Satanism and Metal

I thought it looked interesting until I read he blames it all on the Jews, despite the fact it's pretty well accepted these days that it was the Romans who were the instigators in the death of Jesus. The Roman influence was only played down because St Paul was preaching amongst a Roman populace so couldn't say anything bad about the Empire - so the Jews got the blame.
fuck u dude. Blind? haha I think not. and also to that guy up there that said Catholics are all blind sheep --- FUCK YOU WIT A RUBBER SPORK AND GOUGE OUT YOUR EYES AND SHIT IN THEM!!!!

you say you don't like stereotypes, yet you use them yourself. I am a devout Christian/Catholic person. I go to church every Sunday and I go to a Catholic high school. I actually THINK FOR MYSELF. I question quite a bit of my religion, but the facts are fuckin undeniable. they FOUND the tomb of Jesus over in the middle east, they found the head of Peter the apostle over there, they found the exact place where Jesus was crucified, they found the exact temple he taught in. dude if you actually READ up on some shit about us, you'd see we're not all following blindly. I question everything before it settles in and some stuff still hasn't settled, but I firmly believe in God. see, there are some of us who are smart enough to find things out on our own and not mindlessly follow God blindly.

yea, i get hella funny looks from pplz when they see me going to a catholic school, dressing normal, acting normal, but listening to black metal and melodic death metal. They're too dumb to throw out the stereotypes.

Heh heh, honestly, your response is laughable. So laughable even that I'm hesitating whether or not to waste my time and reply. Fuck it, as I always say, I'll enjoy proving you wrong. First off, I said the whole satanic/metal stereotype was tired. However, you obviously misquoted me because I never said I don't like stereotypes. I fucking love stereotypes! And I really pity all of those cautious individuals who can't drop the "political-correctness" for one second and say what's on their mind. Stereotypes are what allow the world to function, and without it, we would all be lost. Just admit it, without stereotypes, you wouldn't be able to make that calculating but money-saving decision to avoid black neighborhoods while walking home from school(Before anybody criticizes me on this, try living near urban Miami. :) ). It isn't politically correct, but it saves my ass everyday from getting jumped because I'm white. Therefore, I'm happy, my mom's happy, everyone's happy except the retards whom are too busy plaguing the world with their stupidity to get a fucking job instead of resorting to stealing from honest, hard-working individuals everyday.

So now then, just in case someone was offended by that, or it didn't hit them hard enough, allow me to paraphrase and offend you some more. I am a racist....why? Hmm...let's see, I hate blacks, jews, chinese people, europeans, south americans, white people...oh, that's right, I hate everyone. Hmmm...I guess I'm not really a racist after all, I'm a cynical asshole. Oh well, close enough. Most of the people on this planet are blatant wastes of flesh, anyway, why bother having them live on? You know what, do me a favor, as soon as you read this, just kill yourself. Do it in the name of God or something, like jump from a high elevation and land on a satanist or something. Then when you meet your divine creator, do me a favor and give him a little nudge to wake him up for me.

Anyway, please pardon my outlandish cynicism, but I really can't stand people like this asshole.

Anyway, Jesus, not Christ, but Jesus OF NAZARETH was indeed a real person. Perhaps that's who you're referring to. Yes, he had many followers, and yes he was crucified by the Romans, but no, I do not believe he was the son of God, nor do I fully accept the notion that God exists. I recommend you read Bertrand Russell's "Why I Am Not A Christian" as well as viewing some of the films mentioned earlier. I think it might help in putting your ignorant beliefs into perspective. And if the evidence is so "fuckin' deniable," as you so eloquently put it, then how come I'm denying it dumbass?

So who's going to see that new Mel Gibson movie, The Passion?

I can't wait, it looks so interesting. I saw the trailer and it immediately got to me, but last I heard, it's still having trouble finding an American distributor because of some alleged anti-semitic themes. I'll certainly be in line to see it when it does though...
hahaha your responses are far more laughable than you'll ever know.

