Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

A pagan is not a christian, jewish, or muslim, this is not saying paganism does not have any kind of beliefs/a god were say an atheist does not believe period.

"a person who does not acknowledge your God"

"not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam"
I think Pagan is more of a Wiccan type beleiver. Agnostic is the word I use for people who don't know what to believe or believe in nothing, neither that there is a God or that there isn't.
1. I'll listen to anything, I don't care if it's Satanic or not. As long as it kicks ass.

2. See above.

3. I'm not religious, in fact I'm Atheist, so . . . I dunno. I find worshipping Satan a bit extreme, but what ever. It's a religion just like Christianity, so . . . I'm not going to whine about something I don't even believe in. If it makes them feel good about their lives, then, go for it. Satan, God, Jesus, Allah, who ever you worship, I don't give a rats ass. Just don't try to pull me into it.
1. I'll listen to anything, I don't care if it's Satanic or not. As long as it kicks ass.

2. See above.

3. I'm not religious, in fact I'm Atheist, so . . . I dunno. I find worshipping Satan a bit extreme, but what ever. It's a religion just like Christianity, so . . . I'm not going to whine about something I don't even believe in. If it makes them feel good about their lives, then, go for it. Satan, God, Jesus, Allah, who ever you worship, I don't give a rats ass. Just don't try to pull me into it.

that's it.
I think Pagan is more of a Wiccan type beleiver. Agnostic is the word I use for people who don't know what to believe or believe in nothing, neither that there is a God or that there isn't.

Depends on your definition of pagan. There are thousands of different types of 'pagan' religions, there are also many different definitions of the word 'pagan'. Usually the general term applies to non-monotheistic beliefs and/or beliefs in the 'old traditions' (i.e. polytheistic gods) of cultures around the world. Wicca (imo) is nothing more than a watered down version of Christianity claiming roots in watered down Celtic traditions.

Agnostic ranges from strong agnosticism to weak agnosticism - basically as you said though, they aren't solidified in their belief or non belief in a deity (although they certainly should have an opinionon the subject).
niether is anything else, really.

Yes they do. I can only tolerate stuff like Mercyful Fate.

I listen to metal for a lot of reasons. I DO NOT listen to metal that dogs my religion.
Faithful me
Pour yourself
Into me

Wield your power
Martyr's price
Stare me down
To the ground

The eyes of the devil
Fixed on his sinners

Slake my thirst
Eternal wealth
Heathen key
Round my neck

This poetry
Our blasphemy
Know the sounds
Of infamy

The hands of Satan
Assembling his flock
The pale horse rider
Searching the earth

Whispered conjuration
A belief takes form
Choking hand tapping
The veins in your throat

His orders in your mouth
A decree for domination
Beneath the tides of wisdom
Spins the undertow of hate

Injected seeds of vengeance
Usurper's eyes on the powerless
Clean path to his kingdom
Beconing in the mist

The grand conjuration

Tell me why
Love subsides
In the light
Of your wish

Say my name
Ease the pain
Clear the smoke
In my head

(Opeth -- the Grand Conjuration. Shut the fuck up.)
stop posting pussy ass lyrics

Impale the body, scares of his flesh, hung up to die on the crucifixion, bleeding to breathe, cursing at god...Why!!!!!!!

The glory resurrection; live in wounds of recollection,
Who take his will unreasoned, naivete inside soul defeated?
Lascivious redemption, justify thy vile absence,
Propagate his aggression as you use his words as weapons.

Lies now have you lost, the worthless cause of the crucifixion.
The sanctity, to hang and bleed, and in the form of a human cross.
Blind by prophecy, his bible fiend, a bloody sword of his fantasy.
Tried for heresy, and sacrilege, to bare the scars of the crucifix.

You walk alone with Jesus, in a world of non-believers,
Humiliated savior, Is thy son of heavens failure,
For ever left undone, on the cross for everyone,
His words of god unheard, he is dead and not concerned.

God fatality, the life recedes on the cross of his sign,
Finality, in search of peace, to beg and plead for the end that will be,
The light descends, when suffering, impaled again for your blasphemous lies.
Resented death, his sins confessed, accept the scars of the crucifix.

Sad in your sorrow, withered within, stand in the shadow of all of our sins, you are the son, choke on his blood...Die!!!!!!

deicide - scars of the crucifix :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nick Cave - Saint Huck

Born of the river,
Born of its ever-changing,
Never-changing murky water
Oh riverboat just rollin' along
Through the great great greasy city
Huck standing like a Saint, upon its deck
If ya wanna catch a Saint,
then bait ya hook, let's take a walk...

'O come to me!, O come to me!' is what the dirty city
say to Huck... HUCK

woah-woah, woah woah!
woah-woah, woah woah!
Saint Huck! Huck!

Straight in the arms of the city goes Huck,
down the beckonin' streets of op-po-tunity
whistling his favorite river-song...
And a bad-blind my pals at the piano
Buts a sinister blue lilt into that sing-a-long
Huck senses somthing's wrong!

Sirens wail in the city,
and lil-Ulysses turn to putty
and Ol Man River's got a bone to pick!
and our boy's hardly got a bone to suck!
He go, woah-woah, woah woah!
woah-woah, woah woah!
Saint Huck! Huck!

The mo-o-o-on, its huge cycloptic eye
watches the city streets contract
twist and cripple and crack.
Saint Huck goes on a dog's-leg now
Saint Huck goes on a dog's-leg now

You know the story!
Ya wake up one morning and you find you're a thug
blowing smoke rings in some dive
Ya fingers hot and itchin, ya cracking ya knuckles
Ya bull neck bristling...
Still Huck he ventures on whistling,
and Death reckons Huckleberry's time is up,
O woah woah woah!
Saint Huck!
O woah woah woah!
Saint Huck! Huck!

Yonder go Huck, minus pocket-watch an' wallet gone
Skin shrink-wraps his skeleton
No wonder he gets thinner,
What with his cold'n'skinny dinners!
Saint Huck-a-Saint Elvis, Saint Huck-a-Saint Elvis
O you recall the song ya used to sing-a-long
Shifting the river-trade on that ol' steamer
Life is but a dream!

But ya traded in the Mighty ol' man River
for the Dirty ol' Man Latrine!
The brothel shift
The hustle'n'the bustle and the green-backs rustle
And all the sexy-cash
And the randy-cars
And the two dollar fucks
O o o ya outa luck, ya outa luck
Saint Huck! Huck!

This is the track of deception
leads to the heart of despair
Huck whistles like he just don't care
but in the pocket of the jacket is a chamber
Lead pellets sleeps in there
Wake Up!

Now Huck whistles and he kneels
and he lays down there
See ya huck, good luck
A smoke ring hovers above his head
And the rats and the dogs and the men all come
and put a bullet through his eye
and the drip and the drip and the drip of the Mississippi cryin'
And Saint Huck hears his own Mississippi just rollin' by him