Favorite Lyrical Themes in Extreme Metal

Lyrical Preference

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Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
Despite the violent and aggressive sound of the music, a great number of black/death/extreme metal acts have covered a wide range of lyrical concepts, while the majority have stuck with the norms of satanism, gore, and misanthropy.

Some recent discussion has prompted me to assess our community's preferences toward lyrical concepts in extreme metal. Feel free to name some bands with rather unique themes, or specific concepts.

Personally I prefer themes of apocalypse, space, and philosophy. Lyrical themes do not play a significant role when I look for new bands to listen to, but I admit I have my predilections.

If I missed anything major in the poll choices, mention it, but don't bitch at me for not having it in the poll.
I enjoy anything that is slightly out of the norm - whether it's ancient cultures - philosophy - depression - loss - space - political

morbid angel

etc... - though most of the time I don't really care for death metal lyrics assuming they are not ridiculous (like mallcore/nu metal lyrics) - but it is always a bonus to be able to write about something intelligent - and tell a story (like opeth)
Prob my favorite lyrical theme is apacolypse, such as bands like Krisiun, especially their album "Conquerors of Armaggedon".

Also I like lyrics about death, such as Death's "Scream Bloody Gore" and "Leprosy".

I also like lyrics about ancient religions, ancient gods, and ancient beliefs, such as bands like Nile, Behemoth, Hate Eternal.

edit: Good poll :kickass:
Spiritual/Mythological/"Emotions"/Literature based lyrics tend to what I prefer.

Lykathea Aflame, Stargazer, The Chasm, Phlebotomized, and Garden of Shadows for example.

Songs about nature also. Things you can touch and see. I like looking at clouds and the moon and being outside in the dark and like music that reflects that.
Probably philosophical/spiritual/abstract-type lyrical themes are the best to me. But ANY of the theme-types mentioned in this thread are favorable to me as long as they are presented in a well-articulated manner.

I especially like the themes expressed lyrically with lots of metaphors and detail, which is probably why I consider the lyrics of the following bands to be the best-written that I have seen: At the Gates, Summoning, The Chasm, newer Deathspell Omega (most complex satanic lyrics ever?), Atheist, Aeternus, Carcass (perfect example of a band who puts a comical yet intelligent take on the gore/death theme), Arghoslent (whether you're offended by their lyrical approach or not, their lyrics are better-written than your average offensive band), Dark Tranquility, older In Flames (no matter what you think of them musically, they had thoughtful lyrics back in the day), etc, etc.... the list could go on.
I enjoy weird lyrics. Lyrics that make you go "Well what the fuck does that mean?" good stuff

followed closely by misanthropy, nature and a bunch of other wank