Mithras (pre dating Jesus by hundreds of years) was born on 25th December, many godmen had so called "virgin births", Dionysus turned water into wine at his wedding, Osiris-Dionysus had 12 apostles - the Christians wanted to create a Jewish version of the ancient pagan godmen so came up with Jesus.
You are very uneducated and led astray aparently because if you had any idea what you were saying, you'd know that 'Christians' were not around back then. CHRIST hadn't come yet. I cannot even BEGIN to explain my religion in here because this is not the place for a theology lesson and you're definitely not one to have an open ear and a willingness to learn (notice I';m not asking you to CONVERT, just open your ears and throw away that shit you've forced into yourself). As I have said, Pagans and Christians did not exist back then. they were people on the earth and nothing more. the beginning of organized religion was when God appeared to Abraham (then Abram) in the desert several hundred years before Christ. Abraham is pretty much the founding father of organized religion, if you read up about him (though I doubt you will). point being, your story is entirely false and you really should question the bogus bs you're reading. get a background of who made it and his education level. A kid at 7 years old who's really bored could make up his own religion if he wanted to. The facts about Christianity are undeniable. I'm not gonna give you a religious lecture here, once again, so read up and educate yourself on my religion thoroughly before telling me what's right and what's wrong.

Try "The Jesus Mysteries" or "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception", I'm sure they'll open your eyes.
Your comment about them finding Jesus tomb and Peter's head makes me think either A) You're having a laugh here, or B) You are as thick as fuck.
Try "Bloodline of the Holy Grail" too.
I almost died lauging at this one. you appear to me as one of those self-deluded easily persuaded fools. Did it ever occur to you that 60% of all books are made solely on the opinion of the author? As a product of Catholic schools, I know what's real about the whole story of Jesus and God. I know for one that Jesus Christ and Jesus the Nazarene are one and the same. how you got these 2 as 2 seperate people is beyond my thinking. in the bible, jesus is referred to by MANY names. that doesn't mean there was 2 Jesuses.

BTW What do you make of the gospel that says Jesus killed one of his boyhood friends in an act of anger?
this is by far the funniest ever. Even I question some aspects of my religion, but it is certain that Jesus was completely SINLESS. He was God's only son. How the hell could Jesus kill a boyhood friend? show me this article and granted, I'm gonna have to beat ur ass down with some serious religious discussion on this one, but I wanna know just how the hell someone came to this conclusion? they're either uneducated like yourselves or are simply far too pissed off at organized religion in general to even try to listen to anything they say.

yes, i know you'll probably reply to me stating well look at yourself fucker, you're forcing Christianity on me. A very valid point, but I live in the United States of America and last time I checked, our currency says "In God We Trust" and our pledge to the US Flag states "One Nation Under God." and I'm glad they do.
Most of the people on this planet are blatant wastes of flesh, anyway, why bother having them live on?
...and you're better I suppose?

I recommend you read Bertrand Russell's "Why I Am Not A Christian" as well as viewing some of the films mentioned earlier. I think it might help in putting your ignorant beliefs into perspective. And if the evidence is so "fuckin' deniable," as you so eloquently put it, then how come I'm denying it dumbass?
talk of eloquently and yet you can't even say 'indeniable' right... yay go public school education wohoo ^_^. anyway I got a tip for you in exchange for your tip to me to go read this book/article thing. Go take a religion lesson! Don't like my advice? I have no interest in yours either. WOW!!! we're back where we fuckin started!!!
JayKeeley said:
So who's going to see that new Mel Gibson movie, The Passion?

Actually I want to. It does look well composed but I wonder how the public will take a movie without subtitles.

And yes, the Catholic Church is not God's or Jesus's church, it is Paul's Church.
NocturnalSun how can you put so much faith in so many of the biblical sources being reliable since they are thousands of years old? Did you ever see a program series about Jesus on Channel 4 (UK)? It was fasinating especially the part about Judas. They suggested that Judas did not betray Jesus at all. Infact Jesus asked Judas to 'hand him over' to the authorities. Then before he was captured when he sweated blood they showed that in rare cases when people antisipate something fearfully (in this case his capture and execution) some individuals have been recorded to literally sweat blood. He would have know about his capture and death in advance as he had told Judas to hand him over. Makes me think how so many events can be mistaken/misinterpreted/twisted. How can so many of them be exact?

