and great lyrics. To me, that's what people should listen to music for and not what the ideologies of the bands are. If it were that, I'm sure you'd not want to listen to alot of music since alot of it is about sex, drugs, violence, rebellion, politics etc.

Conforming? I guess so, but isn't conforming human nature? What's individual and unique are ourselves and our opinions on different things, that's what makes us an individual. Fuck what everyone says about you and your music and how you dress. Just dress the way you want to whether it conforms to anything or not, and just listen to the music you want to even if it's crap. :D
Search "The Philosopher" Sub-Forum You will find lots of interesting views and facts about Satanism In Modern Metal.
I am a Christian and I listen to black metal and the like, but I appreciate the songs for the musicianship, and ignore the lyrics.

I will only stay away if the band names, albums, or song titles are along the lines of 'Decimate Christendom'.

Like what has been stated before, I agree that Satanism in lyrics and musical themes is just a more substantial form of rebellion that is easy to express.