Just a thought anyway, please don't kill me- i wanna watch the A Team tomorrow on UK Gold.
...and you're better I suppose?

Of course I am, I fucking rule!

talk of eloquently and yet you can't even say 'indeniable' right... yay go public school education wohoo ^_^. anyway I got a tip for you in exchange for your tip to me to go read this book/article thing. Go take a religion lesson! Don't like my advice? I have no interest in yours either. WOW!!! we're back where we fuckin started!!!

Oh no! Everybody stop everything! It seems I've made a minor typographical error, therefore the world is doomed and the fact that I've spelled a word incorrectly is infinitely more important than the fact that you basically didn't respond to anything relevant I said, but instead decided to point out an irrelevant spelling error to make you look as if you deserve some sort of credibility! Well, I guess it's not a total loss on your part, at least you can say you know how to spell better than I do...oh no wait, you don't even have that, because "indeniable" isn't even a word! It's "undeniable," genius! Way to go, you've not only failed in returning to me an intelligible response, but you've failed in correcting MY very own error! Congratulations, dumbass.

You see the bullshit I'm forced to put up with everyday? Un-fuckin'-believable!
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Of course I am, I fucking rule!

Oh no! Everybody stop everything! It seems I've made a minor typographical error, therefore the world is doomed and the fact that I've spelled a word incorrectly is infinitely more important than the fact that you basically didn't respond to anything relevant I said, but instead decided to point out an irrelevant spelling error to make you look as if you deserve some sort of credibility! Well, I guess it's not a total loss on your part, at least you can say you know how to spell better than I do...oh no wait, you don't even have that, because "indeniable" isn't even a word! It's "undeniable," genius! Way to go, you've not only failed in returning to me an intelligible response, but you've failed in correcting MY very own error! Congratulations, dumbass.

You see the bullshit I'm forced to put up with everyday? Un-fuckin'-believable!
The history of Jesus is quite interesting, so much so, I decided to read a great deal about it ( hey when one denies the belief in god, its good to know he didnt exist). First let me list some authors Ive read on the subject- Holger Kersten, Bart Ehrman, Joel Carmichael, and Gabriele Boccaccini- plus two more I forgot to write down.

Anyway there are so many conflicting theories and folk stories, it is incredibly hard to find any real concrete evidence; but the evidence thaty does exist is quite damning to Christianity. Only one historical reference to Jesus exists- that of the jewish historian Joshephus, writing in 90 ad. Its believed even by conservative christian scholars, that the catholic church may have even tampered with the one line on jesus that exists. The only backing reference is that of John the baptist being in Joshephus as well.

Truly though, there are so many theories, all that hold some kernel of truth. Someone already mentioned the ties between the mytholigical greek and epytian gods- with jesus- some authors go so far as to suggest Jesus never did exist- and was only molded in the form of various greek gods. Others point out that the Essenes of the desert, of whom the dead sea scrolls are attributed, apparently they had a spiritual leader who taught the very same gospel as Jesus, and did so throughout Israel- yet the problem was- this was 100 bc. So, many have suggested this could have been jesus- and a very jewish one at that- as even in the early christian writings before the first gospels, there is only mention of the spiritual jesus- not a historical one- leading many to believe a sort of legend grew around the jesus from 100 bc.

Anyway here is an interesting history- from more of a manchaen, nazarene cult perspective

Christians originated as one of the Nazarene cults. Unfortunately, the various historical accounts of Jesus are highly unreliable and mutually contradictory, and many of the stories associated with him may be an amalgamation of folk-tales about several different Nazarene leaders and wholly fictional accounts (based on widespread myths in circulation at the time) written many decades after the alleged events described. As best as can be determined, Jesus appears to have been a renegade Mandaean who claimed to be a descendant of the royal house of David, the anointed ("messiah" or "christos") king of Jewish prophecy who would conquer the world. There are also strong indications that Jesus also claimed to be an incarnation of a "wisdom of life" that the Mandaeans equate with god.

Jesus's political pretensions were cut short at a crucial stage in his career when he entered Jerusalem in preparation for a coup against the Herodians, only to be betrayed by one of his own followers. Jesus was arrested and crucified, but to the dismay of the Roman/Herodian authorities, Jesus survived the crucifixion (possibly with the connivance of the commander of the Roman troops handling the crucifixion, who later became a Christian bishop in Cappodocia), and after his resuscitation was seen leaving the tomb-chamber assisted by two other Nazarenes. As the startling news of Jesus's resuscitation spread, his brother James announced that Jesus had been miraculously resurrected and that he had been personally deputized by Jesus to lead the Nazarenes as their "bishop of bishops" until Jesus's return (which was supposed to take place within a single generation of his original ministry). James's claim to leadership was accepted by most of the recent Nazarene converts, as he was the heir apparent to Jesus and thus next in line to be King of the Judeans. There is some evidence that Jesus meanwhile fled to Syria and then eastwards out of the Roman Empire, where he continued his teaching and faith-healing for many decades in Iran and Kashmir. A possible tomb of Jesus is located in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir.

While James's sect in Jerusalem was largely destroyed by his execution and the flight of his followers from Judea prior to the Roman sacking of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., as well as the systematic campaign carried on by the Romans to kill the families of all messianic claimants, a missionary to non-Judeans by the name of Saul of Tarsus (also known by his latinized name Paul) transmitted a less militant form of Christianity to various cities in Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Rather than stressing Jesus's messianic role as a Judean world conqueror, Saul claimed that Jesus was not just a mere mortal from the house of David, but one of the immortals who shortly after his resurrection had ascended into heaven. Saul portrayed Jesus as a miracle-working demi-god, the son of the traditional Judean deity, who had come for the salvation of all mankind and not just Judeans. With this dejudaizing process initiated by Saul, Christianity could be made acceptable to non-Judeans, who otherwise would have had no reason to feel any loyalty towards a Jewish messiah.
yes, Judas did portray him. You may have gotten the fact confused that at thelast Supper, Jesus told the apostles that 'the one that breaks bread with me will be the one to betray me.' It is noted that Judas was the one who did that. Jesus did not say to Judas 'I want you to tell the authorities'. Jesus knew everything that was going to happen to him before it did. also, about the sweating blood issue... who are these individuals? I'd really like to know. Jesus sweated blood because he WAS human, like us, and because he was confused as to why he had to die on the cross. He even cries out on the cross 'Eli, Eli lema sabbacthani?' which means My God My God, why have you abandoned me?. I'm not going to discuss this further unless you pm me because with all the satanic and atheist people here, I'd much rather not talk about my religion, because my words are falling on deaf ears here. if you're open to learn a tiny bit about Christianity, I can tell you a little bit, but not nearly as good as a qualified religion teacher, so Benzine there ya go. pm me if u wanna know more
ahh speed you're thinking like a Scientist. The very fabric of faith involves belief in the unknown, which Science does NOT conform with. They have a I'll Believe It If I See It policy. That's the reason most people who are atheists are atheists. Because they don't have the strength to believe in the unknown or are simply too pissed off at the idea of that that they purposely want to be different, so they seem to fit the societal niche of ATHEIST quite comfortably. I have no problem with this, as this is a HUGE world with tons of beliefs. I will believe what I want and you will believe what you want. this thread is quickly becoming a religious debate between monotheism and atheism instead of keeping to the main point, why satanism is associated with metal. Please try to stay on topic, as I don;t have the time or patience to explain the whole area of Christianity to you. I went to Catholic school from kindergarten up until now (Sophmore year in high school) and I still don't understand some things and there are some things I question still. I am however a firm Christian follower so unless you want me to piss you off further with more religious discussion, try to stay on topic please.
NocturnalSun said:
yes, Judas did portray him. You may have gotten the fact confused that at thelast Supper, Jesus told the apostles that 'the one that breaks bread with me will be the one to betray me.' It is noted that Judas was the one who did that. Jesus did not say to Judas 'I want you to tell the authorities'. Jesus knew everything that was going to happen to him before it did. also, about the sweating blood issue... who are these individuals? I'd really like to know. Jesus sweated blood because he WAS human, like us, and because he was confused as to why he had to die on the cross. He even cries out on the cross 'Eli, Eli lema sabbacthani?' which means My God My God, why have you abandoned me?. I'm not going to discuss this further unless you pm me because with all the satanic and atheist people here, I'd much rather not talk about my religion, because my words are falling on deaf ears here. if you're open to learn a tiny bit about Christianity, I can tell you a little bit, but not nearly as good as a qualified religion teacher, so Benzine there ya go. pm me if u wanna know more

Portray him? Betray methinks. I am not confusing it with anything, i watched a series about it and it was presented clearly and logically. It really made me think 'hey that makes sense' You'd have to see it really to understand what the point is it makes.

To keep to the topic:

blah blah.....satan....and metal....yeah.....totally. Hmm, metal. Yeah. Associated....satan. Yeah.
and also, I corrected you on that spelling error because it was a QUOTE from me. Quotes are the exact words of somebody and the way you phrased it you would have contradicted yourself in that setence by saying that I said "its fuckin deniable" and then stating that what's in those quotes is true. Sentence structure, man. get quotes right or it won't sound right when somebody reads it. ok?
yes, I got a spelling error there because I didn't put Un where IN was. the word sounded right to me, and I didn't have the time to look it up. I made a tiny spelling error. You, my friend made an error that made the whole sentence off. at least when someone sees indeniable, they get the drift of what I'm trying to say.
Nocturnal Sun - I fully understand your Belief Argument- but I do think the actual history of jesus is important in understanding why you have such a belief. Surely if you did some thinking or reading on the subject- one would see just how strong the powers of not only judaic revolutionarism, but of Greek and Egyptian religious and spiritual beliefs- and finally the total incorporation of neoplatonism into Christianity by Augustine, and Tertullain. These are important ideas- ones that should be understood, before one is to blindly believe in a messiah.
You know what, this really isn't worth debating anymore. We've gone from a somewhat intelligent conversation about organized religion(minus of course you telling me to fuck myself), to a pointless quarrel about spelling errors. Since I obviously am so much better than you, this isn't worth my precious time.
ahh speed you're thinking like a Scientist. The very fabric of faith involves belief in the unknown, which Science does NOT conform with. They have a I'll Believe It If I See It policy. That's the reason most people who are atheists are atheists. Because they don't have the strength to believe in the unknown or are simply too pissed off at the idea of that that they purposely want to be different, so they seem to fit the societal niche of ATHEIST quite comfortably. I have no problem with this, as this is a HUGE world with tons of beliefs. I will believe what I want and you will believe what you want. this thread is quickly becoming a religious debate between monotheism and atheism instead of keeping to the main point, why satanism is associated with metal. Please try to stay on topic, as I don;t have the time or patience to explain the whole area of Christianity to you. I went to Catholic school from kindergarten up until now (Sophmore year in high school) and I still don't understand some things and there are some things I question still. I am however a firm Christian follower so unless you want me to piss you off further with more religious discussion, try to stay on topic please.
I do agree, but I really do want to know what Satanists' problem's are. Most of the ones on this board who have openly admitted it have been big assholes too. I being 'cynical' part of their religion? Correct me if I'm wrong.

As far as Christianity being a big fake, I can't vouch for that or prove it false. Actually, I could care less, cause I'm a Muslim, so if some smart-ass comes along and recommends 500 books on why Christianity is fake, fine, but you've still got me and my 1500 years of miracles to fuck with, and you will lose.

God, Allah, The Lord, whatever His name may be to you(The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful), uh, that's THE way to go.

I don't like how metal and Satanism go hand in hand either...
@ Nocturnal Sun

First off, how do we know what was said at the last supper? Because as far as I know there are a total of 5 Gospals. One of which is locked away in the Vatican for fear of another Schism, the other 4 were written years apart and after the death of Jesus and his aparent rise to heaven. All of which at times are staggeringly different from each other.

Next, this "'Eli, Eli lema sabbacthani?" thing has me quite confused. Christian teachings state that Jesus, as the messiah, is part of God - the one third of the Holy Trinity which is the Son. If that is so, he, being that third part, would know that he was going to die to reopen the Gates of Heaven. So why then would he cry out to God and thus himself, if he is indeed the Messiah, for this betrayal?